Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek: TNG or Ben 10 Ultimate Alien. Sad but true... 'sigh'
A/N: Sorry for the long wait on this update. I was working on it bit by bit and didn't finish it until recently. So here you go. Chapter 9. Enjoy! ^_^
Chapter 9
Ben drove toward the outskirts of Bellwood until he reached the campground where he was sure to find Max Tennyson.
"Grandpa Max?" Ben called as he held Gwen close to his side.
Some noises could be heard, including some pans falling to the floor, before the door to the Rustbucket swung open.
"Ben? Gwen?"
They both ran at their grandfather and hugged him. Max returned the hug.
"Watch it, Grandpa," Gwen said as she slowly pulled back.
"What's wrong, Gwen?"
Gwen stepped a few feet away.
"You're not going to like what I'm about to show you," she said.
Gwen lifted her shirt and showed her grandfather that she was pregnant.
"Who's the father?"
Ben wrapped his arms around her and placed his hands gently on her baby bump.
"You're looking at him."
"YOU'RE WHAT?" Max yelled.
Ben tightened his hold on Gwen.
"I'm the father. And I don't regret it."
Max glared at his grandson.
"You got your cousin pregnant?! What were you thinking?!"
"That I love her," Ben stated calmly. He was glad his parents had accepted this, but he knew that it would take a miracle to get his grandfather on his side.
"We're getting married," Gwen stated. Ben nodded.
"You're what?!"
"We're heading over to the Justice of the Peace's office here in an hour," Ben stated. "Mom, Dad, Aunt Natalie, and Uncle Frank are going as well. They don't like this any more than you do, but they know that we love each other."
Max just sighed.
"When? How?"
"The when is easy. We fell in love when we were on that first cross-country trip we took. So in a way, we have you to thank for that. So thank you," Ben said with a grin.
Gwen smiled as she nodded as well.
"How though?"
"It was when we had to try and stop the Omnitrix from blowing up. Gwen had gotten captured by a horde of Wildvines. When I saw her get taken away, that's when I realized that I had feelings for her. As soon as we were back on Earth, I told her how I felt. She had been feeling the same way."
"When I was taken, I thought I wouldn't be able to tell him how I felt. I love him, Grandpa. I love him so much, being away from would hurt me more than help me."
Max looked between the two beaming faces of his grandchildren before his sighed.
"If you two are getting hitched, you might want to get ready," he said. "You can't get married in your regular clothes."
Ben and Gwen nodded before giving their grandfather a tight hug.
"Will we see you there?"
Max gave a small smile.
"I'll be there."
Ben and Gwen thanked him again before moving toward Ben's car.
"You may kiss your bride," the judge said.
Ben grinned as he lifted Gwen's veil. Her parents had let her use her mother's wedding dress while Ben had rented a tuxedo.
Ben then lowered his lips to Gwen's and smiled.
"To the parents and witnesses, I give you Ben and Gwen Tennyson," the judge said before he chuckled. "They were both already Tennyson."
Ben and Gwen both joined in, watching as their parents grinned.
The newlyweds walked over to their grandfather and embraced him.
"Thanks for being here, Grandpa," Ben said as he pulled Gwen against his side.
Gwen nodded as she looked over at her mother. She then ran at her and gave her a tight hug.
"You better take care of our daughter," Frank said as he pulled Gwen into a hug, his gaze on Ben.
Ben just pulled Gwen into his arms once his uncle released her and closed his eyes in contentment.
"I'm never letting you go now," Ben said as he held her close. "Never again."
Gwen smiled and returned the embrace.
"And I'm not going to let you go, either."
Ben nodded with a tender smile.
"So when do you two leave?"
Ben looked over at Max.
"In about two hours," Gwen said as she leaned against Ben.
A flash of light signaled Paradox's return.
"Actually, it is time."
Ben looked at Paradox.
"It's time now? I thought we had another two hours."
"I'm sorry, Ben, but the captain and his crew need you two back."
Ben nodded.
"Can we get changed before we go?" he asked.
Paradox nodded before walking over to Max.
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Max Tennyson."
Max shook hands with the professor as Ben and Gwen slipped out of the building to Ben's car. They pulled out their regular clothes from his backseat and then went to change in the restrooms. When they got out, Ben held out Gwen's communicator, his already in place.
As soon as they got back to the main room, Ben and Gwen walked over to their parents.
"Paradox, can we bring Grandpa Max with us?"
The professor looked at Ben before looking back at the man in question.
"I'm afraid not," Paradox said as he shook his head.
Ben and Gwen both nodded before walking over to their parents and giving them hugs.
"We'll try to be back soon," Gwen said as she rested a hand on her waist.
Ben nodded as he pulled he new wife into his arms.
"Goodbye, everyone," he said as he and Gwen waved. Then in a flash of light, the cousins were gone.
When they were able to see again, they were standing in a random corridor.
"Captain!" Ben called as he tapped his communicator.
"Mr. Tennyson! We've got an unknown creature coming at us with tremendous speed and power."
"Computer, what deck are we on?" Gwen asked as she and Been took off down the corridor.
"Deck seventeen."
As soon as they came upon a terminal, Ben pressed his hand to it, lighting it up.
"Computer, patch a visual of the creature outside the ship to this monitor."
