Firstly I would like to apologize to everyone who read this and got invested in the story for disappearing for so very long. I do have some reasons: I forgot my id/password for the longest time, the computer I was using that had all the chapters previously written and ideas for future chapters totally crashed without warning, and I lost all muse for Ryssa as a result. I don't know if I'm going to finish this, I might. I'm re-reading it now and if I get an idea for where to take the story, it'll be added. I make no promises, however. Since leaving here I turned to Roleplay on Tumblr and have been stuck in that hole since 2012. I miss writing this and the characters I have created so I'd like to give this story some sort of closure instead of just abandoning it in it's entirety. Please be patient with me for a little bit longer while I attempt to rouse my plot bunnies from their long-time hibernation.

Given the way The Originals went and how it ended, I doubt I will be following canon. As stated, nothing is set in stone though so if I do continue this story, there will be changes made. Also I have yet to decide whether or not to include Hope or most of the events in later TVD seasons. I'm pretty much making this up as I go now without the outline I once wrote so we'll see!