Some say death is a lost soul that god has forced to carry us wherever the hell we're meant to go. Some say death is an angel and he ferries us to a better place. The one I believe though? Death is an unforgiving son of a bitch. He is a hunter who preys on the innocent. Hunt me I dare you.

My name is Katara and I am from the southern water tribe. I will proudly scream that anywhere if you wish. When I was a little girl, the firenation soldiers stole my mother from our home. That was what the firenation did. They took women and girls away from their home so that they could work in the firenation. They'll show up unexpectedly at any town and they'll line up all of the girls and they'll take the strong, smart, useful, and pretty. If you are older than twelve than they can take you,its the law. It seems sick only because it is. Even if you hid they will show up again believe me. I've seen young girls try to hide only to be found and beaten in front of everyone. Rumor has it that a girl attacked a soldier and was never seen again.

They hadn't came in two years and i'm sixteen now. I'm also one of the few water benders in our tribe, so there is no way I won't be taken. My father hasn't slept good since I discovered my bending. My brother on the other hand has been more protective than my father. Every time a boat comes to port he shoves me into the nearest shop until he finds it isn't a soldier ship. I tried to tell them I would be fine, but they won't listen. I sat behind our igloo practicing my bending in secret. I flicked my wrists slowly over the water gently pushing and pulling it at my will. The cold air stung at my cheeks and nose. I heard the crunching of snow behind me, and judging by how loud they were, I knew it was Sokka. He sat next to me in the snow, seeming to concentrate on what I was doing.

I said nothing. I knew he was just checking that I was still here. It amazed me how much this scared them at losing me, when they were the ones that had us surviving. They hunted and fished and protected us. They could live without me, at least I hoped they could. I hated the thought of them in despair. I looked at my brother and smiled. He gave me a half hearted grin back.

"You know...I'm gonna miss you." he said choking on the last part. I leaned into my brothers shoulder, feeling the hot tears run down my face.I loved my brother and my father more than anything, but I knew there was no way I wouldn't be taken. People always say the truth is more painful than a lie. But I think that the truth makes you stronger. Because if you can face hell, then you know you'll make it through anything. My hell is being taken from the only thing i've ever known. I don't know how long we sat there, each of us crying, but it felt nice. My brother had been there for me whenever I had missed my mother, or when I had nightmares of being stolen in the night.

That night I lied awake wondering how much longer it would be until they arrived. Two years without showing up? Of course they would be here soon. I noticed that the girls in the village were getting more and more tense and edgy. The worst part about this was that you couldn't leave to go anywhere, unless you were a man. They had the liberty in going anywhere they wanted, but women were forced to stay where they were born. I sighed angrily and rolled over. Apparently when you were taken the Firelord and the prince would inspect you individually. I wasn't scared but it still made me nervous that the prince would be singling me out. Now I had to admit that the prince wasn't bad looking, but I hated to be singled out. Almost every girl in the village talked about how handsome the prince was. But I knew he was really a monster, or he would have protested against this. I really hated the firenation for what they did to families. I finally rolled over and I drifted into sleep.

The first thing I heard was a long horn that came from the coast. The next thing, was my brother's scream. They were here. There was no mistaking it. I solemnly rose from bed and got dressed. I wasn't one for good byes. I brushed my hair and tied it in a braid. Fixing my coat, I made my way out of my hut and began to walk to the center of the village. There in the water stood a massive steel ship with the firenation emblem sticking out like a faded tattoo on the side. Suddenly I was grabbed from behind. It was my fathers strong hands pulling me into a tight hug. I buried my face in his shoulder.

"Be strong Katara." was all he said before a firenation soldier grabbed me and pulled me toward the center of the village. I lined up with many different girls and women. The soldiers were giving us hard glances. One soldier, who was only about a head higher than me, came up to me. I could only see one side of his face and he was pretty handsome. He looked at me with one eye and nodded.

"Follow me please." he said. I had never heard a soldier say please. I followed him onto the massive ship. Despite the cold outside, it was hot and stuffy in the cabin I was stuck in. The soldier said nothing. I turned from him.

"What's your name?" he asked quietly. I turned to stare at him. Why would he want to know a prisoner's name?

"What's your name?" I said coldly not expecting him to respond. He began to remove his helmet and my eyes went wide.

"I'm Prince Zuko."