Here's something definitely M-rated. Have fun. I sure did. x)

"You're still up?"

Donatello barely glanced back at me, his fingers never seizing to move on the keyboard. "Mm-hmm."

I couldn't tell if he had noticed my disapproving tone. He was completely absorbed in his work. I was pretty sure he hadn't left his room all day, so I had come to check up on him before going to bed myself.

"Donnie..." I approached him in my light nightie, tapping his shoulder. "It's time to take a break."

"In a minute."

I rolled my eyes. It wasn't the first time I had heard that answer. I knew if I let him be, he would stay up all night and probably the next day too.

"You haven't eaten anything today, have you?"


"Are you listening to me at all?"


I reached for the purple mask, tugging it to the side, so it blocked the hardworking mutant's view. He finally stopped typing, fixing the cloth and giving me a weary look.

"Please, I'm in the middle of..."

"Shut up, you", I interrupted him sternly, adding a quick, affectionate smile. "We've been through this before. If you won't take care of yourself, I will just have to help. You get five minutes and then I'll pull the plug."

Donatello sighed, giving me a long, pondering look. I expected to hear more objections, but instead, the large turtle turned towards me on his chair and pulled me on his lap. I protested half-seriously as he turned to continue working with one hand, thick arm wrapped around my waist to prevent me from escaping.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that."

It wasn't what I had wanted, but I wasn't unhappy with the situation. I relaxed and let my head fall back against the tough plastron, enjoying the feel and safety of the warm, strong body against mine and the green thumb fondly stroking my hip.

Yeah... like he was going to get me to stop so easily.

"You do realize there are numerous things I can do to distract you?" I ran my fingers lightly over the muscular arm holding onto me.

"Mm-hmm", Donatello was gone again.

I sighed in frustration. This was going to be a challenge. "You're asking for it..."

I had known the turtles long enough to have picked up some tricks from Mikey. I started small, picking up a pen I found next to the keyboard and rhythmically tapping it against the desk.

Donatello's hand snatched it from me before I could react, placing it out of my reach.

I thought of the most annoying jingle I could remember, humming it in an endless loop.

Donatello started humming it with me.

I began kicking the desk repeatedly with my bare foot.

Donatello trapped my foot with his.

I stopped to think. Of course Donnie would be used to such childish antics, he had known Mikey all his life after all. And unlike Raph, he had a seemingly limitless supply of patience. Maybe I needed to come up with a different approach.

I shifted on the purple-masked mutant's lap, throwing my arms up and wrapping my hands loosely behind his neck to make myself more comfortable. I smiled to myself when Donatello rested his chin on my head.

We stayed there in peaceful silence, the only sound coming from his free hand which hadn't stopped working the entire time. I was almost too comfortable, finding myself reluctant to move anywhere. I felt so content and the warm hand currently residing on my thigh...

My train of thought came to an abrupt stop as I stared at the large hand covering my leg. The bulky fingers were lying on the hem of my nightie, fingertips making contact with my bare skin.

It was like a switch being flipped inside my head. Suddenly I was aware in a completely different manner of everything. The scent unique to the smart ninja, the warmth radiating from him, our closeness... The only thing separating us was the fabric of my thin nightie; I wasn't even wearing anything under it. If Donatello just moved his hand a little, he could...

I felt a partly embarrassed, partly excited blush creeping to my face. Moving my thumbs slowly, I began lightly massaging the back of the ninja's neck. Donatello returned the gesture, stroking my thigh a few times absent-mindedly.

I bit my lower lip as the touch left a pleasantly tingling sensation in its wake. I had to fight the urge to spread my legs. Did he have any idea how much he was affecting me? How badly I wanted him to touch me? Probably not, judging by the steady tapping of his fingers on the keyboard.

I couldn't stop myself from fidgeting restlessly as my imagination ran wild. I realized I was breathing faster and tried to calm myself. It didn't do anything to drive away the insistent throbbing in my lower body that was now tormenting me. It seemed this was a problem that wasn't going to go away on its own.

"Come to bed, Donnie."

