Title: Planking
TV Show: Supernatural
Pairing: Destiel

(Not set anywhere in the series. Also, I've forgotten some things from the show. Mom and I are going to re-watch it from the first episode of season 1 this evening.)

Dean was face down on a bed.

"What are you doing?" Sam asked. Lately, Dean had been weird, so he wasn't too concerned since this was the norm.

"Planking." He replied.

"It's not planking if you're about to fall asleep in that position."

"Mmng…" Dean moaned sleepily. He ended up falling asleep. Sam left the room to get something. When he came back in the room, there was Castiel, who was confused as to what Dean was doing. He gave Sam a questioning look.

"Planking." He answered. He left the room again to get something else. When he came back, the angel was laying on Dean's back face down. "Um… Cas?"

"Planking." He said. Castiel is innocent and impressionable, so this made Sam sigh with relief. He had been thinking of something else.

"You know, it's not really planking if you're laying on someone. You have to be face down on a surface with your legs together and arms at your sides."

"That doesn't sound very comfortable."

"It probably isn't. I'm not sure how it got started, but I'm pretty sure Dean was being sarcastic when he said he was planking. He's been acting weird lately. I hope he's alright…"


"There's not any real explanation for it. He won't give me a reason. He's just being trying new things, is all." He looked back at Cas. "Aren't you going to get off of him?"

"This isn't supposed to happen, but I'm feeling lethargy. This is very comfortable and warm…"

"Yeah, but Dean might think you're doing something different than just laying on him."

"Like what?" he asked innocently. Same cleared his throat, looked away, and said,

"Mounting." He left the room to get a beer. When he came back, Castiel appeared to have fallen asleep somehow, and his feathery wings were out, resembling a blanket. The younger brother sighed. "Guess I won't say anything." He put his beer down and sat down in front of his laptop. "Those two look a lot more peaceful this way." He smiled a bit and went to work looking for information on their latest case.