Chapter 11: Rise Of An Army Pt. 1

The informal meeting between the four houses at the Hogshead Inn had gone remarkably well in Harry's opinion. He had taken the opportunity to explain his side of the events in the Triwizard Tournament which ultimately led to the death of Cedric Diggory and the resurrection of Voldemort and after which they discussed possible options to supplement their education under the restrictions they were being forced to work under.

Certainly there had been a bit of belligerence which, to his surprise, came not from the Slytherin contingent but in the forms of his usual antagonizer in Hufflepuff Zacharias Smith and Cho's own best friend in Ravenclaw, Marietta Edgecombe.

But Harry chose not to let their scathing comments about his revelations dissuade him. Everyone could see that Smith was a bigot of the highest order who thought everyone else was inferior to him. And as for Edgecombe, her mother worked at the ministry so she probably listened and believed in their spiel as well.

It would seem that even Umbridge's reign of terror at Hogswart was not enough to convince some people outside of Slytherin house to let go of their old prejudices.

Still though, Harry wasn't too worried about them talking about their meeting. It was their word against everyone else after all and nothing concrete had been hashed out as of the moment. Just a general course of action.

And when the time did come that they have something definite planned, he would insist on some sort of vow of secrecy from everyone involved.

Right now, he was simply content walking around and enjoying his time around Hogsmead with his friends. Aside from the usual company of Ron, Hermione, Neville, Luna and Cho, they were joined by Susan Bones and Hannah Abbot from Hufflepuff and surprisingly, Daphne Greengrass of Slytherin who was currently deep in a scholarly discussion with Hermione.

But just as abruptly, their pleasant mood was shattered by a familiar sickeningly sweet voice clearing her throat to catch their attention.

"Hem, hem." And there she was in all her bubblegum pink glory. Hogwarts's High Inquisitor stood in front of them shadowed by the caretaker Filch with the ever present feline menace Mrs. Norris in his bony arms.

"Good afternoon students." Umbridge greets with her fake happy smile plastered on her fat, pudgy face. "I trust all of you are having a splendid day?"

"Yes we are ma'am." Harry answers for the group before adding mentally. "At least until you showed up to ruin the day."

"That is very good to hear Mr. Potter though I can't help but wonder..." Umbridge said with a predatory gleam in her eyes.

"Wonder what Madame Umbridge?" Harry asks, trying to sound as innocent as he could manage.

"Well... Is there a reason why you're all walking around together like this?" Umbridge asks. "You have to admit that its rather rare to see a contingent of this size traveling as a group unless they have a motive for doing so."

"We don't really know what you mean Madame Umbridge." Hermione answers in a sweet, schoolgirl voice. "We are simply a group of friends walking around and enjoying each other's company."

"Friends?" Umbridge repeated, glancing at Daphne. "I was under the impression that students from Gryffindor and Slytherin loathed to be in each other's company."

"It was a fairly recent development Madame Umbridge." Daphne answered primly before Ron could say anything. "You are correct when you said that our houses loathed each other but believe it or not, we still do have a lot in common with Gryffindor. Besides, its never too early to establish ties with other respectable families."

Umbridge was clearly taken aback by the girl's answer but managed to compose herself. "Yes well, just be certain you are associating yourself with the right sort of families Ms. Greengrass." Umbridge said, giving Harry a snide, pointed look. "After all, there are those who would seek to take advantage of your blood status for their own means."

"Then you'll be pleased to know that Ms. Greengrass is discussing a possible alliance with an old coalition." Susan said before adding with a smile. "A coalition which is composed of the Potter, Weasley, Longbottom and Bones family. All of which are Pureblood houses."

Umbridge looked as if she swallowed a whole lemon at this piece of news. An alliance like this would certainly mean trouble for the ministry and she would have to think carefully on how to prevent this from happening.

"On another matter then. I have heard some troubling news about a meeting occurring here at Hogsmeade to discuss possible disruptive actions in Hogwarts." Umbridge asks. Harry slightly stiffens at this but a squeeze from Cho whose hand he held in his was a reassuring sensation. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about this, would you?"