My tensely uttered words finally broke through the purple-masked turtle's concentration. He stopped typing and raised his head. I emphasized my request by bringing my other hand to his face, tracing the jawline with my fingers.

I didn't see Donatello's expression and the brief silence made my heart beat nervously.

"So that's why you came here?" the tone in the clever mutant's voice revealed he had understood my meaning. And that he found it amusing.

I, on the other hand, didn't.

"Don't jump to conclusions", I quickly crossed my arms, irritated with the reaction I had gotten. "I'm just trying to get you to leave the room."

"...Riiight", Donatello stretched the word, clearly not convinced.

I already felt like I had been shot down and seeing the turtle resume his work was the final straw. "Oh, I give up. Do what you want."

A little offended, I tried to make a quick getaway, but the hand still on my leg pressed down, keeping me from getting up. The mixed signals made me glance back in confusion. "Didn't you hear me? Just keep doing what you do; I'm going to go to sleep."

"Not so fast", Donatello kept his eyes on the screen, but a small smirk played on the corner of his mouth. "I've been teasing you the whole time, silly."

"You... what?" I couldn't say anything sensible from my disbelief.

"Do you really think I could ignore you like that? Especially when you're wearing something like this", Donatello took the hem of my nightie and twiddled the smooth fabric between his fingers. "I've been unable to focus and correcting mistakes ever since you came here."

"Sure didn't seem like it", I muttered sourly.

"Don't pout, I'll make it up to you", Donatello promised, planting a quick kiss on my head. "Just give me a moment."

"Are you serious?"

"Just a little moment. Really."

I leaned back again, sighing in displeasure. Donatello continued working, but I was too peeved and restless to let him get away with getting me excited and then making me wait. I decided to take matters into my own hands.

The purple-masked ninja hadn't moved his hand from my thigh and I placed my hand over his. Gliding my index and middle finger on the green skin, I slowly traced the thick fingers one at a time, before moving to the pronounced muscles on his arm.

I glanced over my shoulder to see Donatello's reaction. He had his poker face on. I let my other hand join in, watching his expression keenly as I drew equally slow and deliberate circles on the side of his equally muscular leg.

"Do I need to handcuff you?"

I smiled slyly at that. "You keep handcuffs in you drawer?"

"Among other useful things."

"My, my, I'm getting curious", I twisted myself on the green mutant's lap until I was facing him on my knees. "Well, I guess I don't need my hands."

I leaned closer to press my mouth against his neck and to my delight, I felt him shudder and wrap his free arm behind my legs as my tongue played on a spot I knew was sensitive. Continuing my teasing, I noted with smug satisfaction that the plastron I had placed my hands on for support was heaving more laboredly. My own need kept growing too as I worked to get the purple-masked mutant to give up his self-control.

"I'm starting to think you don't want me, the way you're ignoring me", I murmured a complaint with feigned hurt, nibbling at his neck. "Maybe I really should just leave."

The muscular arm immediately squeezed my legs tighter and surprisingly enough, Donatello actually stopped working to bring his other hand under my chin and tilt my face up. "I'm quite certain you won't do that."

"Oh yeah?" I smiled challengingly, running my index finger up and down the hard plastron. "And why is that?"

The purple-masked turtle gave me a mischievous smirk and let the hand behind me reach under my nightie. My arrogant smile faded and my eyes widened as the bulky fingers began stroking me lazily.

"Well, I think it's pretty obvious", Donatello referred to the telltale wetness between my legs.

I suddenly found no words, all of my focus on the much needed attention my slick underside was receiving. One of the thick fingers pushed in and my hands shot up to grip the ninja's broad shoulders. I didn't bother to suppress my heavy breathing anymore.

"Is this what you wanted?" Donatello's voice was husky as he watched my changing expressions with keen interest.

"U-uh-huh..." I managed to breathe out, grinding unashamedly against the large hand.

Donatello chuckled at my enthusiasm. "Aren't you impatient today? I guess I can't continue working before I've taken care of you, then."

It sounded very promising, so I wasn't too disappointed when the purple-masked ninja pulled his hand back and left me feeling empty and needier than before. He leaned forward on his chair, holding me against himself while rummaging through one of his drawers.

