A hero only comes once in a lifetime, setting aside all other tasks except the one that aids his country for the greater good. Risking life and limb to challenge and conquer any obstacle preventing his land from safety and prosperity. No one man can measure up to the stature of said hero.

This is why I, Princess Zelda, have yet to select a proper suitor since Hyrule had been safely restored to the world of light. It's all thanks to Link, the Hero of Light. I was moved deeply by his acts of self-less courage to save Hyrule. I too helped, but I'm afraid my deeds fall short of all Link had done. Going on many dueling quests, exploring temple after temple, battling and defeating formidable foes while I merely stayed prisoner in my tower, my only escape was my soul living with Midna for a short period of time before returning to my own body.

As stated before, I have yet to choose a suitor worthy of the title King of Hyrule. Seeing as I compare their bravery and loyalty to that of the Hero, all fall miserably short. My Council has decided to wait no longer and coronate me to Queen regardless of marital status. Yes, it is possible that a Queen may rule without a husband, but she has restrictions. She must advise with her Council strenuously before making any final decrees. An inconvenience, yes, but at least I may have my proper title and time to choose a husband I deem worthy.

My coronation is in about three days, giving me lots of work to do around my make-shift home. Seeing as the castle was destroyed in Ganon's rage, I must live in a humble apartment stationed above the goat pens in Castletown. Not much room for anything I'm use to, but it's cozy and stationed right by the construction site of the new castle being rebuilt where I can oversee much of its activity.

My coronation is being held on the steps that lead to the castle grounds, right in front of the first gate. My throne chair had been replaced and the outdoors will simply have to do, since the center Castletown is the only place big enough to hold the ceremony as of now. All of Hyrule is invited to observe this event, including those from the Ordon province. I must admit, I'm looking forward to their presence most of all.

"My Lady, we have your dress is nearly finished. May we do some minor adjustments before the final fitting?" I looked up from some blueprints and sighed. This meant having to leave the site to take a good half hour to put on that ridiculous dress. Another for all the poking and shifting and pinning to tailor it perfectly. Another for taking it off as well and returning to the site, if there was still daylight left. I thought for a moment. It seemed everything was running smoothly without me. It would stay that way until tomorrow morning.

"One moment. Let me finish with these adjustments, then I'll be over for those of my dress."

"Yes, my lady." She curtsied and rushed to get out of the way of the working men and the rising dust. I turned back to the blueprint I was consulting with the head contractor, Lloyd.

"I see what you mean, your majesty. The entrance room should have stairs leading to the second floor."

"Yes. It was always inconvenient to walk halfway through the palace to simply find stairs." I wonder how frustrated Link had been, navigating through the castle just to get to the throne room.

"I'll see to the project personally when we begin building the inside. Should they be marble, same as the floor?" I scrunched my nose and Lloyd laughed. "Too much? I agree, your Majesty. How about textured slate? A nice smoky gray?" I tried picturing it in my head.

"If the marble floors are white with burgundy designs, make it a sleek black." He etched my ideas on the side of the paper.

"Consider it done, my Lady. You may proceed to your fitting, if you wish. I hope everything is to your liking here." I glanced around. Only four months since the launch of the rebuilding, and the outside was almost completely done. Another 2-3 weeks, and the inside could be started. I smiled and nodded my head.

"You're doing splendid Lloyd. I'm grateful for you and your men." He turned to me, smiling as well.

"You honor us by having our company remodel such a historic and important building. No other jobs compare to this one." I looked at the stone walls and blue roofs of my soon-to-be-home. My heart hurt with a slight pang of homesickness. Even though my home was near, it wasn't complete. Most of the stone and marble had been salvageable, for which we thank the Gods. It helped save time and money.

"Yes, well I had hoped you'd be progressing quickly, and you are beating every deadline. Should I ever need to rebuild my home once again, I have high standards for your company." Lloyd bowed grandly, a smile playing on his lips. I smiled as well.

"We accept, your Majesty." I fully turned to him, motioning for him to rise.

"I must depart, my maids await." He bowed again and I turned, walking out of both gates to the bustle of Castletown. Wearing an informal cloth dress, I looked like a subordinate rather than a monarch. I smiled. It felt good to humble oneself every so often. I rarely have the opportunity to wear such commonplace clothing, but wearing a fancy gown to a construction site would simply not do. I was escorted by the guards at the gate to the door of my temporary home. Motioning for them to remain outside, I stepped into the main room of the apartment. Several maids stood up and curtsied, addressing me with 'My Lady.' One maid stepped forward, bowing at the waist.

