Me: Okay! So here's the deal. I have lost laptop privileges until the 12th

Koji: Wow, you're worse than I am.

Me: Shut up! Anyway, I hate typing up my stories when people that know me can read over my shoulders. The only other place I can type at is school, after school, of course.

Koji: Pathetic!

Me: Koji, I'm warning you! As I was saying, I have decided that since I downloaded the Digimon Xros Wars Manga Raws, that I would edit them and make them appropriate for moral households.

Koji: Why can't they do that themselves?

Me: One more time and I'll-! *sigh* Never mind. So as I was saying. I will literally Dub the Xros War Manga and put it on the internet chapter by chapter for people who don't want to search the internet for about 3 days to find them like I did.

Koji: Is that legal?

Me: I don't know! But right now, I guess I'll just say that I give the Original translators partial credit(90% credit) for… well… translating it. Anyway, I'll put in little references here and there for your better understanding, as I would have been confused if I had not read about some of the parts on the Internet.

Koji: So if this is illegal, let us know.

Tsukaimon: I don't think that it's illegal because people do it all the time when they do re-writes of Frontier. By the way, I love you viewers!

Me: Okay, that's enough screen time for you, story jumper! Actually, you can stay longer if you do the extra disclaimer.

Tsukaimon: Okay! Pandamoniam doesn't own Digimon, this Manga, or any of the Digimon in this clip. It is purely purified Manga.

Me: Thank you, Tsukaimon.



Pumpkinmon: T-This is the end for the Corridor Zone!

Wizardmon: Darn that Bagura it their plan to get the whole Digital World involved in the war..!

?: Don't give up!

Digimon: !?


Taiki: ...mon! ...mon! (You can't know the names quite yet.)


Taiki: ...mon!

Taiki: ...X..!


Pumpkinmon: Oh...That's the legendary hero...!


Digimon: General Taiki!

Digimon: Taiki!

?: Hey! Taiki!


?: Wake up, Taiki!

Taiki: Huh!?

Akari: Akari Strike!

Taiki: Ugeehhh!

Akari: What's with that gallant-looking face on while you're sleeping? Isn't today the important Double Header?

Taiki: If..if you go on like that you'll put me to sleep for eternity..!

Taiki: Oof..

Taiki: This is bad!


Akari: That's right! You were sleeptalking with that really serious looking face you know? Some unnyaamon and some Digi-something and...

Akari: What kind of dream did you have, actually?

Taiki: Yeah..because of Akari's elbow I kinda forgot half of it...

Taiki: (I wonder what that was...It seemed strangely real though...)

Taiki: (I was in some kind of war and it was kinda scary...)

Taiki: (...But it kind of makes me excited...)

Akari: Oh! Hold on a sec, Taiki!

Taiki: ?


21st June 20XX, Koutou Ward, Tokyo

Akari: Bye, auntie! I'll be borrowing Taiki for a while!

Woman: Sorry about always, Akari-chan!

[Hinomoto Akari, 12 years old, Shinonome Central Primary School Year 6]

[Kudou Taiki, 13 years old, Shinonome East Middle School Year 1]

Akari: If only you could wake up by yourself like usual!

Taiki: Maybe I was tired from practising too much...aaand I saw some weird dream...


Akari: Ooh..that's a pretty daring looking picture...Don't you think it looks good, the Sky Tree?

Taiki: What's with you? We're in a hurry...

Akari: Let's go!

Taiki: Yeah!


Someone: The 3 defenders, close in!

Someone: If we can at least stop that number 8 the others will be...

Akari: Hang in there, Taiki!

Taiki: Shinta!

Shinta: Nice one, Taiki!


Shinta: Thank you...thank you Taiki! You did a good pass to me there...!

Taiki: I know that you practice shooting alone every morning...

Teammate: Um...Would you like to take this opportunity to officially join the soccer club!?

Teammate: Taiki, you really have skill! You can see your surroundings even after being surrounded by 3 people...!

Taiki: Sorry! Let's talk about this another time!

Akari: This guy is the basketball club's helper after noon!

Teammates: Huh?

Akari: Here, your drink!

Akari: I made some onigiri too so have some while you're on the go!

Taiki: Thanks!

Akari: I borrowed these basketball shoes from Seki-kun, but is the size alright? The saddlecloth has already been sewn on so you can go to the toilet to change!

Shinta: Oh..

Teammate: Is that the rumoured Manager Akari..!


Taiki: Oooryaaa!

Taiki: I won..!

Akari: Really, even though you're an amateur at both soccer and basketball...doing a Double Header as a helper is really impossible...

Taiki: Hehe...But Kengo from the basketball club is transferring schools so today was his last match...

Taiki: Even Shinta, his father came to see this tournament even though he was ill but because of injury there wasn't enough players..

Taiki: The two of them even cried while begging me to join, you know? That's why, no matter what...

Taiki: I couldn't just let it go...


Akari: Really, you always go about how you can't let it go...

Akari: If there any people with problems they'd go straight to you! Even I have to take care of you!

Taiki: Ha..! Thanks for all you help...

Zenjirou: Ah!

Zenjirou: There you are!? I've finally found you, Kudou Taiki!

Akari/Taiki: Heh?

Taiki: Eh..What was it, I feel like I've seen him somewhere before...

Akari: Come to think of it he's the one that lost to Taiki when the kendo club was looking for a helper

Akari: What was his name again...Um...

Taiki: I think it was 'Fully Automatic (Zenjidou in japanese)' or something like that...

Zenjirou: It's Zenjirou!

Zenjirou: Tsurugi Zenjirou!

[Tsurugi Zenjirou, 12 years old, Shinonome East Middle School Year 1]

Zenjirou: Kudou Taiki! I request a rematch with you!


Zenjirou: You're the only one who's beaten 'the me' who has been said to be the Koutou Ward's number one middle school fencer!

Akari: What's with this hot-headed person...

Zenjirou: I'll defeat you today to make up for that past loss...

Taiki: Nah...that was just out of luck...I'm just an amateur who only does it decently, I can't possibly win against you...

Zenjirou: Whatever about being an amateur! When you got my body your eyes were the eyes of a warrior!

Zenjirou: Come on Kudou, I, Zenjirou, challenge you with the place of Koutou Ward's number one at stake...

Akari: Hey!

Akari: Taiki had soccer and basketball matches for the whole of today and is tired! He has no time for any kendo!

Zenjirou: What!? Then let's change the date! Let's meet tomorrow on this riverside...!

Taiki: How persistent!

Zenjirou: What's that about being persistent! This is a fight between men...

Akari: Taiki won't become an opponent for a weird guy like you!

Taiki: (The sunset at Sumida River is also beautiful today...)


?: Is this the end...

Taiki: (What is this...)

?: Am I going to...die in a place like this...

?: Hehe...Just like someone who'd going to be the future king...

Taiki: W-What do you mean 'die'...!?

Taiki: Oi! Who are you!

Taiki: Are you in pain!? Do you have anybody to help you!?

Zenjirou/Akari: Taiki!?

?: Y...You!? You can hear my voice!?

Taiki: Yeah! Where are you speaking from!? I'll come quickly so wait there!

Shoutmon: Idiot! Don't come any closer!

Taiki: !


Shoutmon: This area is also captured by the Bagura army already! If you come you'll just be sorry!

Taiki: (Just now...I saw an image in that moment...?)

Taiki: (A wounded red lizard-human...!?)

Shoutmon: Forget about me! If I get a complete stranger involved in this it'll destroy my reputation as the future king...

Taiki: Stop rambling on about this nonsense!

Taiki: Even if it destroys you reputation or whatever I'm going to help you!

Shoutmon: W-What are you talking about all of a sudden...Also, where are you speaking from in the first place...

Shoutmon: !


Taiki: Uwaah!?

Akari: Taiki!

Zenjirou: W-Why did a car suddenly appear from mid-air...!?

Zenjirou: A-Anyway, you have some awesome reflexes! As expected of my fated riva-

Taiki: T-That's not it! Just now was...

Shoutmon: You...Looks like I saved you...

Shoutmon: Really, you care about others but don't notice or care about your surroundings...

Taiki: You...You too, shouting loudly even as you're dying...right back at you!

Zenjirou: Kudou...?

Shoutmon: Haha...You aren't wrong...

Taiki: Oi! Oi, hang in there!

Akari: Ta...Taiki!

Akari: Look at that...!


Zenjirou: Wha...What's this...! The buildings are...!

Taiki: T-The sky also looks weird...!?


Akari: !

Akari: H...Huh!? My cellphone's screen...

(Lots of cellphones ringing)


Zenjirou: A...All the electronic devices are acting weird..!?

Taiki: !

Taiki: That's it!

Akari: Taiki!

Akari: Exactly what is going on with you!

Taiki: There it is!


Zenjirou: Wha...What is that...

Akari: Light...?

Akari: No...Sound? Melody!?

Taiki: It's getting'll die if we don't save it quickly!

Taiki: Yet...yet it...! It saved me...!

Zenjirou: W-What have you been saying since just now, Kudou!? I have no idea what is what...

Akari: Even Taiki has become weird!

?: Do you wish to save this melody (kanji says 'life')?

Taiki: Eh..!?


Zenjirou: Who-Who's that...!?

Akari: Is it that small microphone that is speaking...?

Taiki: I...I want to save it! Is there a way to do so...?

?: ...Then grab hold of this Xros Loader and become its owner...

?: His disappearing code (kanji says 'life') is stored in here, and you can repeat it

Akari: Don't...!


Akari: You've always been blindly helping people out, but...t-this time it seems bad...!

Zenjirou: T-that's right Taiki! We don't know what you'll get yourself involved in...

Taiki: ...! But...

Taiki: This moment is probably the only chance to save its life...

Taiki: If I don't do it now...

Taiki: Well, I don't want to regret and worry about it later, right!?

Akari: Arghhhh it's showing again, the 'I can't let it go' sickness...!

Zenjirou: ...?


?: I wish the children luck in their journey...

Children: !?

Taiki: Wha...

Akari: Kyaaaaaa!

Zenjirou: I told you soooooo!


Taiki: Elephant...!?


Zenjirou: looks like a different creature! What's with this group of animals...!?

Akari: T...the mountains are floating!

Akari: Wh...where exactly is this!?

Digimon: Fuge!

Digimon: Gyan!

Digimon: Daa!


Digimon: Hu...Humans!?

Digimon: Three human children...!

Digimon: W...why are they in this place...!?

Zenjirou: Wha...what's with these guys?

Akari: They look rather ugly...

Shoutmon: Ahhahahaha! To fall right into the middle of the enemy army, that's pretty rock!

Akari: Eh!?

Taiki: This voice...the one from just now...!?

Shoutmon: Yeah! Thanks to you repeating this Xros Loader, I was able to live again! Thanks!

Digimon: Is that the Blue Flare army's Aonuma Kiriha!?

Digimon: He seems different but human children are scary so let's just deal with them!

Digimon: Yeah, let's!

Zenjirou/Taiki: Deal with us...?


Children: Waaahhh!

Akari: T-they're attacking us!?

Shoutmon: They're the Bagura army! They're evil scoundrels that want to lay waste to the Digital World!

Shoutmon: Whaat, they're just small fry! I'll kick their butts! Hold up this Xros Loader and call my name! Reload me!

Taiki: Y...your name...

Shoutmon: You should know, Taiki! From the moment you stored me in the Xros Loader, we've become Soul Brothers!

Taiki: (That's right, I know...! He was with me in my dream...)

Taiki: Re...Reload...!


Taiki: Shoutmon!

Shoutmon: Yeah!

Lillymon/Sunflowmon: Elder! Jijimon-sama, that light...

Jijimon: Ohh...that little hooligan!

Jijimon: So he was still alive...!

Shoutmon: Hey! Made you wait, audience!

Shoutmon: Lets! Rock & Roll!

Shoutmon: Rowdy Rocker!

Commandramon: H-He's strong...!

Digimon: Continue attacking! It's just children but deal with them anyway!

Zenjirou: Uwah!

Akari: Mi...Missiles!?


Akari: Another new monster...? ...But

Zenjirou: This guy...he protected us...?

Shoutmon: You were late, partner!

Ballistamon: ...You worried me

Taiki: (This guy was also in my dream...Ballistamon if I'm not wrong!)

Taiki: (He easily took the hit of those rocket missiles...what a strong guy!)

Shoutmon: Let's finish this, partner!

Ballistamon: ...Yes!


Shoutmon: Soul Crasher!

Ballistamon: Heavy Speaker!

Digimon: Ohhh!?

Digimon: Uooooo

Akari: A-awesome...

Zenjirou: They even defeated such a big guy with one hit...!

?: I came hearing that there were some human children going wild...


MachLeomon: Shoutmon! So it was your group all along!

Taiki: !?

MachLeomon: I don't know how you got revived...What an annoying one you are!

Zenjirou: S...some robust looking guy just appeared?

Shoutmon: Tch! Looks like a troublesome opponent just appeared...

Shoutmon: Be careful! This was the guy who almost done me in just now

Akari: Ehh!?

MachLeomon(MadLeomon in Anime): Oh well...After brushing here and there what springs out is some fly...

MachLeomon: This Green Zone area army commander MachLeomon-sama will...


MachLeomon: I'll pass you a prayer to death no matter what!

MachLeomon: Sonic Thrust!

Ballistamon: Muoo!

MachLeomon: Kukaka!

MachLeomon: Do you think you all, who are all power and strength, will be able to catch my movements!?

MachLeomon: Come human children who bring bad luck to the Bagura army...

MachLeomon: I will destroy you!(I wasn't sure about this sentence, so I just wrote a new one.)

Children: Waahh!


Shoutmon: I can see your movements!

MachLeomon: Hmph...You definitely have quite good eyes...

MachLeomon: However that is useless!

Shoutmon: Gwaahh!

Shoutmon: Owww...Keh!

Shoutmon: That was quite a heavy blow on my not fully healed body...

MachLeomon: Fuhahahaha! Half-gut runts like you

MachLeomon: Should just return to the sea of data!


Zenjirou: way, that opponent's to strong!

Taiki: No...

Taiki: (I know...these guys' power is much more than this! Because, because they...)

Taiki: (! That's right! What did I do in that dream...?)

Taiki: Shoutmon! Ballistamon!

Taiki: Could you follow my instructions without saying anything...!?

Ballistamon: ...!

Shoutmon: Heh! I thought I told you!

Shoutmon: We're Soul Brothers!


Taiki: ...Yeah...!

Taiki: Shoutmon! Ballistamon! DigiXros!

Ballistamon: Ohh!?

MachLeomon: Wha...

MachLeomon: I-Impossible!? DigiXros!?


MachLeomon: That's what it is, right...!

Shoutmon: What's happening! My body!?

MachLeomon: The only thing His Majesty Baguramon is rumoured to be afraid of, the fusion evolution power...!

Zenjirou/Akari: Waah...!

Zenjirou: ...Eh...?

Akari: Ah...?


Shoutmon X2: Shoutmon X2!

Zenjirou: Oh...ohhh! Cooool!

Taiki: Huh...?

Akari: Eh!? That thing is so ugly...!?

Taiki: (It's different from the one I saw in my dream...!? Was...was it short of something!?)


MachLeomon: Wa...wahahahahaha! Isn't it just Shoutmon inside the big guy!

MachLeomon: What an exaggerated rumour...the legendary DigiXros is actually something so lousy...

MachLeomon: Tch...It surprised me for a second there!

MachLeomon: Sonic Thrust!


MachLeomon: Gahh!?

Shoutmon X2: Wha...?

Zenjirou: S...strong!

Akari: It looks ugly but it's actually strong!

Shoutmon X2: Shut up with all that 'ugly' talk!

Shoutmon X2: Ah

Shoutmon X2: Here goes!

Shoutmon X2: Just wait, audience!


MachLeomon: What...? His movements changed...!

MachLeomon: This is bad! I'll pull out of here and go report to the higher ups...!

MachLeomon: !?

Shoutmon X2: I'll do you a service from here!?

MachLeomon: I...Impossible!?

MachLeomon: Why do you small fries have this much potential...

Shoutmon: Carve this into your soul and go home!

Shoutmon: My shout!


Shoutmon X2: Body Blaster!


MachLeomon: Ba...gura...mon-samaaaa!

Monitormon: Oh...Ohhh!?

Monitormon: [D...did you see that, Nene-sama!]

Monitormon: [A user of DigiXros in this remote region...!]

Nene: That child's red Xros Loader...


Nene: Beautiful...*heart*

Kiriha: Are there others other than me that have a Xros Loader...?

Shoutmon: Gahahaha, I'm moved! I'm moved by you, Taiki!

Shoutmon: You're like the reincarnation of the legendary hero general!


Shoutmon: I've decided! I'll aim for king with you, Taiki!

Shoutmon: You'll surely lead the way to us becoming to supreme rulers of the Digital World!

Akari: Wait...Don't decide things by yourself!

Akari: We're just normal children! We also have to go back home too! We can't possibly follow you!

Shoutmon: What's wrong with you, you skinny girl...After coming all the way here where are you going to go home to?

Akari: Tokyo, Tokyo! Japan's capital Tokyo, isn't that obvious!?

Ballistamon: Which zone is that?

Ballistamon: This is the Digital World's Green Zone you know?

Akari: That's why I'm saying 'where is this place'!?

-Chapter 1 End-



So again, if this is against policy, let me know. I would hate to break the rules, and also, if I miss any profanity or names, let me know about that.

