Edward's POV

After what seemed like hours of just sitting in the nurses office they finally let me go so the first thing I did was go straight towards the night class, but I was caught by that damned discipline committee I guess I shouldn't go pick a fight just for the pleasure of my own revenge but I still don't like that guy for what he did. Now all I need to do is get some sort of evidence to show to Mustang then it'll all play out from there,but how am I supposed to get evidence of vampires? Suddenly Yuki runs up to me and says "Ed headmaster wants to see you." Shrugging I say "Okay I'll go there right away."And so I end up heading for the Headmaster's office getting there quickly enough, knocking on the door I say "It's Edward you wanted to speak to me?" Headmaster replies "Come in Ed."

When I enter he is just sitting at a desk behind a computer like any other working person would be. "I have some things to discuss with you Ed." I reply "Okay..." dragging out my word with confusion dripping in my tone. "First off I have a favor to ask, since you know the secret of this academy I was wondering if you could join the committee? Also on your records... You don't have guardians who watch you so who was this 'Roy'?" Crap what am I supposed to say? Family friend that'll work! "He's a family friend who took me in since my mother died and my father has been missing." He cocks an eyebrow and questions "Hohenheim is missing what do you mean by that?" I reply "Well I'm not sure how to say this, all I know is he abandoned my family before my mom even died. The military doesn't even can't get traces of him and so to my brother and I he's 'missing.' But truthfully I don't care about that guy!" Crossing my arms across my chest and looking away I sigh at the thought of the memories I push them away, I say "Oh and sure I'll accept the role of being in the committee, what all do I have to do?" Headmaster says "Well mostly you'll be watching over the day class making sure they don't stick their noses to deep in what they shouldn't learn. You'll patrol the campus at night looking for any lingering students from the day class and watch their behavior. If it's to stressful then I understand if you drop it, I'm glad though that you'll accept it!" I'm a dog for the military this will be nothing! These day class student don't have a thing on me, with a confident grin I reply "No problem!" He hands me a sash that looks exactly like what Yuki and Zero wear and says "This will be your 'discipline committee uniform' so people around you will know." Nodding I grab the sash and after saying goodbye I'm on my way back to the dorms. Oh great I have to be in the same room as Envy!

When I reach the room Envy is sprawled across his bed with an expression of boredom as he is just looking over his nails like some sort of self conscious girl, only god knows why. I say "Hey." grabbing my normal school uniform then locking myself in the bathroom, I haven't even tried this on how will I know if it fits comfortably and all, I'd hate to be stuck in some terrible uniform. After slipping it on I observe myself in the mirror slipping on the sash over the uniform and sigh, I feel so different in this I'm so used to my clothes I usually wear. Those are so light weighted and easier to move around in, these feel tight and just utterly not right but it can't be helped I'm supposed to be in uniform, especially since I'm now in the discipline committee. Letting myself out of the restroom I head for the door without saying a word. I hear Envy say "Already heading out full-metal, you sure have been busy lately it's like you aren't even using the room." Stopping in my spot I look back replying "I joined the discipline committee for the school so I have to patrol the school grounds at night." Envy lets out a chuckle before saying "Once a dog of the military always a dog." Cocking an eyebrow I shrug pushing it aside and leave the room without another word. What else am I supposed to say after all I don't have away to respond to his statement. To tell the truth I have no clue what he meant by it, but I know it has to do with being in the discipline committee, whatever I just need to go start the job.

A red wine moon glistening over the dark sky filled with stars and the silent night, it seems just right for one of those vampires to attack. I'm being a bit hasty though who says they're all like that, just as they all pretty much said Hanabusa can be like that. I don't get this job as all I'm doing is walking out here alone looking for the nonexistent people sneaking out at night. The only people who might be out here right now is the night class. I really don't understand what the point of this is all together since it almost seems as if I'm the only one out here, I could ditch and they'd never know! After awhile I'd found myself at a sidewalk and stopped there leaning against one of the columns and just let myself go deep in thought. I hope Alphonse is doing okay, I wonder when Roy will get here,what in the world can I use as evidence? I looked slightly up then finding a small box just sitting on the ground and out of curiosity I grab it observing the outside of it then opening it to find a bunch of tablets inside, looks like someone dropped their medicine. I wonder what it is but I guess I won't ever know since I probably won't ever find who it belongs to. "Oh look it's the discipline committee and it seems he found something that doesn't belong to him." The voice belonged to a girl and when I look back it is definitely one of the night class students, just great time for another one to just take a sip of my blood!

"What this?" I ask the girl revealing the small box filled with tablets then continuing," Do you know who it belongs to?" The girl simply replies "It's probably either just another night class student or it could belong to discipline committee." Cocking an eyebrow I ask "Someone from the discipline committee is a vampire?" Nodding she replies "Well yes but really he is in 'transition' because it hasn't taken full effect but yes, Zero is a vampire." This should be perfect evidence I can use, but it will be hard enough to explain it to Colonel as I didn't even understand it at first. With a fake smile I say "I will just bring this back to Zero then," walking away from the girl and heading only out of her sight, it's not like I'm going to give up any evidence I can find so I can prove myself and this school. That would be the stupid thing to do but still I can already see that damned colonel and his smart remarks about how vampires I stupid myths and that I wasted his 'precious' work time even though he doesn't ever get anything done!

Now all I have to do is wait.~

Sorry for a short chapter I was utterly stuck at the end point so I just ended it and so yeah, i am working on the next chapter though I hope you are liking this story if you're reading it please RR, ~Roxy