A/N: I just watched the second Lord of the Rings for the first time (OH MY GOD) and the first a few weeks ago. This came to mind while watching the second one so it is set then. It goes with the story line a little but I own nothing. I'm going to watch the third one now! =D Please review, it would mean a lot more than it should.
Warning: May have rape
Pairing: Will be Aragorn and Legolas
The hands roam along his chest. A shudder of fear runs through him. One that he knows he cannot show nor does he plan too but his body betrays him. The voice whispers in his ears the rough words: "Soon, my dear elf, you will be mine." They are words that haunt his dreams at night and echoes in his mind in the day. The hands continue their assaulted on his skin as the voice continues to spill into his ear images of horrid deaths that it claims will that place; of battles to happen; and of things that will be done. All that has been present in the elf's dreams.
He wakes with his breathing ragged, his eyes wide, his heart pounding out, and his pale features gleaming with a cold sweat. Aragorn watches as his elfin friend clutches the blankets underneath him and closes his eyes as if ride whatever image had caused this look of panic.
"Legolas, are you alright? What is it?" The man moves across the small Rohan room to sit next to the elf, who only nods at first.
"I'm sorry if I woke you." He brings his knees to his chest as if to shield him from whatever was replaying itself in his mind. His voice sounds distant as his eyes open to stare straight ahead. They are ghostly distant.
"You didn't. But what is it that woke you, my friend?" Aragorn sits on the rough fabric as Legolas wraps an arm under the bend in his knees.
"It was nothing but… It was nothing." He wouldn't turn to face him.
'You call waking up like this nothing?' Aragorn thinks and stares at him searchingly as the sound of Legolas' breathing slows back into a steady rhythm.
"I'm going for a walk." He shifts off the bed and onto the cold stone floor without a sound.
"Are you sure that is a good idea, Legolas?" The man knows men and he knows how these men will react to an elf as fair as Legolas. Said elf turns to stare back at him. His ghostly blue eyes full of anger.
'At least the fear has subsided. But what? Fear of what?' He clenches his jaw to keep from screaming in return to the elf.
"I can handle myself, Aragorn. I do not need your concern. I am not as weak as you have taken me for. You do not know me." His words rage through the room. They are quiet, as not to wake Gimli, but carry weight Aragorn would have never imaged the elf could throw. They don't sound to be directed at the guilt-silenced man, but he is the only one awake to hear them.
"I'm sorry, my friend. I did not mean-" His words are cut off by the door closing shut. 'At least he had the sense to take his weapons. But he and his bow are rarely parted.' He makes a decision to go talk to him and get of whatever is troubling his friend. 'After him then.' He does not go far before losing site him.
Outside the throne room doors, the hum of night makes a beautiful melody, which the wizard is indulged in. He does notice though the young elf prince snake through the stone pathways. 'He moves as if the darkness were after him.' Gandalf is no fool. He knows a troubled mind when one runs through Rohan. Just because he is no fool, doesn't mean he should not be worried. It does not surprise him to see Aragorn close behind.
"Gandalf have you seen-" The wizard knows his question and answers by simply pointing to a figure pressed against a gray wall. The figure slinks to the floor and tangles his fingers through his golden hair. Aragorn steps forward into an arm cloaked in white.
"Wait. How long have the nightmares been plaguing him?"
"From the beginning, I suppose. I figured it was the ring but the days we followed the Orcs, who held Merry and Pippin… I don't know. He seemed distant. His eyes would become dark and like glass at small points in the days. He seemed normal when the sun was up." His words sped as he came to the realization of Legolas behavior. His hasty response to the banished riders, his urging for sleepless travel, his distants towards Aragorn, they made sense now.
'As I have feared. Salem's words remain true.' "I see. Has he said anything about them? Do you know what they are about?" Gandalf's gray eyes became clouded.
"No. I have not asked nor do I believe he will say." Legolas' words hung in his mind:
I can handle myself, Aragorn. I do not need your concern. I am not as weak as you have taken me for.
'I will let him handle himself. For now! There are 'more pressing concerns', I suppose.' Aragorn scold his own thoughts but he knows they are true. Part of him wonders what he will slay when taking revenge in Legolas's name when he gets the elf to tell him.
"What has you plagued my friend? What has you plagued?" He mutters.
What has plagued Legolas? Please review.