This is the second chapter of this two-shot! Now what will Abby do? And what will the rest of the team say to this huge fight in the middle of NCIS? What will Ducky say? And most importantly, will Gibbs be able to fix things with Abby?


Before she let the tears fall from her eyes she walked through the crowd of people that had gathered to see the big fight and she disappeared down the stairs with Tony running after her, yelling, "Abby! Wait!"

Gibbs was still staring at the exact spot where Abby had been when a sharp slap across his face brought him back to reality. He looked up in anger and saw Ziva standing there, an equally angry look on her face. "How dare you?" She hissed, and Gibbs opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water.

"I…I don't even remember that…"

"That is what your precious alcohol does to your brain, Jethro," Ducky said disappointingly, and Gibbs turned to him.

"How can I remember?"

"Think hard," Ducky advised him, and then stepped back into the elevator.

As Gibbs went back to his desk and buried his face in his hands, Abby was striding to her car, the tears falling thick and fast down her cheeks. Tony was still chasing after her, but she could walk fast in her black platform boots.

"Just leave me alone, Tony," Abby said miserably, and Tony finally caught up to her.

"No way in hell, Abbs," He said, and pulled her into his arms. "I'll take you to my apartment so he won't be able to find you if he goes looking," Tony added, and Abby mumbled into his chest,

"Thank you, Tony,"

"Anytime, Abby," Tony replied, and she climbed in his car. "So, what shall the theme be tonight? Scare-the-crap-out-of-you theme, romantic-lovey-dovey-crap theme, heartbreakingly-sad theme…"

"Can we watch funny movies tonight?" Abby asked in a small voice, and Tony grinned.

"Of course. I even bought a new box of popcorn so we are set for the entire night."

"Awesome." Abby said with a smile, and Tony reached over, taking her hand and squeezing it.

I'm just trying to understand

It's all in someone else's hands

There's always been a bigger plan

That I don't need to understand

While Abby and Tony prepared themselves for a fun-filled movie night, Gibbs kept trying to remember through the alcohol haze. Finally as he was getting up to go home, it hit him: Lt. Col. Mann had tried to get him to go for her, but finally he had gotten so annoyed that he pushed her against the wall, told her to leave him alone and go home. She spewed some bad things about Abby and then left, slamming all the doors. Gibbs proceeded to get rip-roaring drunk, and then the rest is history.

"Dammit!" He swore just as Ducky walked up.

"I assume you remember?" Ducky said, and Gibbs nodded angrily.

"I was pushing Mann away, I wasn't going to sleep with her. She annoyed the hell out of me so I was trying to make a point, and then she called Abby a slut and some other things and I ordered her out of the house. She left, but she wasn't happy,"

"I can imagine," Ducky murmured, and then leveled his gaze at Gibbs. "You do know what you have to do now, don't you?"

"Yeah, but I imagine she's either at Tony's watching movies, at Ziva's learning how to torture me or at McGee's playing some fancy computer game."

"Well, then I suppose you'll be alone for tonight. Payback for hurting Abby," Ducky said with a slight smile, and then left. Gibbs groaned and got ready to leave himself, but his brain was whirring with ideas on how to explain to Abby had had really happened, and he also had to figure out how to let her know that he truly loved her, and that he couldn't live without her.

That night, Gibbs didn't even bother to try to sleep because he knew he wouldn't be able to close his eyes. He worked furiously on his boat all throughout the night and refused to touch his bourbon, knowing that it was half the reason he was in the situation he was in that moment. When the sun started to rise, Gibbs finally finished sanding the last bit of wood and got his paint out to name the boat. After he finished with everything, he went up to take a shower and put some decent clothes on.

As he was sipping a cup of coffee, he suddenly realized where Abby would have stayed the night. Not Ziva's place, not McGee's apartment, but at Tony's. Gibbs grabbed his keys and sped out of the house, while dialing an old friend of his to ask for a favor.

When he pulled up to Tony's apartment building, everything was set. Gibbs dialed Tony's cell and his voice answered, "DiNozzo,"

"Tony, it's me. Don't hang up," Gibbs ordered, and Tony was silent for a minute.

"Why shouldn't I?"

"Because I did not cheat on Abby. Lt. Col. Mann was just leaving when Abby saw her trying to seduce me. I threw her out after that." Gibbs said tiredly, and Tony was silent again. Then he spoke, saying,

"All right, I won't hang up. What do you want? Abby's in the shower,"

"I want you to either let me in or get Abby to come downstairs. I need to apologize to her, and I want to show her something."

