So yeah, other version is canceled, here's the first chapter of the rewrite, PM me if you have questions, and Review!

Right i've addressed some of the issues, just want to point out now that the sangheili ships that appear are part of the Storm, which still exists, and will be a new enemy for everyone to fight, but some good guys will appear.

"Your mistake? Seeing the Spartans as Military hardware, my Spartans are Humanities next step, our destiny as a species. Do not underestimate them and most of all do not underestimate him."- Dr Catharine Elizabeth Halsey.

Humanity had been forced to evolve in order to survive and to reclaim what was rightfully theirs, the Mantle. They had forced to become faster, stronger and smarter in order to defeat the Didact during the Reclaimer wars, it was ironically the Didact's own wifes planning, her idea for Humanity to surpass the Forerunners in both technology and physical evolution.

That was why on the hundredth anniversary for the end of the Covenant war, 2652, Rear Admiral Derek Westbrook stood on the bridge of the UNSC Trafalgar, INF-02, at nearly two and a half meters tall the Admiral towered over his subordinates, he wasn't as physically imposing as the ground troops, he was slightly smaller than Spartans but they had a certain air about them, they could kill Sangheili with one hand so that probably was the reason even high ranking officers didn't usually argue with them.

Normal soldiers, like his subordinates were only around two meters in height, they were usually dwarfed by Spartans, and nobody dared argue with Spartans when it came to war, they were the Prometheans of the Human Empire. In the Navy it was slightly different but not much and civilians didn't usually top more than 7ft.

Derek's armour, like everyone's in the armed forces, was a soft silver colour with soft light blue highlights; it could do everything the MJOLNIR could and more, small parts floated just off the surface, allowing even more armour to take its place, offering protection but giving off an advanced look, an intimidating look.

Derek was taking the Trafalgar and her Battle group, a surprisingly small selection of ships, on an exploration mission, to space that hadn't been charted, or even looked at since the time of the Forerunners.

They were ordered to make sure there were no hostile species were going around and enslaving or destroying others, like a species had attempted to do to one of Humanities colonies at Shanxi a few days ago.

The small battle group consisted of the Trafalgar herself at the heart of the formation, two Carriers, five Cruisers, five Destroyers, 20 Frigates and a single Stealth Frigate.

All ships in the 'Fleet' were armed with powerful hard-light weapons, from powerful beam cannons at the front to cannons mounted on turrets dotted around the hull; this gave the ships soft blue glows as they glided through the empty vacuum. The Trafalgar was also equipped with Colony building equipment and reconstruction and they were also able to facilitate a diplomatic mission should they need it.

"Gwyn, what is the status of the fleet?" Derek asked his personal Ancilla, who was also the Ships AI unit,

"Slip-Space drives are ready to jump, Shield emitters are green on all ships, and weapons are primed and ready if needed Admiral." Gwyn reported, his voice had a distinct accent, while his avatar appeared on the pedestal on the arm of the command chair, even though the Admiral wasn't sat down.

"Good, have the fleet jump to our next destination, there's nothing of value in this system." The Admiral ordered, his voice was deep and gravely and had a small metallic quality from the armours helmet. Gwyn didn't have to reply as the small battle group opened Slip-Space portals,

"Sir! Sangheili ships have appeared in side our position! They're caught in our portal and are being dragged in with us." A Lieutenant shouted as several alarms started blaring,

"Abort the Jump now!" The Admiral ordered,

"Too late!" Gwyn replied as Derek looked around the bridge as young officers tried desperately to abort the Slip-Space Jump. The massive 6.1km ship entered the event horizon of the Slip-Space rupture at the same time as the rest of the battle group and the stray Sangheili vessels, lights all over the powerful warship went out, leaving the crew in darkness.

It was several days before the battle group dropped out of Slip-Space, for reasons unknown the drives wouldn't abort, leaving them to make the journey in darkness.

"Fleet Master, we have dropped out of Slip-Space and are in range of a planet, there are no signs of the Heretic vessel or the Human fleet." The Major reported, Fleet Master Shinsu Nar 'Refum let out a small growl and leaned forward in his command chair,

"Scan the planet, for any signs of the Heretic…" the Fleet Master was cut off as the ship shook from weapons fire,

"Sir, unidentified vessels have been detected, they are firing their weapons, the Redemption was caught with its shields down and is venting atmosphere."

