Chapter One

"Tell me your secrets and ask me your questions

Oh, let's go back to the start

Running in circles, coming up in tails

Heads on science apart"

The Scientist-Coldplay

After less than a week of being in the CIA, I had concluded that rookie boot camp was exactly like high school. Well, it was exactly like a stereotypical high school. All new agents were in groups already. There were the nerds, the jocks, the girls who were extremely concerned about their appearance, the music lovers, and the druggies. I'm not even kidding you. I swear I saw them outside hiding from the huge window down in the mass hall smoking.

I guess what set these groups apart from an actual high school was that,

A: we all had graduated and

B: every single one of us here had the ability to become blend in and become someone in these different cliques.

That's what being a spy was all about, adapting to any situation appropriately without raising ANY suspicion. Well that and stopping the bad guys from screwing up the world as we know it.

I probably should clear a few things up right now. Obviously, if you're reading this you have a pretty high clearance or you just stumbled across this and in that case please put this report down. No one will ever believe you when you tell them anything that has been written here.

Now for introductions, my name is Cameron Morgan, daughter of Rachel and Matthew Morgan. I am 18 years old and just recently graduated Gallagher's School for Exceptional Women. Yes, that school. The exceptional women that have attended this school are "stuck up", "snobby", "rich" girls who have nothing better to do with their time. Well appearances can be deceiving. It's actually a school for spies. We obviously can't go around and tell everyone that, it kind of defeats the purpose of being a SECRET agent in training.

You may have stumbled across one of my reports before. It's something that I do to keep my life in order. Ever since sophomore year, my life seemed to embrace the fact that I was becoming a spy and is constantly sent over obstacles to test me. I guess a phrase that would describe my life is complete and utter chaos.

Here's a quick rundown on things: I had a secret normal boyfriend from sophomore year till halfway through senior year. Why we broke up? Well that's a story for another time. For the major part of my junior year I had a terrorist organization after me and my senior year was all about finding answers. That included leaving school for the summer and embarking on a mission that has changed my life completely. Too bad don't really remember it. All I really have left is the scary moment when I do something unbelievable, something that I didn't even know I could do. Anyways, I can tell you right now, I didn't exactly find the answers I wanted and I'm still unsatisfied.

I graduated 2 weeks, 3 days and 19 hours ago. I am currently in a rookie boot camp, a tradition in the CIA to make sure that we were exactly what they were looking for.

I had 3 amazing friends that have supported me throughout these years, Elizabeth Sutton, Macey McHenry, and Rebecca Baxter. Sadly, we didn't all go in the same direction. Macey decided to travel across the world to join Section 6. Bex and I still can't decide if Macey was accepted for her amazing skills and her connections in the American government (due to her dad being Senator and all) or because of her dazzling looks. Liz still hasn't decided where she belongs and at the moment is trying out a bunch of different organizations. Bex and I chose the CIA, me for obvious reasons; the Cameron-Morgan family all seemed to head here. Bex chose the CIA because she didn't want to be known as Baxter's kid in the Section 6.

That's how we found ourselves two weeks later at rookie boot camp. Some spies believe that rookie boot camp is what makes you an amazing spy and helps you make amazing allies- and friends here in the CIA. Rookie boot camp went on for exactly 2 weeks and was designed to test you on your fighting abilities, tailing abilities, creating and maintaining cover ability and so much more. In short, they just wanted to make sure that we were up to par- that we would be a much needed addition to the CIA. It could get really intense at times. However, this was just an introduction to what lies out in the mission world- one that we would be joining in less than two months.

Bex and I weren't too worried about this boot camp with its stress considering that Bex had tagged along in some of her parents missions and me sneaking off in the summer. Like I said, I don't really remember much but had definitely prepared me, subconsciously, for being a CIA agent.

I'm sorry. I need to write this down on paper, make these facts of life official so that I have something to go back to when the spy life just gets so confusing and I don't know what's true and what isn't. This report is probably the closest I can ever to get to the straight up truth with hard actual facts until I retire and maybe after.

I turned my attention towards the conversation happening with Bex and a couple other girls that we were rooming with. They were all wondering what we were going to do today. So far, day one was about finding a group of people that you believed that you could work well with and day two was showing off your remarkable skills. Needless to say, I was sparring with Bex for the greater part of the day.

"Attention! Can you please report to your advisors?" A voice blared through the speakers.

My group quickly dispersed and I headed towards the agent responsible for mine and a couple other agents training.

"Sup Alex?" Alex was the agent who was in charge of my training. We got along great and he was always down to sneak me a few tips and ready to help me improve.

"One second." Alex turned over to another agent who was whispering in his ear.

I leaned in closer, trying to get a smidge of what was going on.

"Did you change the security code?" The other agent asked.

"Of course I did, don't worry about it!" Alex said reassured. He turned his attention towards me.

"Cameron! Excited for today?" Alex smiled briefly at me and began shuffling through a crap load of papers.

"Oh yes, I think someone said that day three was the most entertaining." I replied.

"We'll see about that. Here you go," Alex passed me a package of papers. "Now head to booth 3."

I pushed past the crowd of people crowding around him. I noticed that in this short time, booths set themselves up around the room. These booths resembled voting booths. I headed to the one with the huge 3 on it.

I peeked in. The booth was closed in with a table in the center. On either side, there was a plastic chair. Both of them were vacated. I took a seat in one of the chairs and pulled out the papers Alex was gave me.

Day 3 of Agent Training

This day is all about creating and maintaining a cover. You will be paired up with one other agent and you will embark on a journey together over the course of the next 12 hours.

Attached was a list of questions as well as a simple itinerary outlining our activities. Right now, we were supposed to spend 2 hours with our partner, creating a cover on the spot. We had to use our actual names but make everything else up.

I heard the squeaking of the chair across from me. I looked up and saw a very attractive guy. I'm not even kidding you. He was one of those people where your first thought was "Wow, they're hot," and it's not a thought or an opinion, it's more like a statement, a fact. This guy sitting across from me was good looking. If I was a regular Gallagher girl, this would be the end of me considering it was an all girl school. But thanks to Josh, I wasn't all that fazed. He was a hot guy and I wasn't going to throw away my career over swooning over him

"Hi there," I smiled towards him.

"Hey," mystery guy head nodded back to me. "What's your name?"

"Cammie, and you?"

"I'm Zach." He smirked at me.

I could already tell that this was going to be on interesting day.

"Shall we get started?"

A/N: HEEY GUYS! So this is the beginning of my story, I hope you guys like it so far! For this story just assume that the other books haven't happened because certain events can't happen for this story to work. Some characters and/or their relationships with each other might be OOC because that way I can make the story my own and it will be a lot easier to write for me. Any and all writing criticism and tips are welcomed appreciated! I will try to update at least once a week but that's dependant on how school's going that week.


~ P