A/N: Hi there~! This story is a sequel to the original, "Ciel Phluffyhive." So if you haven't read that yet, I strongly suggest you do so, before reading this one. Otherwise, you will be quite confused. *-* And to my returning readers: sorry for the wait~! Now hurry and read! :3 (I bet you weren't expecting this plot twist~)
Warnings: Language
Disclaimer: I don't own Kuroshitsuji (Shocking, I know).
Point of View: Ciel Phantomhive
Side Note: This story will eventually have some characters of the manga involved. Mmk, read on~!
Chapter I
I have been on edge ever since I saw my aunt, Angelina Durless, in the shelter's office. She flashed me an extremely fake smile as I walked into the room and smothered me with a hug filled with empty emotions. The woman clad in red made up some excuse to the shelter's workers about how her "life has changed" and she "desperately wants to take care of" me. How ridiculous. She dumped me in this shelter five years ago. What makes her think she has any right to adopt me, after what she did? The shelter leader instantly agreed to the adoption; most likely to be rid of me.
Even though it was not Claude who adopted me, Angelina is just as screwed up. When she set her eyes upon me for the first time in five years, she showed no genuine emotion. Anyone else would have at least shown some form of emotion. Especially considering that was the first time she has seen my changed...appearance. She acted like she has already seen my hideous cat-like appendages; which she hasn't. Right? And how did Angelina even know I was in that place? After five years, did she really expect me to still be there? That doesn't add up. But, how did she know?
Well, that was a month ago. That means I have been living with my aunt for a full month now. I still don't understand how she convinced the orphanage to let her adopt me. She was the one who abandoned me! She is the one who left me to be adopted by those bastards who humiliated and tortured me.
When I first came here, all I could think about was Sebastian. Where was he? Did he miss me at all? After the first week, I came to the conclusion that thinking about the raven haired male was not beneficial at all. So, I stopped thinking about him. Or at least, I tried.
When I think too much about these things, my head starts to ache. Or maybe that's my heart.
So, here I am, sitting at the dining room table, eating dinner. Angelina is seated across from me, in her usual red attire. She cooked salmon today. Now, I am not going to lie...I love fish. But, with her here, I can barely find my appetite, even with the mouth-watering aroma steaming from the plate in front of my nose.
Her personality is so different from the last time I saw her, that it's a bit unnerving. Actually, that might not be the right word for my uneasiness. I think 'scary' would be the better term. Yes, something about her new 'personality' is extremely scary, but I don't know why. Although, it's painfully obvious that everything is a facade, so I shouldn't be afraid. Ugh! This whole month has been an act, but I have no idea why.
And it's driving me to insanity.
Why is she pretending to care? Even though she fakely smiles and feigns friendly conversations with me, there is a major flaw in her charade. Not once, in the entire month of my being here, has she let me outside. Not once.
She's keeping me locked in here.
"Darling, do you like the salmon?"
"Yes," I reply softly, not wanting to upset her. Since this is all an act, I know her true self is dying to escape. And her true self...I don't want to ever see again.
That was the last of our dinner conversation.
"You must be joking."
Angelina's voice causes me to stop in my tracks. It's being emitted through a door on the side of the hallway. I press my furry ear to the wood and listen, hoping to gain a better sound quality. My eyes open to their full size as I continue to listen. Her...her voice sounds just as it did back then. She's talking on the phone to someone. I can't hear the other end of the line, since the wooden door is in the way, but I can hear her clearly.
"That's not nearly enough! Do you have any idea just how much work I've put into this?"
A pause.
"Oh? And what have you done t—"
My steps falter and the door opens, along with me falling after. The woman in red abruptly ends her phone call by hanging up and immediately replaces her shock with her emotionless mask.
"Ciel, darling, what are you doing here? Why aren't you in bed?"
"I-I was...just—"
"I'll take you to your room, honey," she says with her sickly sweet voice. She leads me to my room and closes the door as she leaves. Before I can even turn around, a faint 'click' sounds from behind the door. Did she...just lock me in here? She's never locked me in my room before, even though she's locked me in the house. I must have overheard something I shouldn't have. But, what exactly, did I overhear?
I fell through the door before I could hear anything of importance, right?
I don't know what time it is. I assume it's either extremely early in the morning or late at night, since the sky is black. Not a trace of sunlight touches the darkness outside my window. The reason I am awake right now, is because I heard a noise outside my door a few seconds ago. I can't open my door and investigate, since Angelina locked it earlier. I sit up on the mattress and rub my dry, tired eyes, wanting to return to the abyss of sleep.
So much has gone wrong in my life. I don't know how much more can take...
