A/N: So here it is: the first chapter! Dun dun DUUUN. As aforementioned, this will be dark and twisted so don't come here looking for sunshine and rainbows. I'm gonna be writing this, TTTB, and perhaps one more story with a Gohan/Bulla pairing. Also going to be using the name "Bulla" because I feel weird typing "Bra" as her name all the time. This is my first time writing about this family unit so bear with me. I'm used to writing about the Sons.

Warnings: Darkfic, non-con.

Pairings: Goku/Bulla; otherwise all canon.

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Ball Z or anything affiliated with it.


A Walking Shadow


There are two things in life that you cannot bargain for or against. When you're old enough to have a job, the most prominent at that point is taxes, an inescapable and aggravating fact of earning money for yourself. Looking back, I'm not sure how I ever became "normal" and managed to live alongside other people. Half of me was a primitive beast waiting to erupt at any moment and wreak havoc but I kept it under wraps when I began living on my own. There was no other option.

The second inescapable fact of life is the reality of death. Sure you go on living every day like you're immortal but soon you'll be faced by your own morality; by the painful realization that you will not exist forever. Death played a major role in my life around my sixteenth birthday and I was almost torn to shreds by what it did to me. It wasn't that I lost anyone important. That didn't happen for many years, thankfully. A vague entity in my life was taken by the cold hands of death and well… that made someone else lose their mind.

It's hard for an immortal to understand that the people around him will eventually turn to dust. They will disintegrate in the earth while he keeps wandering its surface alone, doomed to live an eternity of regret. Sometimes, the pressure of that realization becomes so great that they lose their mind and in the process cause other people a tremendous amount of heartache. The dead are pretty lucky if you think about it, because they don't have to shoulder the responsibility of life.

"Bulla, I wish you'd put your phone down at the table."

My fingers flew across the on-screen keyboard as I texted my friend, Valese about what my plans were for my sixteenth birthday. First I needed to get my learner's permit to finally get some wheels on the road, then I needed to throw a party in my basement, then I needed to convince my father to bring me out shopping for some new clothes. So many things to do yet so little time. Teenage life was tough.

Mom raised an eyebrow and glanced at my father, who was too busy examining the newspaper to care. The constant years of peace had made everyone slow down a lot. Dad mostly hung around with mom and I while Trunks was off training to take over Capsule Corp. Being the only child was the greatest gift that had ever been bestowed upon me, even better than getting a new car for my birthday. I sent out my text to Valese and stuffed some cereal in my mouth.

A sharp jab in the ribs told my father he needed to man up and tell me to listen to my mother. Vegeta cleared his throat and gestured vaguely at my phone, keeping his eyes glued to the paper.

"Do what your mother says," he said.

"Why?" I asked, obnoxiously chewing.

Dad huffed, starting to redden in the cheeks. "Because I said so. Put the phone down before I smash it again. Or perhaps I'll throw your car into the lake. Kakarot's granddaughter wouldn't refuse her own vehicle to drive around in the their backwoods little—"

"Don't talk smack about Pan," I said. "She's becoming sort of cool. Just a little, though. When Gohan finally caves and gets her a cell phone I might let her into my circle."

"Wasn't Pan a… creepy nerd?" mom said as she rubbed dad's back. "I think it's a mix of her growing up with Gohan and Goku so closely. Poor Videl tried to keep her from becoming a tomboy but that didn't work out too well. At least she has a brain to carry her through life."

The indirect insult didn't bother me too much. I was a little lazy. Who cares? I ate another mouthful of Cheerios and my phone vibrated loudly, making mom sigh in exasperation. Dad hid his face behind the newspaper to avoid getting involved in an argument but I leapt to my feet when I saw the name and headed for the door. My friend Shoppa was outside waiting to pick me up and there was no way I'd keep her waiting. Mom yelled something about me needing to take out the trash.

When I got outside Shoppa pulled down her sunglasses to wink at me over the edge and I climbed over the open car door to sit in the passenger seat. There were a bunch of empty bags from different stores in the back which meant she was in the mood to go shopping again. She played around with her short blonde hair for a few moments and drew up the convertible top. I couldn't wait to have my own glossy red car at the end of the day. I'd drive myself to school, maybe get a job. It'd be awesome.

"Happy birthday!" Shoppa squealed as we hit the highway. "Sixteen is the best. Soon we can start driving around and blowing your gas instead of mine."

I rolled my eyes and pulled down the mirror to check my makeup. It was a bit off, but not too bad for how quickly I put it on. When I was out shopping I needed to find the perfect outfit for my party. It needed to be something dramatic but not too intense. I wanted to be the center of attention, not a drama queen. Still, did it really matter? Everyone I went to Orange Star High with was afraid to gossip about me because both of my parents were incredibly powerful people.

The mall was a packed as usual when we arrived and I had to push my way through the crowds with Shoppa to get to my favorite store. A few dresses caught my eye and I brought them to the changing room to see if any of them fit. On the way, I suddenly felt a heavy hand on my shoulder.

"Hi, Bulla!" said a familiar voice.

I turned to see none other than Son Goten standing behind me with Valese, who immediately hugged me tightly. It didn't really surprise me to see them there—Valese loved shopping almost as much as I did and Goten loved Valese as much as she loved wandering around the mall for five hours. It was still a bit surprising to see Goten out and about with her. I hadn't seen anyone from the Son family for a few months now. Gohan and Videl had their hands full with Pan, Goten worked to help support his parents and Goku… well, he was Goku. He was always training for the next threat to attack Earth.

We chatted for a few minutes about my party and I invited Goten to come along with Valese. Shoppa's green eyes focused intently on my fellow half-Saiyan and when they finally left, she let out a sigh like she'd been holding her breath the entire time. Sure, Goten was attractive, but I didn't like older guys very much. He and Valese were perfect for each other in a lot of ways and it was easier with her graduating high school in the next few months. I was still a sophomore with years to go.

Yes, life was wonderfully simple most times. Things were about to get much more complicated.