- Blow Me One Last Kiss -

A Resident Evil LeonxAda FanFic

Plot: Takes place after the events transpired in the CGI Film Resident Evil Damnation.

At a hotel room, still in Slav Republic.

"In the end, nothing's really changed." Leon's last words to his informant, Hunnigan before cutting the communication line between them. He stood upright after emptying a bottle of local vodka. He then proceeded through the hotel room's door. He somehow managed to walk straight notwithstanding the booze he took in. He gradually closed the door behind him.

Meanwhile, Ada Wong, whom Leon encountered on the same country, was talking through a video call to an unknown person.

"Although, I sort of liked the idea of adding an international arrest warrant to my profile." She concluded, while cunningly holding on to the plaga sample recovered on the secret laboratory beneath Slav Republic. She then made a sarcastic smile to the person on the other line, before finally shutting her computer.

"Hmm. This work had been easily done. Now, what will I do with my extra time?" Ada musingly asked herself. She left the table on which her computer and the plaga sample were placed, after reporting the job to her anonymous client. She lay to the bed next to her, releasing an exasperating breath, and quietly stared at the ceiling and inevitably watching the mild rotation of the ceiling fan. She spread her arms on her bed. She then felt a paper softly touched her right knuckle. She turned to the direction.

She picked the paper; she sat at the edge of the bed and examined the colorful brochure in front of her.

"A night of jazz music at Petrov's Pub…" She melodiously read. "Well, I guess this might be a great time-killer. I've got few hours to prepare for this." After deciding on going to the mentioned pub, Ada left the bed leisurely, then immediately headed to the bathroom.

Leon didn't notice that it was already sunset when he got outside the hotel where he is currently staying.

He grimaced as an orange ray of the departing sun approached his face. He afterwards looked at his left side then to his right, thinking on what direction he shall take. His feet automatically carried him on his left side. Not sure where he was going and what he is supposed to do, Leon takes his time walking on the pavement. He modestly observes every store, every establishments and everything else on the way.

One place caught his investigative eyes, an average restaurant and club known as Petrov's Pub. He saw a wooden stand with a colorful poster in it. Leon inspected the poster.

"So, citizens here love jazz music. This is quite interesting." Leon said. He wants to attend the program, however, not at the very instant.

He smells himself, and looks at himself through the glass doors of the pub. "But first, I have to transform myself into a gentleman before I enter this place." He realized how a bit smelly he was because of the vodka and how sweaty his attire appeared, due to his recent brutal engagement. He swiftly went back to his hotel room for preparations.

Right after taking a bath, Ada with a white towel wrapped around her slender body and her soaking wet hair dripping on the carpet, opened her wooden cabinet, and then examined the clothes that she brought. Surprisingly, she only managed to take along few corporate attires which she used for previous cover-up and a red cocktail dress. She chuckled.

"I never expected the leisure, anyway." She said while picking the only dress she had. "Nevertheless, this is fit for this kind of night." She commented.

Out of the dark, she removed the towel, wear two-piece black undergarments and put on the red cocktail dress, decorated with rounded sequins in front and embellished with black ruffles at the bottom. She paired the said dress with plain red stilettos. Since the neckline of the dress was a little lower, exposing her chest, she complimented it with black pearl necklace. "Hmm. I think that should do it." She said during which she is checking her overall appearance on the human-sized mirror. She combed her damp hair gently. She preferred leaving it as simple as it is; without any garnish. She threw the comb on her bed.

She scanned the room for anything she might needed to bring. She saw her small handgun lying on the side table of the bed. "Oops, almost forgot my toy." She remarked. She opened her red, medium-sized luggage below her cradle. She immediately found the holster to be attached on her leg. She get it then equipped it on her right leg. She put the gun afterwards. "In case I won't be dealing only with drunken men." She said while putting the her toy. She polished her dress to make sure the gun was hidden well and it won't form on the dress. Ada automatically reallocate her sight to the exposed plaga sample.

"Oops, almost forgot you, baby!" Ada said. She grabbed the bed sheets at once and used it to cover the disgusting organism. "There. I'll get back to you later." Ada said.

The lady in red takes one final look to her room. "Well I guess I'm ready for the night." She voiced. Then she walks in a mellow manner, towards the door.

