A/N: NOT ATU. Hello, all. So I've been looking through my stories and, for some odd reason, I have felt compelled to update/revamp some of them. I love the idea for this one but entirely hate what I've done so far with it. So. Here's a new and improved version of the story! I also changed the character's name a little because I hate myself :)

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Beatles. Thanks.


The guard's uniform seemed to be the only thing giving me a sense of hope in my life, as I relied solely on it to support me off the ground. Then it began dragging me; first out of the cell, then down a dark and wet hallway (or perhaps my clothes were already wet—for the love of God, I couldn't tell anymore), and through a door to another hallway with brighter lights. Curiously enough, I noticed that the brighter the room was, the more blacked out I became, catching glimpses here and there of what exactly was going on. The only reason I knew my journey down the hall had come to a close was because I felt my body getting shoved through the doorway and tossed to the ground. At least my brain was able to register that I'd be in pain from that one once the numbness wore off.

I wasn't that far gone then, right?

A horrified, "Oh, God," was what compelled my next move: I opened my eyes to see the guard leaning over me, holding his hand out to me. I took it hesitantly and was instantly pulled up off the ground again, only to be placed in a wooden chair instead of back on the ground. My eyes closed again and I dipped my head down into my hands. My brain seemed to throb at the same beat as the voice in my head desperately repeating my name over and over and over…

"Piper. Leigh. McCartney."

I woke instantly, sitting up straight in my seat and as I stared across to what was in front of me. "McCartney" could snap me out of anything, simply because there was only one person on this planet who called me by that name:
