This is another old story that I have editted to post here. The chapters on this one are relatively short so I will try and update regularly but I hope you like it.

Stephanie was sat in her Greenwich home just relaxing, it's not like she had anything better to do with her time anyway. A couple of months ago she had fought her Father at No Mercy and lost to him in an 'I Quit' match and ever since she'd been out of a job with not a lot to do.

Whilst Stephanie had been out she had stayed in touch with her Mom, without her Dad knowing, and she'd also stayed in touch with her brother Shane and his family as his wife had not long ago had a little baby boy, her first nephew and she was spoiling the kid rotten.

Stephanie had a pretty basic daily routine, she'd get up and have breakfast and sit around all day and once a week on a Monday she'd go shopping for groceries and today was that day.

Stephanie had grown to know the people working in the grocery shop lately as she went in every week so when she walked through the door she was greeted with a smile and a 'hello' that always made her feel better because it showed that someone other than her family cared about her. Stephanie did her shopping then went home to unpack it; her life really was tedious nowadays.

It was now 9pm on Monday night and Stephanie was just settling down in front of the TV to watch Raw, she didn't know why she bothered watching it as nobody seemed to even remember she existed but she did anyway, it brought her that little bit closer back to the WWE.

Raw was in full swing with Bischoff running the show with Evolution by his side, minus Hunter because they'd turned on him a couple of weeks back and Chris Benoit as the Champ.

Stephanie smiled at that as she always knew that Benoit would make a great Champ and he was proving it right now.

Before she could start listening to what Benoit was saying in the ring on TV her phone rang so she lent over to pick it up, "hello, Stephanie McMahon speaking."

Shane smiled, "hey sis, how you doing?"

She laughed, "Joey Tribiani impressions aren't funny anymore Shane but I'm fine thank you. How are you and your family?"

"Yeah we're all good thanks Steph. What are you doing?"

She sighed, "well my day has consisted of food shopping and now I'm watching Raw, really it's nothing that exciting."

He groaned, "Steph you'll kill yourself if you keep watching the show."

"Shane just don't start alright, I watch the shows and that's it. I've not got some grand scheme to take it over or anything."

Just then on the TV Stephanie saw a skirmish between Evolution and Benoit and Hunter made the save for Benoit so she said into the phone, "hey Shane I've got to go, it's just getting interesting."

Shane laughed, "slright sis, I'll speak to you again, take care bye."

Stephanie smiled, "give Declan a kiss from me, bye."

She hung up and turned her full attention to the TV.

Stephanie was sat watching the show intently, Hunter had seemed so mad it was funny and she wanted to see his reaction when they came back from the commercial break and also the reason he saved Benoit.

The commercial break quickly ended and Hunter was seen pacing the floor with Benoit stood in front of him, "Hunter why did you do that?"

Hunter just stopped and stared at him, "because they were beating the hell out of you and I hate their guts."

Benoit nodded, "thanks but we're never going to beat them, it's two against three."

Hunter sighed, "I know but Ric hardly gets involved so if we could just even out the score in that respect then we'd be laughing."

Benoit nodded, "yes but who could we get?"

Hunter rubbed his chin, "I'm not sure."

Suddenly Hunter had an idea and he smiled, "actually I've got the perfect person but I don't know if they'd be up for it."

Benoit nodded, "ask them then, you won't know unless you ask."

Hunter nodded, "I will."

Hunter then walked out of shot off to his locker room to make the call.

As soon as the segment ended Stephanie sat back on the couch wondering who the hell he could mean.