The screen lit up and the newlyweds saw Kevin Levin flying closely behind the ship.
"Computer, activate the automated transporter sequence and beam Gwen and Ben Tennyson to Shuttle Bay One," Ben said.
After a moment, they felt the normal feeling of being pulled apart and put back together. When they looked around, they were standing in the bay with the Rustbucket III looming over them.
"Let's get out there," Ben said as he took off for the loading ramp.
Gwen took off after Ben and in a matter of seconds, they were flipping switches on the console to engage artificial gravity, life support, and power to the main computer.
"Captain, this is the Tennyson's heading out!" Ben called before he and Gwen activated the controls.
The Rustbucket shot out the outer bay doors and into space.
"Where is he, Gwen?" Ben asked.
Gwen looked out her window in all directions.
"I don't see him!"
Ben looked out his window.
"He's got to be around here somewhere."
"You got that right, Tennyson!"
Ben looked over his shoulder to see Kevin standing at the back of the cockpit.
"Hello, Kevin."
Ben and Gwen got to their feet and looked at Kevin, looking at how he had changed.
"What's the matter, Gwen? Not going to give your boyfriend a hug and kiss?" Kevin asked.
Ben and Gwen raised their left hands.
"Take a good look, Kevin. What do you see?" Ben said.
Kevin took steps, shaking the ship, toward the newlyweds.
"I won't be made a fool. Those look like wedding rings. And I know that you two wouldn't get married."
Ben placed his hand on Gwen's stomach before lifting her shirt.
"You'll find that you're mistaken," Ben said as he showed Kevin Gwen's slightly rounded stomach. "She's carrying my child, Kevin. That's how much we love each other. And these rings are real as well."
Kevin growled before looking at Gwen.
"Is what he said true?!" he asked. "Are you two married with a kid on the way?!"
Gwen glared at Kevin.
"Yes, Kevin. It's true. Ben and I have been involved for the last year. With all your flirting with other girls, I'm not surprised you didn't notice your own girlfriend falling in love with someone else."
"This is all a trick!"
Ben shook his head.
"It's not. I'm married to my cousin and we're having a baby boy. There's nothing you can do."
Kevin clenched his fists before stepping forward, his movements threatening.
"You are mine, Gwen. Always was, always will be."
Ben stepped between Gwen and Kevin, slamming his Ultimatrix.
The transformation took only a second.
"I'm warning you, Kevin, if you touch my wife or harm my son in any way, I won't hold back!"
"Give it your best shot."
Ben sighed before slamming his hand to the symbol. Four prongs appeared next to the symbol and Ben's body started to change again. After a moment, the transformation was complete.
"Ultimate Cromistone!"
Ben's body had a bit more bulk. On his face were two eyes instead of one. And both were locked on Kevin in a glare.
"Tell me, Kevin. Do you have any regrets?" Ben asked. He folded his arms across his chest.
"Yeah. I regret not finishing you off when we were kids!" Kevin yelled before charging at Ben.
"Gwen, stand back."
Gwen moved as far away from Ben as she could in the small space she was in.
When Kevin slammed his fist into Ben's face, Ben didn't even flinch. He stood his ground, his stance as solid as stone.
"I'm not scared of you, Kevin. And when you threaten my wife and child, all bets are off. I'm not some kid to joke around anymore."
Ben grabbed Kevin around the throat with his left hand while he slammed his right fist into Kevin's gut.
"Now tell me who you're working for," Ben said as he dropped a stunned Kevin to the ground. "This isn't something you could come up with on your own."
Ben sighed as he walked over to Gwen.
"Why am I not surprised?" he asked before reverting to his human form. He then turned a glare on Kevin. "Are you going to cause any more problem? Or do we need to throw you into a detention cell?"
"Do your worst, Tennyson," Kevin growled. "I won't stop until I have Gwen at my side and my child growing in her womb."
Gwen put her hands on her stomach and turned away from Kevin.
"You will not take my son, Kevin! Ben is my husband and has loved me for a long time! How long do you think he loved me before I noticed his subtle advances?"
"I don't really care."
"Five years, Kevin! And I fell in love with him the moment I noticed! You just talked about fixing up your car or taking any job as long as you got paid a lot of money! Well Ben has been taking care of me since we got together! Standing by my side while I was told I was pregnant, helping me tell my parents and his that we were going to have a child and him standing at the alter waiting for me to walk up to him and say I do! Do you know how much I wanted the same thing from you?! Do you, Kevin Ethan Leven?! I don't think so!"
Kevin just stared at Gwen as she rambled on.
"Are you done yet?"
Gwen didn't say a word. She just sat down in her seat and strapped herself in.
"Rustbucket III calling the USS Enterprise," she said after flipping a switch.
"We read you," Captain Picard said.
"Prepare a maximum security cell. One that is layered with electronic bars all the way around."
"Understood," Picard said before the connection was cut.
"Get ready for a long stay, Kevin," Ben said as he kept the older youth in his sights.
Gwen took the controls and flew the Rustbucket III back into Shuttle Bay One.
Finally! I'm done with this chapter!
Ben and Gwen have captured Kevin, but will it last? That's to be decided in the next exciting installment of Displacement. Til then,
Talon Earthstone
Please review! ^_^