A/N: Sorry for not updating this quicker! Been 7 months at least and I'm really, really, really sorry. Besides, there's one more chapter coming so don't expect this cheesy chapter to be the ending.

Mrs. Driscoll and the class waited for several minutes outside the pyramid for Priscella to come out with Randy, safe and sound. They are uncertain that if Priscella is trustworthy on finding a missing student who is trapped inside the pyramid with a monster inside. They predicted that Randy wouldn't last five minutes to escape from a monster while being defenseless, at least trying to be a hero. But they didn't know that Randy is the current Norrisville ninja, equipped with the powerful Sapphire Ankh.

Well, everyone didn't know that but Howard, who is now starting to get worried about Randy fighting against Khaldun alone.

What if Randy got killed instead? What would Mrs. Driscoll have to say about it? Would she say that he was such a numbskull to fight off against Khaldun alone, nothing equipped with him? Would she consider giving him a month's detention for being a numbskull, if he made it out alive?

He would have to find out sooner or later, if Randy gets out of the pyramid alive.

On the other side of the pyramid, McFist and Viceroy are getting worried. The ninja hasn't showed up and what if he instead died along the way? If the ninja is dead, McFist would feel remorseful at first, but then he'd be a happy man. He would finally free the sorcerer from his prison and get his superpower of his choosing.

But is he really as evil as Khaldun? Is he just downright cruel to his victims and minions as Khaldun is to the Sutekh Brotherhood? Is he not a well beloved man on the outside as once did Khaldum before the ninja knew about his past? Is he just as obsessed as Khaldun is when it comes to destroying the ninja? Is he some sort of monster?

With little to answer the questions, McFist and Viceroy decided to head back to Pyro Suite on their own and wait for answers.


Meanwhile, Priscella takes a look inside the now sealed pyramid. Most of its entrances were sealed shut, except the main entrance and a huge hole located on the right – where the ninja is last seen attacking Khaldun. As she was about to approach the big hole, a powerful white and sapphire beam – twice the size of a dwarf planet – shoots right through the hole and almost hit both Priscella and the exit. When the beam died down, Priscella was surprised, but was glad that the fight is over between the ninja and Khaldun.

Priscella goes through the hole, and saw two things – Khaldun's now-mortal body that lifelessly lied cold on the ground, and the ninja who've just unmasked himself and turned back to Randy Cunningham. From the looks of it, Priscella could guess that Howard lied to Mrs. Driscoll in order to keep Randy's identity as the ninja a secret from everyone else, but how does she know that Randy would be the ninja?

But her questions were left unanswered as she quickly saw Randy losing his paces and collapsed on the floor, a few inches away from Khaldun's body. He is starting to lose his consciousness. It must've been his stomach wound, or the Sapphire Ankh's energy that he had consumed that caused him to collapse.

He tried in vain to keep his eyes open, though his vision become blurred within seconds, but long enough for him to see Priscella.

"P-P-Pyrota?" Randy muttered his last word before finally losing his consciousness.

Priscella quickly ran up the Randy and checks for a heartbeat by pressing her fingers onto Randy's pulse. No heartbeat.

Priscella's eyes widen in fear. The purple-haired (A/N: I'm getting tired of always calling Randy the raven-haired kid) kid grew cold and lifeless on Priscella's warm body. How will she tell the kid's class about this? It may sound grim, but Priscella has to come clean someday.

She carefully scoops up Randy's body and was about to leave when something small and made out of gold caught Priscella's attention from the corner of her eye. Lying on the stone ground beside Khaldun's body (which is now decaying to sand) was a rare golden jar. Priscella carefully placed Randy's body down and walked up to the rare golden jar. She picks it up and takes a look inside. Inside was a jarful of clear blue water and Priscella quickly remembered something.

In her hands was the rare and unique Water of Life. She had heard a lot about the Water of Life and its purposes. It was to bring a dead person back to life – with flesh and blood.

Priscella walks up to Randy's body and poured all the water into his mouth. After moments of silence and patients, Randy sat up straight, opens his eyes and gasped for air. Afterwards, Randy took a quick look at his stomach wound. It faded away like magic.

"What happened?" Randy asked Priscella when his eyes met hers.

"You did it kid," Priscella told Randy as she bends down to Randy's level. "You've saved the world and beat Khaldun for good."

This surprised Randy horribly.

"How did you know I was battling against Khaldun?" Randy asked Priscella nervously.

"I've been around for more than 800 years, so I do know a thing or two about the Norrisville Ninja and its system since 1212 AD." Priscella explained. "After I was buried alive under the statue of Anubis 5000 years ago, I let my sprit leave my body for quite a while to see what was going on after I got buried alive for performing a forbidden ritual. Unfortunately, the events that occurred after my burial but before 1212 AD were not a relevant one."

"How come?"