"What are you waiting for? Launch fighters and burn their vessels, show them the might of those that follow the Great Journey." The Shinsu roared, almost immediately the remaining forty seven Covenant ships charged up their plasma weapons and pulse lasers,

"Sir I found the Heretics ship, it has crashed on the planet." Reported the Major as even more weapons fire pelted the shields of the powerful Super Carrier,

"Send down all available troops; make sure he does not escape!" The Fleet Master yelled, killing the Heretic would be one of the most honourable actions of his career, soon enough Phantoms were launched and drop pods shot down towards the planet, none noticed that the unknown pyramid ships were attacking the planet, not defending it.

Smaller ships under the Fleet Masters command were destroyed as multi- megaton plasma bolts smashed into them, whereas the Flagship the Infinitely loyal and several Assault Carriers simply shrugged off the attack and launched their own plasma torpedoes, massive globs of plasma smashed into the strange looking ships and their golden shields lit up in a brilliant display of light.

Pulse lasers shot out at fighters and bombers as they got to close to the Covenant fleet and particle projectors smashed through the odd vessels with ease, although both fleets were being shot at from ground side by powerful ion cannons but the shots had little effect on the massive vessels,

"Send teams to disable those cannons so we can focus on those ships!" Shinsu ordered and several teams were sent to go neutralise the cannons, "Have the Faithful go into atmosphere and support our warriors."

Sg-1 was running for the gate as several death gliders swooped down for a strafing run on the defenceless Tolan city, Narim was with them as they ran through the city heading for the court yard with the Stargate in it,

"Hurry we are almost to the courtyard!" Narim panted, they had all been running since that weird ship had crashed and Tanith, the Bastard, had ordered the Tolans wiped out, although Jack secretly thought they deserved it for allying themselves with the enemy.

Sg-1 caught sight of a squad of Jaffa running towards the Stargate; they were yelling and firing as they went, Jack could see odd, new ships come screaming in and shooting at everything, Jaffa and Tolan, small blue balls of plasma tore up the city around them, Jack could see the Tolan Ion cannons firing as fast as they could but it seemed to have little effect as a large aquatic looking ship lowered itself into atmosphere,

"What the HELL is that thing?" Jack shouted, it had been daytime when the first ship had crashed, since then the orbital bombardment and the crashed ship had thrown up enough dirt and soil to clog out the sunlight, the darkness was lit up as ion bolts flew into space like AA fire and orange bolts of plasma flew down from the Ha'taks in orbit and greens and blues flew overhead and burnt through everything they hit, Civilians were all running in different directions, trying to escape the slaughter.

"I do not know, they are not a design I recognise O'Neill." Teal'c answered, if anyone knew than he would have,

The group had reached the courtyard at the same time as a another group of Jaffa, Sg-1 was about to raise their weapons when a several purple pods with green highlights smashed into the ground near the Stargate, the Jaffa shifted their aim to the pods, Jack and Sg-1 did the same just as the doors on them launched off, although nothing seemed to be inside it didn't stop the Jaffa from opening fire with their staff weapons.

Jack shifted his aim back to the Jaffa just in time to see one of them rise up into the air with a blue sword through his chest and another get hit by small pink crystals which exploded violently, whatever it was that stabbed the Jaffa must have been huge, the dead Jaffa was lifted a good two or three feet above his previous head height.

Jacks eyes widened, and quickly looked around for a way out of there as they were cut off from the Stargate; he spotted tree tops poking out from the edge of the city,

"Quick, to the forest, GO! GO! GO!" Jack hollered and started running towards the edge of the city, and out of that courtyard,

"Colonel we need to get to the Stargate, without it we can't get home!" Carter yelled over masses of weapons fire, blue plasma mortars had started coming down around them as they ran,

"Perhaps we can still catch one of the evacuation shuttles," Narim offered,

"NO! See that ion cannon?" he pointed to an ion cannons barrel as it tried desperately to destroy the hostiles invading its home, "If we can make sure no one gets near it than it can provide some cover fire for the evac transports," Jack ordered and his team, ever loyal, followed him on what was most definitely a suicide mission,

"If we're lucky than Stargate will remain intact long enough for Hammond to check in on us, then we can warn him about all this." Jack was panting for breath and slowed down, as did Carter and Teal'c, Narim and Daniel followed up closely behind them, all of them were panting and sweating, they had been running for what had seemed like eternity.

