I have no idea what on Earth possessed me to write this. I've realized that there's a lack of fanfics where Maura takes the initiative and I believe if anything ever happened between those two characters, Maura would be the one leading the way. I really miss reading such stories so I just decided to write one myself, it's my first fanfic ever so I hope it won't be too bad. I really enjoyed writing this and I hope some of you will enjoy reading it, so let me know what you think, I wanna have some fans ;).

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, I'm just having fun with them ;-)

Thanks sk, you rock! :-)

˝Maura!? Is that you!? Dear God, I forgot how divine you are!˝

Jane lifted her head up and saw a tall, dark-haired woman with a broad smile on her face taking Maura into a tight embrace. Maura laughed out loud while returning the hug. ˝Look who's talking, half of the bar is checking you out.˝

˝Are you one of them?˝ replied the woman winking at her.

Maura started giggling, ˝I can see you are still sassy as always.˝

˝And you still love it˝ said the woman through laughter giving Maura a little nudge with her hip. ˝Are you going to introduce me to your sexy girlfriend, Maura?˝

Jane almost choked on her coffee. Maura laughed again, ˝She's not my girlfriend, this is detective Jane Rizzoli, my best friend.˝

˝Ohhh, a detective, well I definitely wouldn't mind being handcuffed by such a detective. I'm Emma, nice to meet you.˝

˝Hi˝, replied Jane extending her arm and blushing a bit. Maura laughed shaking her head, ˝You are incorrigible Emma, come, sit down with us.˝

˝So, broken any hearts lately, Dr. Isles?˝ Emma turned her head towards Jane, ˝Did you know she broke my heart?˝

Maura objected ˝I did not!˝ accentuating every word. ˝As I recall, you were the one who said, and I quote 'You will definitely break my heart one day, Maura Isles', and then you decided to walk away.˝

˝Well, can you blame me, if I had fallen in love with you I would have never recovered, I'd now probably be a sad, depressed, pathetic human being, I'd probably be lying on the pavement after running into you like this, feeling sorry for myself, and yelling after you, 'Maura don't go, come back, Mauuura!', don't you like me better like this, cheerful and playful?˝

Maura rolled her eyes and laughed, ˝I've missed you˝.

Emma laughed as well, ˝I've missed you too.˝

Jane just sat there, watching this exchange, completely puzzled, trying to figure out what she was witnessing. The sound of a cell phone brought her back and she heard Emma answering it. ˝Hi, Mark, yes I'm on my way, stopped for some coffee, I'll be there shortly. Well, sorry girls, I gotta run. Maura, we should get together and catch up, I'm going on a business trip but I'll be back next week.˝

˝Definitely, give me a call, I have the same number˝. Maura stood up and hugged the woman. Emma turned to Jane, ˝It was nice meeting you detective Rizzoli, hope to see you again soon as well.˝

˝Likewise˝, replied Jane.

Before heading for the door she leaned a bit towards Jane and added ˝And don't forget to bring your handcuffs˝ giving her a wink. Jane shifted in her seat and laughed nervously. Maura kept her eyes on Emma as she was exiting the bar. Jane noticed how her eyes were travelling down Emma's body. ˝Oh my God! You are totally checking her out, Maura.˝

˝Well she is hot, I am merely admiring a beautiful female body, and her mind is also sexy, besides, she just reminded me of the best sex I've ever had.˝

Jane almost spat out her coffee, ˝Your what!?˝

Maura didn't get an opportunity to reply as Angela suddenly appeared next to their table. ˝Jane, Maura, oh thank God I found you, are you going back to Maura's place, I need a ride, my car broke down again?˝

Jane's mouth was still open, ˝Huh?˝

Maura got up and replied instead of her, ˝Sure Angela, we'll give you a lift, we were about to head out there anyway. She looked at her friend who was still a bit lost, ˝Are you going Jane?˝ she said with a small chuckle.

˝Yeah, yeah, let's go.˝ Jane got up and followed them out.