"Madame Umbridge. We are not at Hogwarts and whatever goes on in Hogsmead today is their business. Besides, surely you don't believe that us prefects..." Cho stated gesturing towards herself, Hermione, Ron and Susan. "...Would allow such a thing to happen in school?"

"I should think not Miss Chang." Umbridge answers, looking as if she wanted to say more but seemed to decide against it. "Well then, I shan't keep you here any longer. Have a pleasant day students."

"Thank you Madame Umbridge." The group said, deliberately sounding childish which looked like it pleased the High Inquisitor for some reason. She then walks off and after giving the group one final glare, Filch quickly follows muttering something about suggesting to Umbridge about reinstating beatings as punishment.

Once she was certain the two were gone, Daphne spoke up. "Well it looks like somebody snitched on us."

Hermione nods at this. "It can't be helped. The message that we were meeting was passed via word of mouth so some unsavory elements were bound to hear it and report back to Umbridge."

"Well some unsavory people STILL managed to find their way to the meeting though." Ron opined, glancing at Cho. "No offense Cho but you DO have to admit that Marietta was kinda being disruptive back there."

"None taken Ron." Cho said with a sigh. "I apologize for bringing Marietta everyone. I just wanted to open her eyes to what sort of incompetence we are being forced to endure under Umbridge. But it seems like her family is one of those hardcore believers of the Ministry's infinite wisdom."

"Don't apologize Cho. Ravenclaw was not the only house with a bad apple who made an appearance in the meeting." Hannah said before glowering darkly. "I'm starting to think that the only reason why Smith even came was to antagonize Harry. If I find out he was the one who told Umbridge, I'll..."

"It's probably not fair to suspect those two of being the informers at this stage Hannah." Neville interrupted, deciding to be the voice of reason. "Like Hermione mentioned, the message was passed via word of mouth so a member of the Inquisitional Squad Could have easily overheard and reported to Umbridge."

"Neville is right." Harry agreed with his fellow Gryffindor. "For now, we've got to concentrate on trying to supplement what we learn from DADA. Professor Victoria's a great teacher but it won't do any good without some practical experience."

The group nods their assent at this and continues on with their day.


The first thing that Harry figured that needed to be done was look for a place where they could secretly practice magic without getting caught by Umbridge and her sycophants.

But that was proving to be easier said then done.

The Shrieking Shack was too small and run down for what he had in mind. And using one of the vacant classrooms in the castle was just asking for trouble.

But as he ponders his latest dilemma, he suddenly has an epiphany.

"Dobby." Harry calls out. The excitable House elf pops in jumping up and down in joy.

"The great Harry Potter be wanting to see Dobby?" Dobby squeaks eagerly.

"Dobby. I've got a little problem that I need your help with." Harry said.

"Anything for the great Harry Potter sir." Dobby answers.

"Well... I need someplace where me and a few friends can safely practice magic without getting caught by the authorities if you know what I mean." Harry said.''

"Oh! Oh! Dobby knows of a perfect place where nasty pink toad woman and her servants won't catch you." Harry had to laugh at his little friend's rather apt description of Umbridge.

"That's great Dobby. Can you show me where?" Harry asks. Instead of answering, Dobby grabs Harry's hand and pops in front of a tapestry which depicted, oddly enough, of a wizard teaching trolls ballet.

"The great Harry Potter needs to walk pass this portrait three times thinking of what you be needing." Dobby instructs. Harry looked confused at this but nonetheless complies with the House Elf's strange request.

Immediately after he does that, a door appears which leads him to a spacious room with enough space and equipment for a large group of people to practice in.

"This is brilliant Dobby. Where exactly are we?" Harry asks.

"This be the Come-And-Go Room. It is a room that a person can only enter when they have real need of it. Sometimes it is there, and sometimes it is not, but when it appears, it is always equipped for the seeker's needs" Dobby explains.

"So it does." Harry mutters examining the room further before turning to Dobby with a smile. "It looks like we're in business then. Time to call in a few friends."

Author's Notes: Here's the next chappie for you guys. Enjoy and R&R :)