I was curious to see what he was doing, but as soon as I turned my head to look back, Donatello gave me a taste of my own medicine and lowered his head to nuzzle my exposed neck. I immediately forgot what I was trying to do; closing my eyes and tilting my head back to give the large mutant more room. The slow, methodical kisses and nips distracted me long enough for him to find what he had been looking for.

I opened my eyes after Donatello pulled back; still feeling the moist warmth and pleasant tingling his mouth had left behind. Focusing again on the green face that now had a grin of barely contained excitement, I realized I was probably very soon going to regret teasing the brainy ninja.

"What are you planning?" I asked in a hushed voice, suddenly filled with nervous anticipation.

Donatello's grin only grew wider. He brought his closed hand in front of me with obvious pride. A slow smile spread to my face as he revealed what he had in his large palm.

"Did you make this yourself?"

"Yes. Do you like it?"

I inspected the small device closely. It was shaped like a turtle with tiny, round legs and a long usb-wire acting as a tail.

"It's adorable", I laughed cheerfully. "Is... is that what I think it is?"

"Let me demonstrate."

Lifting and turning me around, Donatello made me sit back on his lap. "Hold this, please."

He handed me the little turtle. I watched curiously as he took the wire and plugged it into his computer.

The sudden angry buzzing startled me and almost made me drop what was clearly a ridiculously powerful vibrator. "Holy...! Uhh, I think you might've overdone it a little, Donnie..."

"I beg to differ", the purple-masked turtle snatched the toy back from me and closed his hand around my thigh to separate my legs. "I know for a fact that you're going to love it. And you did say you were curious..."

"Whoa, w-wait..." I tried to stall, keeping my eyes on the small, but intimidating device as he brought it slowly between my legs, spreading my folds with his other hand. "I'm... not sure..."

Donatello was aiming for a very specific, sensitive spot, and the moment he pressed the vibrating turtle against it, I lost the ability to think coherently. My body tensed instantly, my hands grasping for something to cling on to as the overpowering sensation had me gasping and writhing helplessly. The purple-masked mutant had to tighten his hold to keep me from sliding to the floor.

Then the sweet torment stopped and I was left dazed, hands still gripping the arms around me. Through the constant buzzing, I heard Donatello's innocent remark.

"I take it you're enjoying yourself so far?"

"That's..." it took me a while to collect myself. "You've definitely overdone it..."

"Maybe", Donatello sounded pleased. "But I don't hear any complaints."

He brushed his thumb over my clitoris and I flinched, unable to stop a soft whimper. I had quickly become so over sensitized, even the slightest touch was driving me crazy. It didn't bode well for me.

"Shall we resume then?" Donatello didn't wait for my permission, pressing the vibrator down again.

I tried to brace myself, but it was useless. The overwhelming stimulation was simply too much. I couldn't take it, nor could I get away from it. I could only squirm futilely in the hold of the strong arms, while the small device continued its merciless assault, drawing desperate moans and mewls from me. I felt the hot, tingling waves flowing through my lower body, all the way to my curling toes.

And then it stopped again.

I slumped on the purple-masked mutant's lap, panting heavily. I wasn't sure if I was more relieved or disappointed. "You have to... stop doing that..."

"Hmm? You mean stopping and starting? But it's hardly been five minutes. I thought you would last longer than that."

Five minutes? He had almost made me come in just five minutes? It made me feel somewhat embarrassed.

"Well..." Donatello pondered with a low voice. "I don't mind. As much as I love seeing you like this, I'm all for taking things further. So what do you say, shall I finish this?"

I held my breath, failing to stifle a shaky moan as the bo-wielding ninja teased me by slowly rubbing my hardened nipple between two fingers while waiting for my answer. "Ahh... d-do you r-really need to ask...?"

"No, but I think it's cute how you get embarrassed when I do."

"That's... just mean..." I tried to pout, but couldn't resist Donatello's warm chuckling.

"You're lucky I didn't give this little toy to... well, any of my brothers. I'm pretty sure they would've made you beg."

I had to admit he was probably right. "Aren't you nice..."

"Why of course", Donatello returned his hand to my lower region. "Are you ready?"

