Kei-kei: This story is now being rewritten and beta byThe Bark Crimson Blood! Thank you Friend!

Summary: Naruto is a cute uke who have a strong passion for crossdressing and female cosplaying, and his life started to become hectic. When seme's starts to compete over him to win his hearts, and throw in a ex-boyfriend who's determine to win him back. Can Naru-chan survive all these smexy seme?

Chapter 1 'How they all Meet!'

"You look so adorable my sweet Naru-chan." Kushina squealed at her 6 year old son. If you looked at him for a second you could easily be mistaking him for a girl.

A very cute girl

The blonde gazed at her with bright blue ocean eyes, he was wearing a short sleeved white and ruffled top, a pink ruffled skirt, high white knee socks, with matching pink shoes.

His beautifully bright sunshine blonde hair was combed down, it framed his heart shaped face and easily showed a big pink bow that made him look even cuter.

"Mama do I really look pretty?" The 6 year old asked sweetly.

"Of course you do. Your the most prettiest child in the whole wide world Not even a girl could compare to you!" Kushina said proudly as a large smile reached it's way onto her face.

"Really?" Little Naruto asked innocently; he was clearly amazed.

"Of course! Now lets head over to the park." Kushina grabbed Naruto's soft, naturally tanned hand and headed straight out the door. With the cute blonde happily following her the whole way.

The duo soon made it to their destination; it was located a couple of blocks away from their home. The park was currently full of small children and adults that seemed to be having a wonderful time.

"Mama may I go play?" Naruto asked cutely as he cocked his head to the side.

"Okay, but be careful! And do not run off with strangers!" Kushina told him seriously; she had a stern face.

"Gotcha!" Naruto said with a large smile before running off to find someone to play with. Little Naruto was wondering around the park, looking for a playmate to play with. That's when he spotted a black haired boy who was sitting by himself next to a tree, while glaring at his surroundings.

'I'll make him my friend.' Naruto thought with determination, he began to making his way over to his 'soon to be' friend.

Meanwhile with Sasuke

'Stupid aniki, forcing me here with these brainless annoying brats instead of playing with me himself. I could be at home instead of being here with these annoying brats.' Sasuke thought with a frown marred on his pale face.

"You know its not nice to glare at others for no reason." Sasuke was easily ripped from his thoughts as he heard a voice that resembled an angel's. It was soft and beautiful as it spoke to him, laced with perfection. Sasuke's gaze became upturned, he saw a cute girl with azure eyes and blonde hair smiling down at him snapping him out of his thought as he heard a soft angel like voice spoke to him.

'Wow she very pre-No! No! No! Uchiha's do not think like that!' Sasuke mentally scolded himself.

"Get away from me...Dobe." Sasuke said before suddenly adding his darkest glare, it would usually scare off any children and some adults that dared to bother him.

"Ne, that's not nice ummm...teme!" The pretty blonde hair girl replied with a rather cute looking pout, this was a major shock to Sasuke.

'Did this ang- I mean dobe just called me a 'teme' instead of running away crying to her parents?!. Hmmm, she might just be a friend worthy of an Uchiha.' Sasuke thought as he shook off his glare.

"Yo! How would you like to become friends with me?" The girl asked.

"Okay dobe." Naruto's pout was easily replaced with a frown.

"Its Naruto, teme. And yours?"

"Uchiha Sasuke." Sasuke answered, he was patiently waiting for her to become just like the girls that worshiped the ground he walked on instead of taking the chance to really get to know him.

'Here it come.' Sasuke thought waiting for the annoying high pitch squealing to come out of this 'angel's' mouth.

"Well its nice to meet you Sasuke." Instead of doing what other people usually do once finding out his name; she had just offered him a dazzling smile, which shocked him even further than he thought possible.

'Yep! She very worthy of being my friend.' Sasuke thought with a smileas he followed Naruto towards the playground.

(Author Pov/Normal Pov)

Little Sasuke and Little Naruto were playing together on the swings, they were having a wonderful time as they played.

"Yay! I want to go higher!" Naruto called out pushing himself even further into the air, the breeze blowing his hair out of his face to reveal wide blue eyes that had happiness within them, as well as a wide and enegertic smile on his face.

"Dobe, don't go too high or you might hurt yourself." Sasuke warned.

"I'll be okay Sasu-teme." Naruto said as he pushed himself even further up towards the sky and cheered as he let of the handles and fell out of the swing.
"Naruto!" Sauke ran over to him.

