So I came up with this while washing my hair, like so many of my stories this has come to me at a time when I probably shouldn't be writing anymore stories on top of the three I'm already writing and the fact I only started one the other week. Anyway it's kind of like a story I wrote ages ago called 'By your side' but I deleted it as I didn't like it, so I'm trying it at another angle and I'm feeling a lot better about it, so I hope you like a please review…
Disclaimer: I only own a character who will appear at the end of this chapter.
Stop pretending
Gibbs was sitting in his dark and dusty basement, he'd just burnt another boat and was making plans to start another.
He should never have named it after Hollis, he never really had loved her so why did he bother naming something he spent more time with than her during their brief relationship after her.
It was then he realised that everyone that he had, had a relationship with that he'd named a boat after failed, much like a sinking ship, he and the women would drown until it was just Gibbs left where he began just him and his boat.
But one time he let someone he loved sail off in a lifeboat, to live her life without him, Jenny. Her name made him smile as he lifted the cold bottle of beer to his lips. The only one he'd truly felt for he'd let slip through his fingers, the only women he had been with bar Shannon who had been confident enough to take a lifeboat and sail away without looking back not drown with him or swim away.
Jenny had once stolen a boat for him, he thought with a slight chuckle. What was it about her that attracted him so, was it just her good looks? The confidence that seemed to ooze from her as she walked in those ridicules high heels? The fact that she had just as many secrets as he did and shared them even less than he did?
No, he shook his head. She had a kind heart, she was loyal, trustworthy, talented, funny, smart and yeah he had to admit she was beautiful. Maybe he should go talk to her, he thought, maybe he could get her to change her mind.
Sighing he got up from the floor and brushed the sawdust from his hair and trousers before taking a deep breath and then turned and walked up the basement stairs taking two at a time.
He threw on his jacket and grabbed his car keys before going out and braving the winter cold.
Soon he found himself parked across the road from Jenny's house, he looked up to her bedroom window to find the light on, he just hopped she was alone.
A shadow moved inside the bedroom before the light was off and then just as one light was off another was on, downstairs lights were turned on.
Gibbs knew that he had to at least tell Jenny how he felt to get an answer in return, he got out slamming the car door behind him before making his way to Jenny's house.
He considered for a moment picking the lock to her front door but decided against it and nocked politely for once instead.
"Just a minute" he heard her yell from inside along with rushed footsteps before finally he heard her undoing the locks.
Surprise flashed across her face as she found Gibbs standing on her door step "Jethro" she gave him a smile "What are you doing here and why nock?" she asked.
"You told me you always like the door" he explained remembering when he had first come to her house, one that had been passed down the Shepard family and ended up in her hands. "I need to talk to you" he then gave the answer to her first question.
"Come in, it's freezing out here" Jenny pushed herself up against the door letting him in to pass her. It was then He took the chance to look her up and down, the green sweater and dark blue jeans hugging her curves perfectly and her hair was up in a messy pony tail with a few stray strands.
Gibbs looked around at Jenny's house it was virtually the same as normal but for some reason there seemed to be more junk around, "So what can I do for you Jethro?" Jenny asked folding her arms and leaning against the door.
"Can't a guy just stop by and catch up with his old partner?" Gibbs asked with a shrug of his shoulders.
"You're not just any guy" Jenny commented with a small smile, her eyes sparkling with amusement. The grandfather clock in her study chimed eight and Jenny began to get a little fidgety "Look Jethro could this wait until Monday, I kind of have someone coming over at any minute and if they find you here they'll get the wrong idea" Jenny began to play with the sleeves of her green sweater nervously.
So she had someone else, Gibbs's heart sank deep into his chest "Oh" he sighed feeling like such a fool and a jack ass.
"Seriously Jethro I promise we can talk on Monday, meet me in my office after work" Jenny told him as she led him to the door, feeling very guilty herself, she never liked seeing Gibbs upset especially when she was the one that caused it.
"I guess I'll see you Monday then" Gibbs gave her a small smile as he reached for the door handle and pulled the door open, when he turned he stopped dead in his tracks and so did Jenny both looked at the women on the door step.
She was average high, skinny, had dark green eyes and silver short spikey hair and a big smile on her face "Jenny" the older women grinned before pulling the redhead into to a tight hug.
"Mum, how are you?" Jenny asked hugging the women back.
Gibbs had no idea that Jenny's mother was still alive, the redhead spoke of her father often and how he died but never of her mother.
"I'm good, so glad to see you" Carolyn Shepard replied before looking over Jenny's shoulder at Gibbs.
"Jenny you didn't tell me you were seeing anyone" but before Jenny could reply, Carolyn gave Gibbs a hug "It's so nice to know she had someone"
Gibbs looked at Jenny over his shoulder, the redhead looked shell shocked. He thought for a moment not sure what to do, he watched as Jenny contemplated what to say and do herself. "Oh I'm very lucky to have him" Jenny smiled at Gibbs and begged him with her eyes to play along.
"I'm Jethro Gibbs, it's very nice to meet you Mrs Shepard" Gibbs greeted her once the older woman pulled away from the hug.
"Oh please call me Carolyn" the older women smiled before turning around and going to grab her cases.
"I'll get them" Gibbs assured going outside and taking the older women's cases and putting them in the hall.
"Jethro, could I talk to you in the kitchen?" Jenny asked sweetly as he walked back into the house.
"Of course" He gave Jenny and smile before following her into the other room while Carolyn made herself comfy in the lounge.
Jenny shut the door behind her and leant against it taking a deep breath "What are we going to do?" she asked looking at Gibbs with a worried expression.
"Nothing" Gibbs shrugged his shoulders like this was an everyday occurrence for him.
"Jethro" Jenny growled through gritted teeth "She thinks we are together"
"If you didn't want her to think that then why did you play along with her and not correct her?" Gibbs asked moved to stand closer to Jenny.
"I see her every couple of years ok and every time she gives me a lecture about how I need to find a man and then she tries and sets me up with all these single men that are sons of her friends and I hate it" Jenny spoke quietly to him but anger was still evident.
"Fine then we'll play along" Gibbs stated.
"Really?" Jenny eyed him suspiciously.
"It's only for a couple of days and then eventually you can tell her we broke up" Gibbs explained "It's not like we haven't had to act as a couple before"
"Your right" Jenny nodded "Thank you" She reached up and kissed him lightly on the cheek before turning to leave but turned back to face him "And remember you love to some degree ok" she then walked out.
"That's not going to be hard" Gibbs thought before reaching for a tumbler and the bourbon. It was going to be a long couple of days.
TBC… maybe….
So what do you guys think, should I continue? Please review, any suggestions are welcome.