"We're sorry my lady, but we don't wish to spoil the dress. We request that you bath before the fitting. We have water warmed up for you already."

"That's just fine Estelle. Thank you."

"Would you like assistance?" Another maid, Athena, spoke up. I smiled.

"No thank you, I like privacy when I bathe."

"Of course, my Lady." She bowed as well. I motioned them up, and walked to the bathroom. I looked at the wooden tub and decided the steam rolling the water was inviting. I was a little filthy, but no regrettably so.

After scrubbing and washing myself clean, I dried off with a towel and brushed my hair until it was smooth. Stepping into the slip that would go with my gown, I turned to exit. The maids flurried in excitement to put the bundle of fabric on me.

The dress was beautiful. The bodice was a shade of deep purple, hugging my form in a modest way. The neckline was trimmed in gold and cut squarely. The sleeves were also purple, ending shortly below my shoulder. My arms were adorned with long white gloves, trimmed with gold and a Triforce insignia. There was a gold band that circled my waist, forming a slight 'v' shape in the front. Hanging from strings attached to my belt, was a length of the same purple material, with gold trimming and a gold Triforce in the center of it; my traditional piece of clothing. This hung down to the fronts of my knees. The skirt of the gown flowed outwards from my body, made of an ivory satin, with gold beading and intricate designs playing at the bottom. Lastly, tiny purple slippers with gold beading and two small Triforces for my feet.

I glanced at the mirror, admiring its beauty as the maids made sure every stitch was intact and pinning any excess material to be sewn or altered to perfection. Finally, they were finished. Just before the maids starting removing the material, there was a knock on the door to my apartment.

"You may enter." A guard stepped into the room, bowing deeply to me. "Rise, and tell me your purpose."

"Your Grace, a visitor has requested your presence." I raised an eyebrow. Rarely did the guards bring my attention to visitors. It was hardly allowed at this time.

"Oh? What is this visitor's name?"

"His name is Link, from Ordon, your Grace."

"You mean the hero who saved Hyrule?"

"Yes, your Grace."

"For future reference, he is not merely a 'visitor.' Anything more good sir?"

"No, your Grace."

"Thank you. You are dismissed." He bowed once again before exiting. The maids then began to remove the beautiful gown, taking a little bit longer than I had wanted. As soon as I was free I rushed to my room, picking out a simple, yet pretty, blue dress. After slipping on the proper undergarments, I had Estelle assist in buttoning the dress.

"Off to see Mister Link my Lady?" She grinned a cheeky grin. I smiled lightly.

"Yes. Why the smirk, Estelle?" She bit her lower lip trying to hide it, while busying herself with the buttons.

"No, you just seem to be in a hurry. Is there anything wrong, my Lady?" I laughed.

"Oh, Estelle. Stop being coy." She laughed as well. I always liked Estelle. She wasn't afraid to joke with royalty.

"Whatever do you mean, your Majesty?" She put her hands behind her back after finishing the last button. I grinned at her and she winked.

"You're all free to return to your homes once you safely store the gown properly. I bid you a good night, ladies." I was answered with a chorus of 'Thank you, my Lady' and 'Good night, my Lady.' I smiled as they all curtsied and left my apartment. Descending down the stairs, I spotted Link by the fountain. Wearing his trademark green tunic and hat, he was easy to distinguish from the crowd.

"Hero." I called to him, causing him to turn from the man he was talking to. Catching my eye, he smiled and walked over. I felt something warm within me.

"Princess." He bowed, and I suddenly felt awkward.

"There's no need to bow to me Hero." He rose up and smiled again.

"There's no need to call me 'Hero', either. I prefer Link." I nodded, smiling slightly.

"Very well. I'll address you as Link, if you address me as Zelda."


"Good. Well, Link. You're here early for the coronation. What brings you here?" I dismissed the guards who had followed me. There was no need with Link around.

"I came to see some friends of mine here; including yourself, if I may as bold to declare us such." He held out his arm, which I willingly placed my hand on. "Would you like to visit Telma's with me?

"I believed us to be such as well, and yes. It's been a while since I've her myself." I looked up at him, and his lips held a small smile.

Not only have all my suitors failed to reach the heights of Link's courage and strength, none of them even compare to how utterly handsome he was.