"Not really..."

"Just relax."

"...Are you kidding me?"

"Well... just keep holding on."

Like I would've had any other choice. Once again I was subjected to the torturously pleasurable vibrations, the feeling every bit as strong as with the previous times. And this time I knew it wouldn't stop.

The little device quickly reduced me to a panting, moaning and writhing mess. My body was twisting on its own and I might've even kicked the keyboard on the desk, though right then I wasn't able to worry about such things.

"A-ahh... haahh... I... can't... ungh... I can't..."

Heat and pressure kept building up in my aching center, signaling I would be done soon. I bit my lip, turning my head tensely from side to side.

"You know, I feel extremely tempted to stop again."

I hardly understood the hoarsely spoken words, and I definitely couldn't reply.

"You look like you're getting close. Perhaps it would be too cruel to prolong this. Here, let me assist you."

As if the overwhelming sensation on my clitoris wasn't enough, the thick digit returned, filling the needy void in me with a brisk jab. I tensed to my utmost limits, moaning loudly with every gasping breath I managed to take.

The extra stimulation was too much. I got lost into the explosively spreading bliss, forgetting everything around me.

Eventually the feeling began fading and the constant buzzing was silenced, leaving me limp and shaking noticeably.

"I'd say that's a successful field test."

I gave a tired laugh, ignoring the slight smugness in the purple-masked mutant's voice. "I'm happy."

"Glad to be of service."

Donatello put down the vibrator, twirling his finger experimentally inside me before pulling it out. "I don't remember you ever being this wet before."

"Didn't mean to make a mess."

"I wasn't thinking that", the smart ninja ran his hands slowly up and down my thighs. "I'm just finding you very tempting right now."

I felt exhaustion leaving me as the touch renewed my excitement. Donatello moved his hands to grab me by the shoulders and push me forward until my upper body was leaning heavily on top of the desk.

It wasn't difficult to guess what he was planning to do when I felt something hard pressing against my lower back. The strong hands moved to my hips to prop me up for better access and I was all for it.

Until I realized something.

"Wait a second!" I shouted abruptly, pushing myself upright again.

"What is it?"

I hopped off the large turtle's lap, spinning around on my shaky feet to face him. He was clearly confused to see me suddenly so agitated. I lost my train of thought momentarily when my eyes happened to stray down the tough plastron. A brief smirk crossed Donatello's face as he noticed where my attention was, though he didn't say anything.

I snapped out of it, hesitating before remembering what I was supposed to say. "You're not getting off that easily."

Donatello only raised an eye ridge at my statement. I decided to rephrase my sentence.

"Uh, I mean... I know what you're trying to do."

This time the purple-masked ninja couldn't resist pointing out. "Well, I'm not exactly trying to hide it."

"S-shut up", I forced myself to keep my eyes up. "As soon as you're done, you're just going to keep working. In case you forgot, I came here to get you to leave this room. You see my dilemma?"

Donatello leaned back in his chair, crossing his fingers over his plastron. He had a calculating smile on his green face.

"So no fun for me until I stop working?"


Donatello studied me silently long enough to make me restless and self-conscious. The obvious and impressive proof of his arousal kept distracting me. I would've lied if I had said I didn't want to climb back on and ride the hell out of it. Reluctantly, I resisted my resurfacing desire.

"You can come find me after you're finished here. But don't take too long or I'll go to sleep."

"Alright", Donatello agreed lightly. I became instantly suspicious, not expecting him to cooperate just like that.


"I'll be there", he assured.

I forced myself to move away from the desk and the large mutant before I would change my mind. "I'll see you later then."

I headed for the door, stopping when I heard Donatello calling my name. "Hmm?"

"Just so you know…" his smile got an almost indistinguishable mischievous tone. "…I'm going to be bringing those handcuffs with me, just in case you do happen to fall asleep before I get there."

My heart began pounding faster again as I imagined waking up with my hands restrained and the fully aroused ninja hovering over my defenseless form.

At that point I had to leave the room in a hurry.

I strode towards my own room, way too excited to go to sleep, but still very much tempted to do so just to find out what the purple-masked mutant would do to me.