Author's Note: I don't own Iron Man or the other Marvel characters.


Bruce run over to Dummy after Tony dragged the water-logged robot to the terrace where the manor used to look over the ocean. "You poor robot," Bruce cried. "You look like something the cat dragged in."

"Doesn't your hubby get a hug?" said Tony.

"Poor Dummy - you make him wear a dunce cap and now he's covered in kelp and barnacles. Tony, you can take care of yourself. Dummy is defenseless."

"We need to talk," said Tony.

"I'll have to look at my schedule. Maybe, we can do lunch." Bruce kissed Tony on the lips then wrapped his arms around him for a proper kiss. "Pepper and I have a company to run. Your company, if I'm not mistaken."

Tony put his arms around Bruce to steal another kiss. "I'll make it up to you."

"Lunch." Bruce walked toward the Audi then stopped and waved. After sitting in the car, Bruce took some calming breaths and told himself he was more worried about Tony then angry. It was just worry. As Bruce said, Tony can take care of himself. Bruce had to get to work. His inbox wasn't going to empty while he was sitting in his car.


Author's Note: This is just a plot bunny. It may not end up in the final fiction when I choose to write it. In my series, Happy and Pepper are together, so that changes the story immensely since they don't even like each other in Iron Man 3. I do like the idea of Tony telling Bruce the story and Bruce falling asleep on him since I had Bruce fall asleep during their first date back in Safety First.