Ch. 11: The Happiness in the Ending

Booth and Bones sat holding hands in the examination room at the hospital. They were waiting on the doctor to come in and check out Bones and the baby. The laceration on her head had already been stitched up. Every so often Booth would kiss Bones. He knew he would never stop looking for her but he honestly didn't know if he'd find her alive. He was planting a kiss on her stomach when the doctor walked in, so he quickly sat up.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Lee. I understand you've been through quite a lot recently Dr. Brennan. Why don't you tell me what happened so I can make sure we check everything that needs to be checked."

"I was knocked out and abducted approximately 36 hours ago. I have an open head wound that bled for hours. My abductor hooked me to an IV and a fetal heart rate monitor while I was with him. Oh yea," she looked at Booth," I'm pregnant. I had just found out the night before I was abducted."

"Do you have pain anywhere besides your head?"

Bones froze. She had yet to tell Booth about almost losing the baby. They had been through so much in the past few days, and now that they were together she didn't want to cause him anymore worry. But she knew for the baby's sake she needed to be completely honest.

"Well when I was with my captor, I had cramps and bleeding."

"What? You didn't say anything!" Booth said, his voice filled with fear.

Bones went on like she hadn't heard him.

"I passed out when the bleeding started and when I woke up I was hooked to an IV and the baby's heart rate sounded strong on the monitor." Bones couldn't bring herself to look at Booth. This was just another thing she had kept from him. She could feel the tension emanating from him.

"It sounds like it could have been the normal bleeding some women experience during pregnancy. To be safe I'm going to bring the ultrasound in and we'll take a look."

With that Dr. Lee left Booth and Bones alone in the room again. Bones tried to prepare herself for the response Booth had bottled up while the doctor was in the room.

"How could you not have told me that you almost lost the baby? We could have gotten here sooner, or they could have checked the baby immediately."

"I was so happy to be with you again and the heart rate sounded strong after the bleeding so I didn't want to worry you anymore."

"Bones, you can't keep secrets like this from me. First the pregnancy, and now this. I want to be honest with each other. I can handle the scary stuff, I promise. I would rather have all the cards on the table than be blindsided."

Bones couldn't stop the tears from sliding down her face. Booth seeing them felt like a complete ass. Here she had just gone through the most uncertain hours of life and he was yelling at her about not telling him something. Granted it was a very important something, but still he needed to cut her some slack. Booth immediately embraced Bones.

"Shh, don't cry Bones. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. It's just that you and this baby and Parker are my whole life. I need all of you to be complete."

"I'm so sorry Booth. I should have told you when I thought I was pregnant instead of avoiding you. I want to be honest with you, I love you. I need you in my life. I need this baby."

Booth continued to hold Bones and she held him right back. They stayed like this until Dr. Lee returned, rolling in the ultrasound.

"Are you kids ready to see your baby?"

Bones laid back on the table and rolled her shirt up. Booth stood beside her, holding her hand. They both stared at the screen waiting to see their baby. Dr. Lee squirted the cold gel on Brennan's stomach and started moving the transducer around. The screen lit up and the heartbeat filled the room. Booth and Bones looked in amazement at what they had created.

"Looks healthy. You seem to be about 7 weeks along. And there's one more thing."

Booth squeezed Bones' hand, silently telling her that whatever it was they would get through it together.

Dr. Lee pointed to the screen.

"Here's your baby, and here's their sibling. There are two babies."

"Twins." Booth and Bones said at the same time as they smiled at each other.