Regina remembers the first day at the private school like if it was yesterday.

She had stopped at the door and taken a deep breath before entering the room and facing her students. It was her first real job and, although she wouldn't admit it out loud, she was a little nervous about it; her mother was looking at her very carefully and she didn't want to mess it up. Forgetting all the worries that crossed her mind, she opened the door and came into the room as regally as she knew.

Regina remembers how in that very first day she had noticed a particular student in the back of the room looking at her curiously and she couldn't help but be a little playful. Of course, she had scolded herself for doing that; it was her student, how had she done that? But as the days passed, Regina's interest on the blonde girl had grown more and more.

Every night, after a long day at the school, Regina's mind came back to Emma and how wrong that was. Finally, she had given into the sin as Emma had abruptly kissed her. However, it was just sex, only physic attraction, she repeated to herself over and over but the encounters grew more often until Emma finally asked for more, the one thing that Regina feared. She hadn't been in a relationship since a long time. Since Daniel. It had broken her heart and she promised she wouldn't love again, that love is weakness as her mother said. She built a wall around her but, even with all her efforts to keep Emma away, the blonde got under her skin and so, Regina started to open to her but that was until St. Valentine's day.

Her mother; always her, interfering in her life. For once, Regina was happy, she was actually enjoying being in a relationship and the more she spent time with Emma, the more she liked her. Once more since she had memory, Regina was under Cora's orders. It had broken her heart when a devastated Emma had left from school with tears in her eyes. The next weeks had been like hell to Regina. She didn't feel like eating, she couldn't sleep staring at her phone all night and it had gotten worse when one of the nights she was so furious she had trashed her office and didn't bother to clean it up the next days.

But when Emma and Regina came back together, she felt that they belonged together. She hid those feelings of course, only showing a part of it. Everything was great again but then Daniel appeared and Regina felt her world falling apart. Seeing him reminded her to her unborn child, how he had abandoned her. She had assured Emma everything was fine but it wasn't. Daniel had showed up after and he had asked her to have a talk. Surprise, surprise, her mother had something to do with his run away. He apologized and asked her to be friends again because he missed her.

Regina was proud to say she wasn't weak, but for a moment, all her strength had disappeared and replaced with all the memories she shared with Daniel; she struggled in her mind, one side remembering that yes, of course her mother had something to do but after all it had been his decision to take the opportunity Cora offered him and leaving her alone, and the other side playing all the walks at the park and everything they had gone through together. Regina remembers she had looked away and had seen Emma at her kitchen, preparing breakfast and all her doubts had vanished. She offered Daniel a truce: it all would be forgiven but she would never be able to be his friend again.

After that, the week of holiday with Emma at the hotel had been dreamlike but again, something had happened. With the picture incident Regina really started to believe that they actually didn't belong together since everything was trouble; not being able to show her love and having to keep it a secret was the biggest trouble of all. And of course was the curfew thing. Still, they went through it as well and just in time for Emma's birthday.

Regina wasn't very fond of Mary Margaret, so to speak, but she got along with the rest of her friends, not that she had many. There was Ruby, who had ended up being a good friend to Regina; Belle, who had become a friend of Emma from her time working at the library and David, her driver with whom she got along as well as with his wife. Regina wasn't dumb of course, she knew what was going between David and Mary Margaret and she also knew Kathryn suspected something but she didn't say a word since she didn't want to hurt her new friend even if it included not irking Mary Margaret. She didn't know why but there was just something in her that Regina didn't like; however, she put effort on at least stand her for Emma.

Emma's birthday had been a lot of fun until Cora had called her to come over. Regina had lost it. When she ran next to her mother just before she passed away in her arms, Regina just had lost it. She was mad because of what had happened, because it wasn't fair, because even after everything that had happened she loved her mother, and mostly because of how it had happened. She was sad too, of course, and she rebuilt the wall around her. Everything had fallen apart for her but luckily Emma had been there to save her and stay with her through the night. She couldn't have imagined how mature could Emma be to do that, how she had taken care of her. It had been particularly hard for Regina to get over it but she finally had done it and she put high expectance on the end of the school year: finally Emma and her were free.

Only there was one more problem. University. Emma would have to move to California and what did that mean for their relationship? When Emma sleepily proposed her to go with her, Regina had felt fear. Leaving everything for love…that didn't sound much like Regina. Everything she had was there but Emma, one of the most beloved things she had was leaving. She didn't know what to think. She wanted to but at the same time she didn't.

All the while, prom day arrived. She was nervous because she had decided to stay; they would find away but she couldn't just leave everything. Combining her job of making sure everything was okay at the party and her own right to enjoy it, she looked for Regina but she couldn't find her. That wasn't until she saw someone sneaking out of the gym. She hadn't seen who that was but it had to be Emma. Who else? So she followed that mystery person and indeed it was Emma, who entered her classroom. Once again that year, Regina stopped at the door and took a deep breath. It would be okay, they would find a way; they had to.