"Hmm. It didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would, plus I didn't dirty up my skirt." Naruto replied as he brushed the nonexistant dirt off of her skirt, making Sasuke sweat-drop.

"Can you please get off of me, your heavy." Both Sasuke and Naruto looked down and saw a boy that was around there age lying underneath Naruto.

"Oops! Sorry!" Naruto quickly scrambled off of the person he had accidentally fallen on top of the young boy got up, which gave both Sasuke and Naruto a good look at him while he dusted himself off. This boy had long, dark brunette hair, pale skin, and pale lavander eyes.

"Your not hurt are you?" Naruto asked cutely.

"No, I seem to be o-" The boy stopped talking once he got a good look at Naruto. A dazed look easily took over his face.

'I don't like the way he's looking at MY dobe!' Sasuke growled to himself.

"Destiny has brought forward a very pretty angel for me." The boy said cunningly, a blush took over Naruto's face.

"T-Thank-you. My name is Naruto and yours?" Naruto stuttered out, a blush still remained on her face.

"Neji, my sweet Naru-chan." Neji smiled and bowed.

'How dare he give MY dobe nicknames.' Sasuke glared at Neji even further. Neji felt someone staring at him, he found a boy with dark black hair and equally dark obsidein eyes. Since the boy was glaring at him, he decided to glare back.

"Sasu-teme aren't you going to introduce yourself to our new friend?" Naruto asked sweetly as she turned to face Sasuke.

'When did I agree to become friends with HIM?!' The two boys thought at the same time.

"Sasuke. Uchiha Sasuke." Sasuke spat harshly; not really wanting to introduce himself to someone he obviously didn't like.

"Neji. Hyuuga Neji." Neji spat out as harshly as Sasuke did; neither of them wanted to become friends with each other so the remained glaring at each other.

"Now lets all go play!" Naruto announced as he grabbed both of theirs hands and began walking off.

'I don't want MY Dobe/Naru-chan touching him!'


"No, I'm the husband!" Neji yelled.

"No I'm the husband!"Sauke yelled back, Naruto just sighed as he watched the two argue. This was the 4th time today!

"Your not fit to play the husband." said Neji.

"And your just fit to play the house pet."Sasuke replied with a smirk. While the two continued to argue, Naruto spotted a little boy with red hair playing in the sand box all by his self. He looked sad and lonely, playing alone by himself...

'He looks so lonely... I know I'll make him my friend!' Naruto got up and headed towards the boy in the sand box.

"Hey nice sand castle your building." Naruto called out to the boy, the boy looked up at Naruto before continuing his work.

"Mind if I join?" Naruto asked nicely and the boy just stared at Naruto for a couple of seconds before nodding his head and getting back to work.

"Yay!" Naruto happily joined the boy in the sand box.

"Oh by the way I'm Naruto and you?"


"You know I really don't like you, Uchiha." Neji glared at Sasuke.

"Same here Hyuuga." said Sasuke with a glare of his own. Suddenly the two noticed that their little sunshine angel was missing.

"Where Naru-chan?" Neji asked and Sasuke began scanning the area, eventually he spotted Naruto playing in the sandbox with someone that wasn't him.

"No one is allow to play with my dobe except me." Sasuke's tiny fist clenched tightly as he tried to increase his glare as he stormed off towards Naruto and the red head boy's direction.

"I think we should add another room over here." Naruto said to Gaara who only nodded his head in return.

"Dobe what do you think your doing with him." Sasauke said annoyed as he pointed at Gaara who just ignored him as he continue to play with Naruto.

"I'm playing with my new friend, Panda-chan." Naruto answered.

"There you are Naru-chan! Who is that?" Neji pointed at; just like Sasuke had did earlier. Just like before, Gaara ignored his presence and continued his work.

"This is my new friend Panda-chan, who; unlike you two meanies, he actually plays with me." Naruto frowned (pouted) while Gaara glared at the two for making his new friend become upset. This caused both Neji and Sasuke to feel guilty for ignoring Naruto earlier.

"Sorry for hurting your feeling, Naru-chan" Neji apologized.

"Okay I forgive you, so help me and Panda-chan build our castle." Naruto ordered, Neji happily obeyed, which left Sasuke there to glare at the three other children.

"Fine, sorry Dobe" Sasuke finally apologized.

"Apology accepted teme. