Kept in the Dark

A Detective Conan fanfiction by Alex.

Disclaimer: I obviously don't own this fandom, due to the face I'm postion on a FAN FICTION site. EMPHASIZE on FAN.

As you grow up, people tell you not to lie because of the fact it's "bad".

But, I honestly believe that people lie for good reasons…

Mine being one of them. I keep friends in the dark because the truth…

Would kill us.

Hurt us.

Separate us.

But… Even if it does, keeping secrets and telling lies also…

Can protect us,

Decieve enemies,

And save lives.

It is those three reasons that I lie.

To protect those I love, care, and need.

All because of the fact… If they were gone, Kudou Shinichi would be gone along with them.

And this is why I lie…

And is why sometimes it is better to be kept in the dark, rather than brought out to be shot by Organization members.

It's that reason I must stay stong for everyone.

It's because of this reason, I actually don't mind having the weight of the world on my shoulders.

As long as I have living friends and family… As long as I know they're alive…

We'll be safe.

Well, that was random. I wasn't going to post this, but thought: Eh, what the heck. And posted it anyway.

Hope you enjoyed my little ficlet. :)


PS: Remember to Review. I like those.