Leon was standing quietly in front of bathroom mirror. He stared at himself blankly. Flashes of the events that happened during his fight in the Slav Republic suddenly come into sight. He shook his head. The vodka he just drank earlier has still an effect on him. Leon pats his face twice while still looking at himself in the mirror.

He was now all dressed neatly; he wore a blue long-sleeves polo, which he rolled the sleeves up to his elbow, a denim pants and black top-sider shoes. He grabbed the nearby comb and brushed his hair on upward direction, making his face quite orderly. He took a deep breath, then pronounced "Okay. I'm all set." He left the bathroom and turned the lights off. Leon took a glimpse of his handgun on the bedside. He picked it up, then put it inside his baggage. "There's no need for this, I think."

He takes a final gaze at his room before turning the lights off and opened the door towards outside.

"Enjoy your night sir." Leon heard the doorman spoke to him. He gave him a brief smile.

He walks directly to Petrov's Pub. He noticed that there are quite a number of people already gathered outside the pub. He proceeded immediately on the queue.

After few minutes, Leon finally entered the place. The place is densely populated; a mixture of locals and foreigners. The pub is not that large yet not that small. The place has a Victorian theme as can be seen from expensive looking chandeliers and sophisticated wall and panel designs. Leon seemed to like the place as he was awed from the appearance. To top it all off, it was cozy inside and comfortable.

The program has not yet started since there is no music being played. But the people hurriedly seize the tables nearest to the stage. Leon saw a vacant part on the pub; just in front of the stage and surrounded by group of tables. He mused that it must be a dancing floor. "Hmm, I forgot to wear my dancing shoes." He joked.

"I think you are already wearing a good pair of dancing shoes." A husky woman's voice caught Leon's attention. Leon looked behind instantly. It was a local woman; a beautiful and attractive one. The woman was wearing a light make-up. She has a blond, long and curly hair. She was wearing a black halter dress. Leon initially got a glimpse of her generous cleavage. He then directly looked at the woman's face. He leered then introduced himself.

"Maria Petrov." The Slav woman responded to Leon. She extends her left hand, covered with black gloves to the handsome man. "Pleasure to meet you Mr. Kennedy."

"The pleasure is mine, Ms. Maria Petrov." Leon said while taking the hand of the woman. "You must be the owner of this glamorous pub." Leon alleged.

"No, Mr. Kennedy. This was owned by my grandfather. But perhaps soon I will own this one." Maria jest. The two both gave a short laugh.

The two inspect the place. Maria asked Leon, "Are you alone, Mr. Kennedy?"

"Please, just call me Leon. And yes I am alone. I thought that it's nice to visit a place like this before leaving the country." He responded, not looking at her, anxious that he will accidentally and unintentionally look at the woman's breasts.

"Just as I thought, you're an American, no? Mind if I tag along with you? To accompany you on your final vacation in our wonderful country?" Maria inquired, her voice a little seductive. She looks at Leon's evasive face. She smiled, thinking that the guy was interested on her.

"You don't have some company? A beautiful woman like you, I suppose don't lose any company." Leon said, finally looking at her, then hurriedly turned his head on the visible wine counter.

She gugled. "Thank you for the compliment Leon. Unfortunately I don't have someone available to bring here. Although I presume you are available. So why don't we now find a table with a nice view on the stage."

Leon was hesitant to turn down the offer of the lovely lady. But he really wants to be alone; he wants to erase the painful memories of Slav Republic. "Honestly, I don't need any company right now. I need sometime to alone. And I think hearing the music will be quite enough. Please forgive me, Maria." Leon tried saying to Maria as friendly as possible.

Maria laughed at his denial of her request. She composed herself for the succinct defeat. "Okay, Leon. Don't worry, it's alright. See you around then. I hope you enjoy the night…with yourself." She gave him a smile and a wink.

"Okay Maria, see you." Leon returned the smile.

Maria gave him a peck on his left cheek. Then, descends the short stairs. Leon gazed at her, in surprise. He touched his moist cheeks, then beamed. "Got to find my own place as well." He lastly said.

He hopped on the vacant chair on the wine counter. A bar tender attended to him. "Good evening sir. Vlad at your service. What shall I give you?" The bar tender is a young lad of early twenties, though already has a thick beard. He spoke tightly, but with sincere expression.

"Good evening to you too Vlad. What might you suggest? What's the local favorite here?" Leon asked intriguingly. He leaned on the counter.

"Well sir, since our country produces vodka, patrons are addicted to Bloody Mary." Vlad speak earnestly.

"Of course." Leon said with an arc on his lips.

"But…" Vlad augmented. "It's not your average cocktail…we use locally cultivated cherry tomatoes and to sweeten it a bit, we add a drop of plum. Our tomatoes here are frequent export products because of its distinct taste." Vlad said delightedly.

Leon curled his lips. Not very much decisive on the offer. Vlad is worried on the non-responsive Leon. He is thinking of some beverage to offer. He's new in the pub and so he admitted to himself that a neophyte like him cannot think of anything to offer the solitary man in a wink.

But finally, Leon spoke. Vlad is overjoyed. "Okay Vlad, let me have a glass of the unique liquor."

"Coming right up sir." Vlad hurriedly left the counter and prep himself for the cocktail drink. And he was smiling the whole time.

Leon observes Vlad mixing and pouring colorful liquids to a glass. He noticed that Vlad, for a bar tender of the gorgeous place, is a little slower. "A newbie?" Leon thought. He just shrugged at that fact.

He stared at both of his sides. The seats are vacant. Although at far end, there are a couple of persons talking over drinks. He explored the main area where tables are almost filled. He is trying to look for Maria and saw her few feet from the stage, talking to a man in suit. Leon did not mind.

Out of the blue, a voice coming from the stage resonate the pub.

Leon saw a blissful man in white vest and black shirt and pants, holding a microphone. The musical instruments were already set up, but the players are not yet present.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for coming to hear several jazz songs to be performed by our resident jazz band, The Sax, headed by our very own, the guest performer of the band for tonight, Dmitri Petrov." Everyone clapped their hands. Leon did the same. "Everybody is welcome to dance on the front and jive with the loveliest jazz music, which will start right now! Enjoy the night, friends!"

Right after the emcee spoke, Leon received the drink he ordered. "I'm sorry sir, it took a long time." Vlad said in a pleading tone and his hands clasped.

Leon just smiled. "No worries, Vlad. Besides, it smells good." Leon took the glass delicately.

Vlad beamed.

Leon raised the glass to Vlad and sipped a little. It didn't take a long time for Leon to get the taste and respond to it. He was satisfied with the taste. "This is good Vlad."

Vlad clapped his hands. "Thank you sir. Please, don't hesitate to order more. And I hope you'll have a wonderful night here." Vlad said merrily.

Leon nodded.

Musicians entered the stage. They bowed courteously before approaching their instruments and held them. The emcee started introducing the performers one by one. The pub owner's son, Dmitri Petrov is going to play a saxophone, as the guest performer of the band.

"Let the show…begin!" The emcee exclaimed. He quickly left the stage. Dmitri was the first to create a sound from his brass saxophone. As expected, it produced a sensual tone. The band first plays a lively music: Hyena Stomp by Jelly Roll Morton. Few couples mingled at the center to dance.

Leon unfilled his cocktail in just a short time. He somehow likes the music as his fingers repeatedly tap the counter in tune to the music. He called Vlad.

"Yes sir, what can I get you?" Vlad asked heartily.

"A glass of vodka, please." Leon said in a happy tone.

Vlad was a little confused on the kind of drink Leon wants. Nevertheless, he heeds the call. "Aye aye sir. For a while."

"How long will it takes to arrive at Petrov's Pub?" Ada asked the driver upon boarding the taxicab. Ada straightened her dress, then she removed her black trench coat.

"It will only take a few minutes madam. I hope there'll be no traffic so that it will be faster." The taxicab driver responds politely.

"I hope so too. I don't want to miss the show." Ada said with a grin.

The driver rev up in a jiffy.

The roads are well-lit. Few people can be seen on different places. Ada just observed.

She turned to the brochure of the pub that she brought.

The driver suddenly made a tough halt.

Ada was baffled. "Is there anything wrong?" She asked.

"Well madam, we just encountered a heavy traffic on this intersection. I guess you'll be delayed for a few minutes." Driver said nervously.

"Hmm. I see. Is there any other way? A shortcut perhaps?" Ada solicits. She tried looking at the stuffed cars in the road where they're at.