Once the group had recovered their breath they moved on, at a slower, more careful pace, and hopefully avoid any of the new aliens that had randomly started to attack at the worst possible moment.

Field Master Daryyk 'Pelham's drop pod landed with a thud, he activated his active camouflage and ordered his Zealots to do the same before he popped the door and rolled out, just in time to avoid several orange blasts that smashed into the pod he had just left.

He quickly ran up to the leading Human of the group that had fired at him, and rammed his sword into the creatures chest as one of his Zealots fired a needler burst into another Human, the Humans were wearing strange armour and wielded strange weapons, they differed from their heretical soldiers, in all his years the Field Master had never seen a human like the one he was looking at now, it had small ink marking in its forehead, he watched as the life faded from the unworthy creatures eyes before using his plasma rifle on another soldier, his Zealots doing the same.

Once the humans with the staff weapons had been dealt with he turned to deal with the other group that had been in the clearing he had landed in, only to find that they had run,

"Hmph, Fleet Master, this is Field Master Daryyk 'Pelham, I have made land fall, the battle down here is progressing quickly, the Humans are on the run, but something is not right, I can feel it in my bones." He spoke to the Fleet Master via the Battle net,

"Good, make sure to take out that cannon, they are draining our shields and the vessels up here are proving to much more troublesome than they look. We have already lost too many Frigates and Destroyers, more unknown ships are arriving but we still outnumber them three to one,"

Daryyk let out a small grunt of annoyance, 'Had the Fleet Master not heard me?'

"The planet is occupied by Humans; the dirty filth had expanded beyond what we originally thought." Daryyk informed Shinsu,

"What! Than destroy that cannon and we can cleanse the planet from orbit," the Fleet Master Ordered, Daryyk didn't bother replying but motioned for his team of Zealots to follow him, he was thankful the cannon was in the same direction as the crashed IRE ship, he would reclaim honour for his family by killing the Fleet Master that had helped the Humans with their victory over the mighty Covenant.

Derek opened his eyes with a start, he was still in his command chair, he looked around and he could see members of the crew lying unconscious, draped over their work stations, 'When were we knocked out?' he asked himself,

"Gwyn what's the Status of the fleet?" he asked, several crew members had started to shift slightly as they woke up,

"The Trafalgar is running at 100% efficiency and is green across the board; the Carriers SkyFall and Reverence are reporting green across the board and have already launched fighters to patrol the area, Cruisers Poseidon, Royal Sovereign and Heart of Courage are reporting minor hull stress from the jump and the Magellan and Forever Tomorrow are reporting minor problems getting some systems back online, the Destroyers End over End, Mortal Coil, Revelation and Safe Haven are having problems with their Slip-Space drives, Frigates are all reporting multiple system failures, they think they'll be operational soon. The Eternal Summer Night is running dark; its stealth systems are running at 100% and are awaiting order." Gwyn supplied the information, provided to him via the other Ancilla's in the Battle group,

"Casualties'?" Derek asked,

"None reported sir" Gwyn replied,

"Good, have the battle group form up on us… we wait until everything is back in working order before we carry on with our mission." Derek ordered,

Soon enough the battle group had formed up in the Trafalgar with the two Carriers flanking her while the rest of the ships formed a defensive sphere around the three massive warships.

Three hours later the Battle group was reading green across the board and ready to continue with their mission,

"Admiral, I am picking up a distress call from a Sangheili Imperial Admiral, what are your orders?" Gwyn spoke up as the ships were spinning up their FTL drives,

"Have the Battle group change heading, we're going to rescue the Admiral," Derek said quickly, with that the mighty warship/exploration ship jumped, along with the rest of the battle group, heading for the system where the besieged Imperial Admiral was fighting for his life.

So? better or worse? right okay, umm... most issues should have been dealt with, like height of the people for example, all i have to say about that is oops, oh and the Reclaimer wars? that is halo 4-6, i have no idea what happens in those so i couldnt tell you, hell i couldnt even begin to speculate, oh and the quote at the top kind of explains why there is some difference in humanity from halo 3 and what not.