A New Beginning

Summary: When Severus Snape begs for a new beginning, asks whatever spirits may see him to help. He didn't think they would be answered. A new world, a new home, a new life.

Disclaimer: I don't own Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter, their respective owners are very wonderful people. This is only for your entertainment.

LOTR/HP Crossover

Erestor/Glorfindel Slash (Light)


Random Note: Elves Mature at the Age of 50! Look it up if you don't believe me

AN: Thanks for the reviews and sorry about the lateness of updates I have been going through a lot.

Year: 2400 Third Age
Edhannon: 38 years old

Chapter 3: Settling

Severus was at a loss when they entered the dining hall, elves mingled at tables, warriors drank and maids chatted away.

Standing near a large fireplace was a dark haired elf with a pair of twins flanking either side of him. Severus did a quick study, all three were crowned and clothed in rich colors, the twins each carried a sword on their hip and the elder of the three held himself with great dignity.

"My Lords," Erestor greeted, gaining the attention of all three men. Severus didn't know what to do, he had never been good in crowds or minor conversation, and he often avoided them when he could. He looked about for an escape, or even Glorfindel. Not seeing the blond or a polite escape, Severus followed Erestor up to the three Lords who stood waiting. "My Lords."

"Who is this young thing?" One of the twins asked and bent down for a closer look at the shaken child, "I did not think you were one for strays Erestor."

"I am NOT a stray," Severus snapped, venom working its way back in to his tongue. The young Lord snapped back, shocked at the amount of fire the child had spat out in one simple statement.

"Now, Elladan, do not speak so unkindly to our guest," The elder spoke and crouched down slowly. Severus watched him, his eyes unblinking and cautious. "I am Elrond, Lord of this house, and these are my sons, Elladan and Elrohir, and I apologize for my son's teasing, he does not yet know how to hold his tongue, even at his age."

Severus stood in silence, his body facing away from the elven Lord, ready to dash if he needed too, but Elrond made no other moves. Elrond stayed put and watched the child trembling in place, the boy reminded him of a rabbit or young colt, one wrong move and he would dash away never to trust him again. The boy's eyes were hardened and his face set, a look Elrond knew well from experience and years of as seasoned warrior back from battle or many years of service. Elrond had seen that very look in his own eyes reflected back at him from the mirror, and now it was watching him from the eyes of a young child barely living his life. The Elf Lord reached out slowly and the child's eyes snapped to his hand, watching him intently.

"What horrors have you seen child," Elrond asked as his hand rested against the other's cheek, carefully pulling their gaze eye to eye. Severus froze in place and his mental shields came up on instinct alone, but not once did the elf even try to shuffle through his head. "You have a story to tell, Pen'neth, but I will not force it from you."

"My Lord?" Severus felt his gaze trapped, he couldn't turn from the grey eyes that had captured them, but it was no spell or enchantment that kept his gaze. This elf, whom he had just met, was showing him care and offering it so freely to a stranger he had no idea about. Severus felt his heart race against his chest and his mouth grow dry as the elf stood and stepped away, his son's following after him dutifully.

"Edhannon," Erestor placed a hand on the child's shoulders, causing the boy to jump and look up at him, "Elrond has a way with the wounded, he's a healer and can see a hurt from a league away."

"If you say so," Severus said as they headed for the dinner table, "Glorfindel isn't here."

"He is probably already in bed, he had to wake early for morning patrol," Erestor spoke as he took a seat, Severus quickly stole the place at his side and allowed himself a small amount of relaxation as the hall fell in to silent chatter. He could almost imagine himself back in the Great Hall at Hogwarts, with the chattering of children and the soft conversation among teachers lulling him in to a safety net.

"Erestor," Severus jumped at the sudden sound and turned to a limber, dark haired elf that sat on Erestor's other side.

"Lindir, good to see you, Edhannon, this here is Lindir," He motioned to the elf who nodded and smiled and Severus went back to his meal, "Pardon him, Lindir, he is a little skittish and does not trust easy."

"I see, oh well, no insult taken from the child, but I would like your help on a song I am composing for the festival next coming month," He said and Severus looked up in curiosity.

"Yes the festival, I hear elves from the Golden Wood will be here to celebrate with us," Erestor spoke and Severus looked back at his plate, "I would be happy to help, what of you Edhannon, care to join us?" The youngling snapped his head up and tilted his head.