That's when I hear the movement of a key being inserted into a metal lock. Why is she coming in here? Can't she at least knock?
The door opens, revealing Angelina, completely dressed. Her outfit is entirely red, but that is normal for her. What is a tad confusing, is the fact that she is dressed to leave the house, at such a late—or early—hour.
"Oh, you're already awake," she says, not caring in the slightest about my sudden awakening.
I don't say anything, but I wait for her to tell me why she rudely woke me from my escape from reality.
"Okay, get dressed Ciel; we're going out."
Sleepiness disappears from my mind as I hear those three words. 'We're going out.' I can finally go outside? It's been so long...
Wait. It's the middle of the night. What reason could there possibly be to leave the house?
Fresh air nips at my skin as I step outside, for the first time in weeks. It feels so nice to fill my lungs with crisp, cool air as the light wind brushes past.
"Come on," Angelina commands me.
Even though I haven't the slightest idea as to where we are going, I am just glad to be outside. No...I'm ecstatic. I think I would be purring right now if it weren't so damn freezing.
We end up walking the whole way, to our destination: the park. Okay, this is slowly starting to creep me out more and more. The reasoning for this trip is unraveling in my mind with every second that ticks away.
"Where are we going?" I ask with a lowered voice as we step onto the grass. It is so early in the morning, or late at night, that the streetlights are all lit and the people are nonexistent. Angelina looks at me briefly, before ignoring my question completely.
"It's a nice night out tonight, isn't it?"
I frown and ask her once more, "Where are we going?"
Instead of answering, she forcefully takes hold of my wrist and pulls me over to the nearest bench. The black metal is even colder than the air around us as my arms touch the side of it. Goosebumps cover my skin as a particularly chilly breeze drifts past us and I instantly start shivering. I don't understand what is going on, but Angelina does; I can see it in her eyes. She's keeping something from me and it is not pleasant, whatever it is. Maybe it has something to do with that phone call...
Her crimson eyes search the expanse of the park, seemingly looking for something. I follow her line of sight and see nothing but darkness, even with my feline eyes. When I glance to my side, I see someone who makes my heart melt. Sebastian. He's sitting underneath the tree that I always used to visit; my favorite tree. The same tree that shaded us from the sun when we first met. But, it seems as if he's sleeping. My heart longs to see those beautiful red ruby eyes again, if only for a moment.
I miss him...so much.
Not paying attention to the woman sitting next to me, I am startled when she stands up. She has a smirk on her face and a look in her eyes that I don't like. Did I miss something? I'm not surprised, considering my beautiful distraction with raven hair. But...her expression from earlier has changed. I've seen it before, I know it.
I frown deeply when I remember where I've seen that look before. When I was locked in the room with Claude, he had the same expression written all over his face: victory.
What the hell is going on here?
Before I can do anything, she flashes one of her poisonous smiles and says, "Are you ready to head home, darling?" So then, I did miss something. What happened, though? I'm not sure I want to know. When she looks at me expectantly, waiting for me to reply, I just remain seated on the bench. What do I do?
Sebastian is so close...will I ever see him again?
Angelina scowls and forcefully grips my furry ear, causing me to cry out in pain when she yanks me off the bench. Damn, that hurt! She pulled the same ear that that kid pulled at the shelter. Terrific.
I subconsciously lift my hand to my head and try to soothe my ear by rubbing it as I take a glance over at my favorite tree. Sebastian is still sleeping over there. Angelina tears me away from my Sebastian-watching and grips my wrist once more. She drags me away from my love, painfully slow, as I take one last glance under the tree.
Goodbye, Sebastian.
After a short while, we reach her house and walk inside. She 'escorts' me to my room and locks me in there once more, as I crawl onto my bed. I just want to sleep...sleep away my life. The dark grey sheets comfort me when I bury my body underneath them and snuggle my face into the pillow. I can't sleep now, though.
What was the point of that outing? It couldn't have been more than an hour, but we didn't even do anything. Well, I didn't, I wasn't paying attention if she did anything. Not to mention the fact that Sebastian was there. Why was he even there in the first place? Under my tree, no less.
He was sleeping in the park, alone, underneath my most frequently visited tree. Was...was he looking for me? Ha! Of course he wasn't, that wouldn't make any sense. He saw me being thrown into the police car, so he should have known that I wouldn't be just released back into the open. And above all else, it has been a month since I last saw him. It's not as if he's kept me in his thoughts this whole time.
The faintest light of hope lingers in my mind as I think of Sebastian looking for me. Maybe...maybe he does care. A warm, tingling sensation fills my chest as I remember every memory of Sebastian. The tingling is soon replaced by something audible and quite loud: I'm purring.
Maybe...maybe he does care.