"Well, shortcuts are scarce here since most of the roads are narrow and these narrow roads will only take you to residential places. You can only have an access to every commercial and other establishment through the main roads. I'm sorry madam." The driver replied. The driver is still nervous on the possible violent response of his passenger. He scratched his head.

Ada frowned but later understood the situation. "I see. So in the meantime, can you play a little song to entertain you're nice passenger?" Ada proposed to the edgy driver.

The driver felt revitalized for the gallantry of Ada. "Of course, madam. I'll open the radio rightaway."

Ada paced to her window.

About thirty minutes later, Ada arrived at the front door of Petrov's Pub. She handed the driver the fare. The driver thanked him gladly. Ada gave him a sweet smile. "Have a nice night madam." She heard him saying before closing the taxicab's door.

"Finally." Ada said. "Too bad I'm late." Ada remarked. She can hear from the outside the energetic tone of Put The Pot On playing inside.

Before entering the pub, Ada's attention was diverted on an alley beside, where there are two men seemingly having a heated argument. Ada, feeling like a diplomat approached them. The men are both irritated to one another. They both didn't notice Ada nearing them.

"Any problem gentlemen?" Ada asked, folding her arms. The two men, wearing suits and hats were startled. They eyed Ada in a petulant way, not expecting an eavesdropper.

But the man, looking older than the other, reacted on Ada's inquiry. "We just got a little problem. Our female singer for the upcoming song just made a dramatic, last change of mind. It was this man's fault. I told him not to trust an amateur singer. Because they are irresponsible."

The other younger man snapped back. "I didn't think that she will later becomes unavailable. She consented. She eagerly agreed. Don't blame it entirely on me!"

Ada was caught in the middle. "Okay guys. Why don't we cool down a little?" She barked. "If there'll be no singer, then why not strike the song out?"

The young lad answered back. "We thought about that. But we cannot remove it. It was a special request; request from the owner's granddaughter."

The older man seconded. "Mr. Petrov might not hire us again if that will happen. One cannot bear being jobless, right?" The two men become quiet.

Ada sighed. "Mind if I ask what the song will be?"

Leon was still alone after few songs were played. People are still energetic; many of them danced enthusiastically. But most enjoy they drinks, just like Leon.

"What a lively night." Leon pondered. He drank his tenth shots of vodka.

The emcee entered the scene. "Alright people. We are halfway of the program. Now, the band will adjust the music a little. They are going to perform a slow jazz. Everybody is still welcome to dance…although…in a slower and sweeter way." The emcee taunted.

The band first played Lonesome Road. Leon didn't mind the transition.

He was about to drink his fifteenth glass of vodka when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked behind and saw the beautiful lady he met earlier – Maria.

Leon stared at her silently.

"Do you still recall meeting me, Leon?" Maria asks delicately, adding a smile on her statement.

"Oh yeah, Maria. How're you doing?" Leon managed to say. He put the glass onto the counter then faced Maria.

"I was wondering…if you're willing to compensate me for turning me down earlier."

"About that…You see, I want to get drunk." Leon said, then chuckled. "So, how will I compensate you for my mistake?" Leon asked, now sounding a little tipsy. His face was a little red, maybe due to the vodka or to the lady.

"Hmm. How about a dance? I love the song." Maria smiled seductively. She looks directly on Leon's eyes.

"A dance?" Leon was obviously uncertain.

"Do I have to say 'pretty please'?" Maria said. Despite Leon's firm expression, Maria has high confidence that the guy will finally give in. Thanks for the little boost of vodka.

"Why not. Let's dance." Leon agreed. He called Vlad and handed him the bill. Vlad smiled at them.

"I thought I will be turned down again…twice this night. That will be terrible." Maria said while wrapping an arm on Leon's arm.

Leon nervously walks with Maria, aware of the close contact. "I thought so too." Leon said.

Maria and Leon positioned on the center of the dancing floor. Quite a lot are still dancing; hugging one another while under the spell of slow dance.

Leon undoubtedly felt uncomfortable to the slow dance and of course, the dance in itself.

Maria confronted Leon. She put her arms on Leon's shoulder. She gave him a pleasant smile.

Leon put his hands on Maria's petite waist. Leon recognized the curves. He cannot give Maria the same smile because he was indeed shy.

"First time to dance?" Maria asked. "Because you're nervousness is really apparent, Leon."

"Yeah, it's a first." Leon beamed.

