Author's Note: I apologize in advance. I'm a total Peter Parker/Mary Jane Watson Parker shipper. My first experience with Spiderman was the 1990's cartoon on Fox. When I had read the comics, Peter and Mary Jane were already married. I also seen the three previous movies multiple times each.

Disclaimer time: I don't own Spiderman or the Avengers or any other characters that belong to Marvel.


While Bruce was in the lab working on the physics of traveling back in time, Jarvis said, "Dr. Banner, Spiderman is on the helio-pad. Do you want me to ask him to leave?"

"Tell Mr. Parker I'll meet him there." Bruce saved his data then shut down the program he was working on. Still in his lab coat, Bruce took the elevator to the roof. "Mr. Parker, we meet, again."

Spiderman didn't remove his mask. "I need your help. May I come to your lab? I would like you to draw my blood. I figured you would have the facilities for dealing with radioactive blood."

"You figured right," said Bruce. "We can drop the facade. Peter, may I call you Peter?"

Peter removed his mask to show his face. "My powers are unstable. I didn't know where else to turn."

Bruce put an arm around the boy. "Let's get to the lab and then we'll talk."

"Sorry, I'm a bit nervous," said Peter. "Seeing you in that lab coat makes me think of Curt Conners."

"I have two arms and I'm a monster all of the time." Bruce tried to give Peter a reassuring smile. "The tower and the lab belong to my husband and I, so I don't have to report to anyone but our CEO and stockholders."

"That is suppose to make me more comfortable?"

Bruce shrugged his shoulders. "You came to see me."

Getting into the elevator, Peter said, "I get an advanced warning when I'm in danger. No warning, yet."

"Jarvis, my bio lab, please," Bruce said as the doors shut.

"Yes, sir," said the AI.

"Bug boy, catch puny snake thing." Bruce pinned the boy to the wall of the elevator with his arms. Bruce's memory of the Hulk throwing the snake man at Spiderman was foggy, but Tony had told him all the good parts. He didn't want to hurt the boy, only scare him enough to let him know that threatening the Hulk was never a good idea. "I heard the other guy got you back for threatening me at a charity dinner, so we're even."

Peter said, "Dr. Banner, I don't want my face in the newspaper and I have lot less to lose than you."

With his arms leaning against the walls of the elevator, Bruce, practically touching the boy, noticed the odor - spider pheromones - like a million spiders were in the elevator with him or one very big one. Backing away from the boy, Bruce whispered, "I'm sorry, very sorry."

When the door of elevator opened, Peter got out. "You're mental."

"And you smell like spiders, so a mad scientist may be just what the doctor ordered." Bruce walked over to the door of the lab and entered the access code. After they were inside the secured lab, Bruce directed Peter to a seat. "Please, sit." After washing up and putting on latex gloves, Bruce prepared a sterile syringe. "You will feel a sting."

"I'm sorry I called you mental."

"All the Avengers are mentally ill, except for Thor, and he only helped out because Loki is his brother."

Peter got into Bruce's face. "Captain America isn't mentally ill."

"He doesn't have the laundry list of mental problems that Tony and I have, but Captain America suffers from depression and PTSD. I would be mentally ill even if I didn't change into an enormous green rage monster as Tony puts it." After Bruce bandaged Peter's arm, Bruce said, "You can assist me if you like. Before looking at your blood, I can tell you your odor has changed in the past few weeks."

After tossing the gloves in bio-hazards receptacle, Bruce took Peter's blood then made a slide to examine under the microscope and then prepared blood to be analyzed for its chemical properties, DNA comparison and bunch of other tests.

"I wasn't trapped in a confided space with you before, so how do you know what I smelled like?" said Peter.

"The Hulk doesn't need a confided space to smell you," said Bruce. "His nose is much better than mine. You can tell a lot by a person's odor." Bruce put the slide under the electron microscope. "Your cells are changing as I look at them. That can't be good. Jarvis, compare Parker's cells to human blood and spider blood cells. Send me the analysis."

"Complying data, Sir," said the AI.

"Compare to Richard Parker's research on transgenic spiders," said Bruce.

"Will do," said the AI.

"You know about my father's research?" Peter was now looking at the cells divide and mutate on the screen.

"I looked into it after Ms. Potts told me who you were," explained Bruce. "She should have respected your secret, but people go to great lengths to keep me calm. I wonder why."

"How did she find out?" asked Peter.

"You were taking pictures of yourself and Mr. Jameson doesn't byline the photos he buys all rights to, but you have enough photos with your byline in the Daily Bugle to identify you," said Bruce. "Since the photo you took when Ms. Potts was watching from inside Stark Tower didn't make it into the paper, she compared the list of teenage freelance photographers to what she knew about Spiderman. It was a short list."

"Then my secret identity might not be much of a secret," said Peter.

"I don't think other people will go to that much trouble. Your costume is pretty form-fitting, so it is obvious you're a young man. So Ms. Potts didn't have to look at the women photographers or any men over age 30 since some men in their twenties still look like teenagers. Then you take a lot of Spiderman photos, so your actions shorten the list even further." Bruce was still looking at Peter's neogenic cells. "My cells change like that when I become the Hulk, but with you, it appeared to be constant. The question is what are you changing into?"

Peter leaned over Bruce to get a better look at the screen. "Can you tell me anything else?"

"Jarvis is analyzing your cells, but they're changing so fast it's hard to get a lock on them. If I give you something to treat your current condition, a millisecond later you will have a different condition. I'll need to find something to stop or slow the mutation before we can find any kind of treatment. Do you mind if I show your cell samples to a colleague of mine, Dr. Mariah Crawford? I won't give out your name."

"Show her. Just don't give out my name. I need to keep my aunt safe. She's all I have left in this world."

"Don't you have friends from school?" asked Bruce.

"I'm kind of a nerd and a bit of a loner," said Peter. "I like this girl, Gwen, but I promised her dad that I wouldn't go near her and she just lost her father, and looking at my cells, I'm either going to be dead or a pile of goo. So I can't bring her into this."

"I'll see what I can do to stop or slow down the mutation." Bruce put a hand on Peter's shoulder. "Dr. Crawford will need to know the sample is from Spiderman, but I'll keep your real name out of it."

Peter put his mask back on. "I'll use the front door since my powers have been wonky the last few days."

"Do you have a phone number? No, forget that. If I need to reach you, I can contact the Bugle." Bruce gave Peter a calling card. "You can reach me the fastest by email."

Bruce watched Peter leaving the lab then called Dr. Crawford's cell phone. "It's Bruce Banner. Call me back. I'll email you the details." Then as promised, Bruce wrote a long email and sent the results of Jarvis's analysis. The cells kept changing even outside Parker's body. Therefore, Dr. Crawford would need a new sample before she could help the boy.