"Two weeks after my punishment was in process, Pharaoh Kickankhamun of Egypt was mysteriously murdered by his royal advisor - Giovanni who soon became immortal and took the throne. He ruled for quite some time, lasting for about a hundred years, until he was finally overthrown by a descendant of Kickankhamun who was tired of Giovanni's cruel dictatorship. After Giovanni was overthrown, Kickankhamun's descendant took the throne and ruled Egypt with fairness and great leadership. After that, Giovanni was banished to the lone islands of the Mediterranean Sea where he was soon found and is crowned Emperor of Rome. Afterwards, I've known nothing else of Giovanni."

"Geez, Giovanni must've have a really big ego back then." Randy joked.

"I know." Priscella continues on with her story. "Afterwards, I decided to visit the far east and that's where I learned about the Norrisville Ninja and its system. I even learned about the Sapphire Ankh. Unfortunately for me, I was forced to retreat back into my body and I know nothing else since."

Randy said nothing as Priscella added someting. "But now I'm here, living the life of a not-so-ordinary woman instead of a psyco priestess bent on destroying the world. But don't take my sudden change of life for granted - a fatass retard did it to me once and he got what came to him."

"What?" Randy asked, interested in Priscella's story.

"Death by starvation in the deserts." Randy gasped. Priscella chuckles. "I'm just kidding, kid. I just gave him a taste of my spell and turned him into a pig for a short period of time. He's okay right now."

Now it's Randy's turn to chuckle as he weakly stands up. "Oh. For a minute I thought you were being dead serious about the death by starvation part."

Randy nearly toppled over and Priscella quickly catches him in time. She helped Randy walk out of the pyramid where they were soon greeted by a group of worried classmates, a stern Mrs. Driscoll and an overjoyed Howard who ran up to Randy and hugs him real tight.

"What the juice, Howard?" Randy cried at his best friend who still wouldn't let Randy go for even a second.

"I'm glad you're alive, Cunningham." Howard replied as his hazel eyes met Randy's sapphire blue eyes with a firm and serious look. "Don't you ever do that to me again."

"I won't do it again for a long time, trust me." Randy replied with a small smile. "I think Khaldun's dead for good this time."

Howard was uncertain about that. "Are you sure he's dead for good? He's not going to come back from the dead for the third time?"

This time, Randy's face darkened. Khaldun had said something right before he died, but he couldn't figure out its meaning behind the message.

"Cursed is the man who dies, but the evil done by him survives."

What if Khaldun survives? Randy couldn't tell which is why he's going to asked the Nomicon about it when they get back to Pyro Suite. He patted Howard's shoulder.

"I'm sure Khaldun's dead for good, Howard."

It wasn't a lie, but Randy isn't sure about it either. Their reunion was cut short when Mrs. Driscoll cuts in front of them, her firm eyes locked on the awkward Randy.

"Mr. Cunningham, you've got a lot of explaining to do here." Mrs. Driscoll told Randy with a stern look on her face.

Randy was about to speak, but Priscella cuts him off. Priscella knew that Randy had just got back from the dead, so it's only fair that she tells the science teacher about Randy's absence. She makes sure that certain parts were left unspoken.

"It's true that Randy went face to face with a mummy." Priscella explained to Mrs. Driscoll. "By the time I found him, he had used an ancient spell to destroy the mummy for good, but he also grew weak from the sorce of the spell, which is why it took me longer than expected to find him."

"Well, I'm surprised to hear all of that from you." Mrs. Driscoll said finally. "You've convinced me otherwise, so I won't punish Randy for his absence."

Howard smiles at this as he hugs Randy again while everyone else head back to Pyro Suite.

"Y'know, it was rather disappointing that we didn't get to find a lot of mummy remains, Jerry." Mrs. Driscoll spoke to Jerry.

"Aww, I was hoping to find my uncle here." Jerry replied through Mrs. Driscoll's lip reading skills.

"Speaing of which, I wonder what happened to Khaldun and his team? It's not like they vanished or anything, but still, I wonder."

"Hey, Cunningham." Howard asked Randy.

"Yeah?" Randy replied.

"Ever thought of what was going on back in Norrisville while we were gone?"

This catches Randy off guard. For the past few days in Egypt, he was so caught up on trying to keep the Sapphire Ankh safe from the clutches of the Sutekh Brotherhood and keeping the world safe from said group once they get ahold of the necklace that he didn't have a chance to wonder what was going on back in Norrisville. What if the sorcerer had finally managed to free himself while Randy was gone for a few days? He could almost imagine Norrisville being burnt in flames and green stank. Hundreds of people would be turned to stanked monster and a hundred more fleeing for their dear lives from the sorcerer's wicked reign. If that sort of thing happens by the time Randy gets home, he'd be held responsible for Norrisville's demise.

"Are you even listening to me?!" Howard yelled.

Randy blinked once and looks at Howard. "What? Oh, no. I don't want to think about what is going to happen back home. It'll probably be the same as before, right?"

"Close enough."

Randy lets out a small smile as the class departs back to Pyro Suite, this time without Khaldum and his men escorting them.