"I can ask her…"

"Just, get her to come outside. I don't expect her to forgive me, but I need to know that she knows I never cheated on her. That's all." Gibbs sighed, and then when Tony was hesitant he added a quiet, "Please, Tony,"

"Okay," Tony replied, and hung up. Gibbs leaned against his car and about an hour later Abby came walking out with Tony right behind her. When she saw Gibbs standing there, she froze.

"Tony, please tell me you didn't set this up," She hissed, and Tony shook his head.

"No, I'm just doing what I'm told." He took a few steps back as Gibbs walked up to Abby. She eyed him with furious eyes and he held up his hands in surrender.

"I don't expect you to forgive me, Abby, but just hear me out. I was working on my boat when Hollis walked in. We started talking, and looking back I realize that that was my first mistake. Then she started asking stuff like if I was single and I told her I was dating you. The next thing I knew she was standing in front of me, trying to seduce me. I shoved her away from me and then she started saying bad things about you. I threw her out soon after that." His eyes were flashing as he recalled how furious he got when Mann had the guts to call Abby a slut and a whore to his face.

I'm still learning how to bend

I wanna take you in

In a world full of tears

We'll conquer all our fears

I'm still learning how to fly

I wanna take you high

I'll be there 'til the end

I'll be a lover and your friend

I'm still learning how to bend

"But I saw you…" Abby whispered, and Gibbs nodded.

"I was drunk, Abby, and no that's not an excuse. It just took me a few moments to react to what Hollis was doing. When I realized her intentions I pushed her away. I know you doubt yourself, Abbs, you might not think you're good enough for me but I'm telling you here and now: I'm not good enough for you."

"That's not true," Abby protested quietly, and Gibbs sighed.

"I just want you to know how sorry I am. Yes I realize that it's a sign of weakness to apologize, but there are special cases. You're one of those cases, Abbs, I screwed everything up this time, and you deserve an apology. Rules are made to be at least bent sometimes,"

A ghost of a smile slid across Abby's face, and Gibbs looked down at his watch. "Will you come with me, Abby? I want to show you something," Abby hesitated, and Gibbs added, "We can walk, it's not far from here,"

She nodded, and glanced back at Tony before walking forward to meet Gibbs. They started walking, and Abby said gently, "I know you don't think you're good enough for me, Gibbs, but you were right when you said that I think I'm not good enough for you. I can never compete with some of the women you've dated, like Hollis, and I know Shannon is deeply entrenched in your heart, but there was some part of me that was hoping that you would have some room left for me,"

Gibbs reached over and took her hand, squeezing. "Abby, the first time I met you, you slipped into my heart somehow and you're not going anywhere. You are so much better than any of my ex-wives, and that's the truth. They were replacements for Shannon, but you and Shannon are nearly polar opposites. You could never replace Shannon, and that's why I love you. She'll always be in my heart, Abbs, but so will you. You're so special to me, and I couldn't bear to lose you," Gibbs' voice broke at the end, and Abby wrapped her arm around his waist as they walked.

"You won't. I want to give us another try,"

"Thank God," Gibbs muttered, squeezing her shoulders.

"But you're on probation," Abby teased, and Gibbs chuckled as they drew closer and closer to the harbor. "Where're we going?" She asked, and Gibbs just shook his head as they kept walking.

Soon they made it to the dock, and Gibbs pointed to a boat that was in the first slot. Abby squinted and saw the name Abigail written on the side in neat lettering. "Oh Jethro," She whispered, knowing that Gibbs had built that boat, and built it for her. "So that's why you would never tell me the name,"

Gibbs nodded and smiled at the use of his first name. That rarely happened, and when it did it must be something really amazing. He wrapped his arms around her from behind and kissed the top of her head. She spun around in his arms and kissed him, sliding her arms around his neck. "Thank you," She whispered before kissing him again.

"I know I screw up a lot, Abbs, but I just want you to know that I'm learning. You're teaching me, and I'm learning how to bend, how to let you in completely and let myself love you like you deserve,"

"Oh, I know you love me, Jethro, and that's all I need to know," Abby said with a smile, and then pulled Gibbs onto the boat. They sat in the seat and Abby cuddled into his arms.

"I love you, Abby," He said, feeling the need to actually say it instead of Abby saying it for him. She grinned at him and he kissed her as she replied,

"Love you too, Jethro

I'll be there 'til the end

I'll be a lover and your friend

I'm still learning how to bend

Still learning how to bend

Be there 'til the end

Still learning how to bend

The end of this Gibbs/Abby two-shot! It was originally going to be a one-shot, but it got to be so long I had to cut it into two chapters, therefore turning into a two-shot! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you like this story!