"Wow. How lucky I am to be your first dance!" Maria jest.

Leon asked Maria the same question.

"Well, I've danced lot of times. Sorry for not giving you the first." The two smiled.

"Nah, it's okay. I already expected that." Leon said.

First slow song ended. The band ensued on Bessie Smith's St. Louis Blues. A handful of dancing couples returned to their seats. Leon grew a little tenser. For some reason, he thought that he'll be getting in trouble for having a dance with the beautiful lady. Two scenarios entered his mind; a punch from a jealous boyfriend or a suitor? Or a slap from a jealous woman? As to the latter scene, Leon thought that it was a bit impossible to happen; first, he is single, and second, Ada will not probably at the place.

Leon returned to his senses when Maria moved closer to him. Now, they are like snuggling. Leon failed to adjust on the sudden advances. Maria's chin was leaning on Leon's rigid shoulder. Leon smelled Maria's intoxicating perfume; a vanilla blend. Leon just sighed. He does not know when their dance will stop.

"You're next Ms. Wong." The emcee reminded the replacement singer, who was sitting quietly, while reading a paper containing the lyrics of the song she's going to sing.

"Got it." Ada responded. Then winked at the emcee.

The emcee blushed. He left in an instant.

"I never thought I would end up singing a song rather than listening to one." Ada whispered. She took a deep breath as she is not used to singing, especially a jazz song.

Ada, feeling confident that she mastered the lyrics, peeked on the curtain beside the stage. She surveyed the place. "Oh my!" She remarked upon seeing the picturesque panels, walls and lightings, and also the numerous patrons.

Her eyes suddenly widened when she saw a familiar form – Leon dancing intimately with a woman she doesn't know. Ada's ultimate reaction is the statement "Look who's here…The lover boy…" She turned away, instantly fetches the lyrics and resumed reading them. Her face does not show any kind of antiphon.

"This next song is my favorite. I actually requested my uncle and his band to play them. Thankfully, they concurred." Maria hisses to almost tired Leon, whose eyes are shut while helplessly dancing to his partner.

Leon succeeded on formulating a reply. "I see. You really are a special person…in this place."

"Uh-huh." Maria retorted.

The dance between the two broke off and their attnetion shifted to the stage, when the emcee announced the next song and the singer.

Leon saw a recognizable lean form and foxy gait. It is Ada Wong, a part of Leon that he just can't let go. "Ada…?" Leon uttered. Ada witnessed Leon, staring at her, in shock. Ada quickly grinned then looks away.

Maria asked the shocked Leon. "Do you know her, Leon?"

"Of course! I mean, yes, Maria. An old friend of mine." Leon said.

"I see." Maria stated. Her brow raised upon seeing Ada.

"Good evening everyone…" Ada voiced to the patrons. "I would like to ask for your apology this early, especially to the person requested the song…" Ada made eye contact to Maria. She accidentally saw Leon, still in an astonished mode. "…if ever I'll be singing badly tonight."

The people cheered. Some whistled. "Sing now, Ada!" Few men exclaimed. "Yes! Sing!" The other supported. In that short time, Ada already gained keen fans.

The emcee interfered with the impatient crowd. "Okay. Without further ado, I give you Ms. Wong and The Sax! Please enjoy!"

The crowd roared.

Ada made one last look to the confused Leon. She winked at him. She held the microphone gently, breathe a little deeper, then focus on the first line of the song.

On the other hand, Leon blushed upon seeing the taunting Ada. He thought that Ada might be stalking him. But of course, at the end, he likewise knew that everything is but a coincidence. Leon, right now, is never been this nervous. He'll be hearing Ada's singing voice; he'll be watching Ada longer. Leon exhaled. "Ada…what the hell are you doing to me…"


A/N: Phew! This is a challenging fanfic to me, honestly. Incorporating jazz music with Resident Evil, plus how to liven one of my favorite RE pairings, Leon and Ada, it indeed a challenge. I had a hard time looking for proper songs to include in this work. Thankfully, I have Encarta installed on my laptop. And more thankfully, there are several jazz samples! I was inspired to write this fiction after watching RE Damnation. I really like more scenes between Ada and Leon on the film, but unfortunately, it did not happen.

To my dear readers, I hope you really appreciate my story. I hope you like it! Please stay tuned for the Part 2! Thank you very much! ^_^