"I am no good with songs," He said played with his food, "Excuse me, I'm not that hungry." Severus pushed his plate away and headed off, leaving the darklings to wonder if they had said something to offend the child.

Severus wondered until the moon shown in to the halls, leaving a soft light. He could smell the soft air of Autumn in his nose and he wondered if he had been stuck in a kind of limbo before he appeared here, having died in late Spring. He wondered if school was to start soon, and if so who would be the new Potions teacher, he thought if McGonagall would be taking up Head Mistress or maybe she would retire. He wondered what happened to Potter, would he go through with his Aura training, or would he quit, or Draco, what would he do now that the Malfoy family was free. Severus looked down at his hands clasped together as he leaned against the banister, staring out in to the night. What would become of him, he was scared, with the body of a child he was feeling more and more like one. People were willing to help but he didn't know how to let them. He ran his fingers through his hair and let it fall down his shoulders, his eyes turned back up to the stars.

"Ion'nin," a soft voice sounded and he whipped around and saw Glorfindel standing in a door way, watching him, "You should be sleeping."

"So should you, from what I hear," Severus spoke and flushed when he realized how out of turn it was. Glorfindel chuckled and stepped forwards, kneeling down in front of him again. Severus was starting to get use to people bringing themselves down to his level, as a child he was often intimidated by people larger than him, his father, Voldermort, even James.

"I oft' find myself unable to sleep," Glorfindel said "Because my past brings nightmares."

"Nightmares?" Severus asked and Glorfindel nodded as he shifted to sit and motioned Severus to do the same. Severus, slightly bemused about sitting in the middle of the hall way, joined the blond on the floor and both stared up at the stars.

"Long ago, I was a warrior and I defeated a great foe, but in doing so, I lost my own life," He said and heard the quickened pace in Severus's breathing, his eyes fixed on the blond, "I was brought back from the Halls of Mandos because I was not yet ready to leave this world." Glorfindel looked at Severus who stared up at him in strange wonderment and then slowly, ever so carefully, he blinked and turned his head back to his hands.

"I died," Severus said, and Glorfindel's eyes widened, "I was killed, by a man who desired power and because of that power he became something…ugly and deadly, he was death in mortal form." Severus turned to Glorfindel who didn't speak, he just listened. "I…I was a mortal man, killed in a battle that had lasted for… so long, I had played both sides, a spy for the light and a messenger for the dark, I was…so tired and so bitter…" The lump in his throat grew, choking his voice as he tried to speak "They both had taken so much from me."

"Shh, Ion'nin, hush now," Glorfindel pulled the elfling in to his arms and embraced him, "You don't need to tell me everything at once." He patted the child's back, running his hand threw dark hair as silent tears dropped on to his shoulder. "You died a mortal, a grown man at your age, but perhaps were chosen to become our kind as a new start, to grow again with love and care." Glorfindel didn't expect an answer as the boy wept quietly in his arms.

"What does 'Ion'nin' mean?" Severus asked after a moment or two and Glorfindel smiled,

"My son," He answered and Severus pulled back and looked up at him with an unreadable expression.

"You take me in so willingly," He said and Glorfindel nodded with a smile, "Why?"

"Because you need someone to look after you," He chuckled and ran his fingers through the boy's hair, touching the gold circle that decorated his brow, "If you wish, you may call me Adar."

"What does that mean?" Severus asked as he yawned softly,

"Father," Glorfindel said as he gathered the child in to his arms and lifted him easily. Severus was too tired for protesting and simply leaned in to the other, his arms circling around the elf's shoulders, small fingers tangling in to golden hair.

"Adar," Severus tested it sleepily and sighed softly, "Adar." His arms tightened around Glorfindel and his body relaxed considerably. Glorfindel smiled as he carried the sleeping boy down the halls, his little break through bringing some insight in to the child's mind, he was broken and bitter, something that could become harmful if left to fester. Glorfindel sighed as he let the boy slip from his arms and in to a soft bed, watching as Severus curled about himself, even in sleep he was self-preserved.

"We'll look after you," Glorfindel whispered as he turned and blew out the candle, leaving the child to sleep, and to dream.

Sorry for the Hiatus, Life has been kicking me in the Butt, hard, but I threw a few things off my plate and everything should be coming in to play here soon. Sorry for everything!