The Tomb of the Cursed Mummy

A/N: First Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja fanfic that I've wrote. This will be multi-chapter.

Summary: Mrs. Driscoll's science class are going on a field trip to Egypt in search of the rare remains of the ancient mummies, but little do they know is that there's a curse lying up ahead. Also, why are McFist and Viceroy tagging along on a field trip when they should be at Norrisville High, trying to destroy the ninja?


Bold means walkie-talkie speech

Italics mean thoughts, dreams or flashbacks.

For 800 years, Norrisville High has been protected by a ninja, but no one knows that in every four years, a new warrior is chosen. Every ninja starts out as a freshman at Norrisville High and when he or she graduates, they pass the ninja suit down to the next chosen ninja.

Randy Cunningham, a freshman of Norrisville high is chosen to become the new ninja, to protect Norrisville High and possible the world from the forces of evil. But things like that will end up going differently when your average 9th grade science class, taught by the weird and awkward Mrs. Driscoll, decided to go on a trip to Egypt to look for bones. Plus did I mention that the ninja is going along the trip as well?

To the evil sorcerer who had been imprisoned deep underground for 800 years, that was a very easy task since he can stank the most vulnerable of all students for all he wants and not have to worry about the ninja coming by to de-stank the most vulnerable. But unfortunately, while the 9th grade science class and the ninja are out for a few days, no one in Norrisville High were vulnerable enough for the sorcerer to stank them and gain enough power to break free from his prison and shred the world into pieces. Nope. Everyone in the school was happy and going along with their normal lives, as if nothing had ever happened.

But to Hannibal McFist, owner of McFist Industries and wealthiest man in Norrisville, this will be hard because the ninja won't be around for a few days and neither he nor Viceroy would know where the ninja would be. He could be anywhere around the world. Why, if he had known the ninja's secret identity sooner, he would've track the ninja down and destroy him on the spot, but no. The ninja had to stop him from getting into his secret identity.

This is going to be harder than it looks.

But before I can tell you that story, I must tell you this story …

It all started one typical afternoon at Norrisville High in Science Class, taught by wacky Mrs. Driscoll who is often accompanied by her skeleton husband, Jerry Driscoll. Y'know, everything seems normal. Except for one thing.

Randy Cunningham is absent, yet no one but Howard seems to notice this.


Outside the school, Randy, as the ninja, is as usual busy fighting against one of McFist's Robo-Apes. The Robo-Ape smacked the ninja in the face, sending him flying to the tree, hurting the ninja in the process.

"What the juice?" the ninja spoke as he attacks the Robo-Ape with his sword. "You've just made me miss science class because of you!"

And with that, the ninja sliced the Robo-Ape into several pieces, thus claiming victory. The ninja transforms back to Randy Cunningham who then hurried off to science class before Mrs. Driscoll noticed. Fortunately for Randy, no one but Howard seems to notice him walking into the classroom and taking his seat next to Howard.

"What did I miss?" Randy whispered to Howard.

"Nothing much, Cunningham." Howard replied. "Just watched a few old videos on the human body and human bones."

"Were those videos important?"


Just then, Mrs. Driscoll noticed Randy for the first time since school started.

"Ah, Randy. Nice of you to join us on such short notice." Mrs. Driscoll spoke as usual.

"You're just in time for an important announcement." Jerry Driscoll spoke through Mrs. Driscoll's lip reading skills.

"Oh, Jerry. Thanks for reminding me that."

Mrs. Driscoll turns to her class.

"As you all know, tomorrow's our first out-of-country school field trip to Egypt, a land filled with rich history and culture."

The teens cheer as this brucesome news.

"But we do have our downfalls on this." The noise died down. "Every year, some numbskulls tried to find the ancient treasures buried in creepy tombs and take it to satisfy their greedy natures and live in easy streets. But we're not going to Egypt to find the ancient treasures. Instead, we're going to look for the remains of ancient mummies."

"And I bet my uncle's lying around there somewhere." Jerry replied through Mrs. Driscoll's lip reading.

"Oh, Jerry." Mrs. Driscoll laughed.

"Ha, ha, bone humor." Bucky the bank geek laughed as well. "Zing."

"Brown noser." Howard spoke angrily.

"And before anyone leaves to their next classes, there's a pink permission slip on my desk." Mrs. Driscoll informed the students. "Take one, have it signed by a parent or guardian, and return it tomorrow."

"But remember," Jerry warned. "No slip, no trip."

"Oh, Jerry. You and your sense of humor."

Just then, the bell rang as the students each take a pink permission slip and went to their next classes.

"Can't you believe it, Cunningham?" Howard spoke to Randy. "Our first out-of-country field trip. It's the cheese!"

"Finally," Randy said. "I could use a little vacation from having to battle against McFist's robots for like weeks."

"Say Cunningham. Do you think that there might be a curse in Egypt?"

"We'll just have to wait and see Howard. And when that happened, the ninja will surely de-stank the curse."