As she laid her eyes on Emma, she knew what she was thinking. The first day. And somehow, remembering that day made Regina hesitate. She wanted to be with Emma, damn! She wanted to go and have a fresh start with the girl she had learned to love along the year; the girl who had brought love back into her life. There was no looking back, it was a decision. She would go with her to the center of the earth if Emma wanted to.

Yes, Regina remembers all of that like if it was yesterday. As she picks up the ladders to adjust the poster, she remembers with a smile on her lips. How things have changed, she thinks as she jumps to the floor again and puts the ladder away. She shots a glance at the clock and wonders why is taking so long. Not that the way to the house was long.

She fills a glass of wine and leans on the counter while she observes the oven lost in thought. Tomorrow she has an important meeting with the council and although she had done it many times before since she got elected for Mayor of a little town in California five years ago, she still gets nervous. Maybe it's because you're so perfectionist, Emma always repeated. Well, maybe Emma was right but that's not a bad thing, isn't it?

Regina takes a sip of her glass, really starting to worry about the lateness. What if something happened to Emma while she was on duty? The police station would have called, wouldn't they? She shots a glance at the clock once again. Since Emma entered the police force after finishing her studies, Regina spent half of the time worried and the other half proud of her for fighting crime like she did, with such passion.

She pulls her phone out of her pocket to text Emma but right in that moment, she gets one before she can start typing. Parking. Get ready. Leaving the glass on the sink, she walks to the living room and checks everything is ready for the sixth time that evening. Then, the sound of the keys on the door. Then he burst into the house.

Henry, their son, runs toward Regina and hugs her, or tries due to his stature. "Happy 6th birthday sweetheart!" she exclaims as she kneels and hugs him back. He looks excitedly to the poster that prays Happy Birthday, little knight and the presents that rest on the main table. "Those for me?"

Regina nods and grins as he opens his mouth and eyes, amazed at it. Behind him, Emma comes into the living room with his bag pack and his coat on her hands. After leaving them on the sofa, earning a look from Regina, she walks towards the brunette and kisses her, "Sorry it took so long. The kid stopped at the pet shelter and I couldn't say no to him."

Regina rolled her eyes, "You never say no to him. He will become a capricious kid."

Emma hugged her from behind and together they observed how their adopted child opened his presents with awe, "It won't happen again. I know you're nervous about tomorrow but just relax, okay? You'll do it perfectly as you always do."

Little Henry stopped from ripping the gifts wrap and exclaimed to Emma, "Mom, mom! Did you tell her about Wolverine already?"

Regina turns and raises her eyebrow at Emma, "Wolverine?" Emma separated and scratched the back of her head, "Yeah, about that…"

"He is so cuuuuuuute!"

Regina crossed her arms, "Emma?"

"Sorry, I couldn't say no. That puppy was staring at us with a face…you should've seen it! He's so small and looking for a home…It won't be any trouble! And when we can't take care of him we can leave it at Ruby's, you know she loves dogs and Peter as well...," the blonde explained quickly.

"A puppy?" Regina repeated. Henry nodded vividly and looked at Emma, "He is on the car! Can I go and bring him here?"

Emma gave him the keys of her car and he rushed outside. "A puppy," Regina repeated. "You could've told me."

"It was a surprise."

"It's not my birthday."

Emma wrapped her hands around her hips and pouted, "Don't be mad. It'll be awesome. I cannot wait to show him to Mary and David." Regina huffed and Emma kissed her cheek, "You know you love it. You're just playing hard on me because I'm the funny parent."

Regina crossed her arms and frowned, "I'm funny too."

Emma laughed and nodded, "And I don't doubt it. So, you're mad Principal Mills?"

"Don't play the 'Principal' card on me now. It won't soften me, Miss Swan," Regina stated although fighting with the smile that insisted on appearing on her face. Emma smirked and winked at Regina, "Now who's playing along?"

The former Principal, now Mayor, rolled her eyes and kissed her lover, promising some fun later as she nipped at the blonde's lower lip, until Henry arrived with the little puppy. Regina had to admit it was the cutest. A while later, sitting on the floor with Henry, Emma and the new incorporation to the family, Wolverine, and playing with the kid's new toys, Regina smiled as she witnessed the scene. To be honest, Regina never thought Emma would agree when she proposed to adopt a child six years ago. She was glad her girlfriend didn't refuse to do it and was even willing to. Regina had gotten to work in a job she really liked just as Emma, they were together and now they were a family.

She smiled. Regina Mills finally had found her happy ending.

A/N: let's get a little emotional here, shall we? Thanks a lot for every follow, favorite and especially the reviews that encouraged me to keep working on this story. I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writting it. For now I don't have any other story to write so maybe I'll be a while without writing or not, who knows how the inspiration works! Thanks a lot again and see you soon :)