Dragon Lord

Vloknaad. Just that one name sent shivers, chills, and fear throughout the ponies of Equestria. Though the name was feared itself, it was a cute little bunny rabbit compared to the creature wielding said name. Reigning Overlord Archenstein Vloknaad was a cruel, heartless, selfish, and outrageously cold being. He derived pleasure from the sight, sounds, and especially thoughts of ponies in peril. He would personally torture and beat poor Equestrian society to a pulp, just for the fun of it. If he wasn't viciously assaulting somepony, he had someone else viciously assaulting somepony. Now you're probably thinking, if this man is so mean, and nopony likes this guy, why hasn't Celestia done anything about it, or even Luna for that matter? Well, Vloknaad is no mere man. He is what he refers to as a Dragonich. He is no dragon, yet is completely and utterly as wicked as any other. With slight humanoid features, and plenty of pent up dragon rage, he truly stands up to the self-proclaimed title of Dragon Lord. As for rising against the Dragon Lord, let me ask you this. Would you take the leader of all dragons of Equestria head-on with nothing but a little bit of magic and a few stones shaped like cutie marks? Besides, the elements have been long destroyed. Vloknaad had them taken care of personally, smelting the elements into a liquid he supplemented to his weapons and armor. Not that he needed it, what with the massive army at the tip of his fingers. However he didn't care what he needed or didn't need. It was all about what he wanted. He wants to take over Equestria, turning it into his own little "paradise."

Fortunately, a small band of gifted ponies has managed to hold back Vloknaad's advances, using their special talents to ward off their enemies. These brave souls consisted of a handful of unicorns, a handful of Pegasi, a small handful of earth ponies, and one alicorn. I'm sure you guessed that Alicorn was Celestia. You're wrong. It's Luna. How, you may ask, is that possible? Vloknaad was a sly fellow. He had managed to capture Celestia, kidnapping her and taking her to his own castle, where he had locked a magic displacement device on her horn, and turned her into his own personal toy. One of which he does horrible, unexplainable things to. But Celestia knows that her sister and band of guardians will push the citizens of Equestria to victory, eliminating this menace once and for all. Unicorns, led by none other than Twilight Sparkle, have been to the knees deep in trying to discover a way to drain Vloknaad's power, while stabilizing a barrier between them and his minions. Pegasi, of by the fearless Rainbow Dash, are working hard together to neutralize air raids by his dragons, and Earth Ponies, led by the faithful Applejack, have been attempting to find routes safe for citizens trying to escape the major towns and cities. Altogether, these groups have managed to hold off Vloknaad's total take over for 15 years. Bruised, bloodied, and exhausted, these ponies defend while the evil Dragon Lord smiles and attacks.

Day 5,475, Excerpt of Corporal Sparkle, Yes, I'm still counting the days this battle lasts. I'm doing it, so that when this is all over, and we win this thing, I can rub just how long we can hold our ground in that dirty, ugly, Vloknaad's face. Managed to hold off another dragon raid. Thank Celestia, however she may be, that they were only children. Vloknaad must be getting desperate. I can only hope so. Seems like this'll never end, but we've managed 5,000 days, we can manage another. This is Corporal Twilight Sparkle, signing out.

Twilight closed her book and sighed, placing her quill on her raggedy desk as well. She slowly trotted over to her makeshift newspaper bed and lied down. "Celestia, wherever you are, however you're doing, we will win this thing." She said to herself before drifting to a dry needed deep sleep.