Election Day, story during the time of the American Revolution. Coincidence? Yeah actually, I wasn't planning to have this out today.

Nevertheless, it is here so enjoy. Also, enjoy the election and hopefully whoever you vote for wins. I would tell you whom I am voting for but I don't want to get into it. Let's just say that by the end of tonight we will have a President who is either Black or White. I'm just that good at knowing the future.

Everyone you see is someone on the Homestead. Play the missions if you haven't. They are fun!

Spoilers from ACIII

Abstergo's Product


Snow was piled up like blankets a few miles north from the American city of Boston. With the war over, Connor retreated for the Homestead. The settlement was his now and with it everything he worked to build during the Revolutionary War. Achilles would have wanted it.

Still, the Homestead needed to be kept up with and there was much to do to keep the patrons happy. Therefore, Connor went to hunt for food and money. His uses for the hunt could've ranged to many different things. Now he had a deer in his sights.

It was quite large with antlers high above his head. He could have fought it but that seemed to cause too much commotion. He needed to be silent to keep this hunting trip long without having to move to a completely different area.

He crept in the bush with his blades ready to strike. The deer didn't seem to see him, which would work out perfectly. He moved to the end of bush and stood ready to strike…

"Hello?" A feminine voice shouted. The deer looked to the sound of the voice and ran far away.

Connor looked toward the sound angry. "What?!" He screamed.

"Is someone there?" S'il vous plait!" The voice let out again with more urgency.

Connor started to walk toward the voice. "If you want help speak in a more understandable language."

The voice didn't say anything for a while. Finally it cried. "Please help me!"

At the noise, Connor rushed into the snow. It flew into his eyes making vision even more difficult. Eventually he reached the woman. She was nearly on the ground, her knees deep in snow. Connor noticed her black outfit with red pecking out the sides, and her hat in the shape on an eagle. It lead him to question what in the world was she doing out here in the first place.

"Are you hurt?" Connor asked.

"How ridiculous of a question." She spoke with a French accent.

Connor looked down and noticed the snow around her legs changing to a blood red color.

He put her arm around his neck and slowly lifted her off the ground. He looked at her knee. An extremely large gash was oozing with the stuff.

"Are you a doctor?" She asked him, a hint of hope in her voice.

"No," Connor stated in a stern tone. "But I do know one."

He ran the woman into Dr. Lyle's house and dropped her on a table.

"Lyle?" He questioned into the air.

Out of his room came a man with circle glasses and white gloves. "Connor, what seems to be-"

His vision turned to the woman. "Good lord. What happened to you?"

"Never mind that can you fix it?" Connor asked.

Dr. Lyle nodded quickly. His face wrinkled and curled at the sight of the gash. "Of course, but it might take a while Connor. Check up on her in a couple hours yeah?"

Connor looked at her one last time and nodded. On his way out, she stopped him. "Connor," he turned to her. "Merci mon ami."

He nodded, and walked out.

A couple hours later went by fast as Connor was handling convoys coming in and out of the Homestead. When he was finished, he started out of the door. When he opened it, he was surprised to see the woman. She was standing there, seemingly perfect. The pain seemed to have faded away.

It was then he got a better look at her. Her caramel covered skin and he medium sized braids and her Assassin belt. What he couldn't help from looking at was her hazel eyes. They gave no type of expression. However they gave a warm, comfortable feel. He became a lot more curious about her origin, and why she was up here.

"Connor. I was coming to speak to you before I had to go."

Connor raised an eyebrow. "So soon?"

She smirked. "You don't want me to leave?" She put her hands on her hips.

Connor blinked, blood rushing to his cheeks. He decided to ignore her question. "Where do you have to go so soon?"

"Boston, I have…" she stopped. "Business."

Connor chuckled. "A contract?"

She looked at her belt. "Not well at hiding it."

"It is not something to hide. It is good to have another Assassin on the Homestead."

She smiled at him, giving his stomach an unwanted twirl.

"However, I would like to know your name before I give you a ride to Boston." Connor admitted.

"Bien sûr. Aveline, heureux de vous rencontrer."

He stared at her with a blank expression on his face. She sighed. "Pardon. Aveline."

"Aveline." He pronounced.

She giggled. "Correct. Maybe on the way to Boston I can teach you French."

When they got out of the carriage, they both had business on their mind. Aveline was here for a reason. The Templars were working their way into the society of the newly formed American populous. A man by the name of Benjamin Reed should have information about their new plans for the New World.

"Do you have a plan to find Benjamin?" Connor asked.

"Oui. He's recently been seen in the market." Aveline told him.

"Much too crowded for an interrogation." Connor stated.

"Indeed. However, he likes to cause trouble around some district alleys around this time of night. Figure if we catch him in an alley…"

She looked Connor with a slightly devious look and smirked.

"What would you have me do?" Connor questioned.

"Tail him, when he makes for his rounds give me the signal."

She ran off quickly and hopped on the nearest building. Connor headed toward the market.

He looked around and saw loads of people. Anyone of them could've been Benjamin. He closed his eyes for a brief second and when he opened, civilians were darkened out, while the culprit Benjamin was painted in gold. He was on his way for his rounds.

As he walked into the alley, Connor whispered. Before Ben could turn around, Aveline had him pinned against a wall, her arm pushed against his neck. "Where is the paper?"

The man laughed. "Find someone else slut, I don't have the list." He spoke with a thick Irish accent.

Connor walked up with his gun in hand. Didn't take long until it was at his head. "Treat the lady with respect."

The man laughed again, but this time a little more nervously. "The thing probably ain't even loaded."

"Want to be the one I test it out on?"

"Okay, you win! Here is the paper!" He handed it to Aveline. "But listen close. The Templars will have your head. They-"

He was shut up by a swift punch to the face, courtesy of Aveline. "Enough out of you!"

She looked at Connor. "Merci again. Second time you've helped me out since we met."

Connor smiled at her as a response. "Does this mean you'll be leaving?" He didn't say, but he enjoyed her presence.

"Depends what this list says. I might need to deal with your cold weather a little longer."

The smile stayed upon his face much to the confusion of Aveline. "This is funny?"

The smile was then dropped. "No. However, if you need a place to stay I have an extra room."

She then smiled. "Thank you. I'm still not fully recovered; it would be nice to take a break."

The trip back to the Homestead was different, especially for Connor. Sleep quickly took her over and she fell asleep on his shoulder. As he fell asleep, too he looked at her.

She was very interesting.

Good night everyone.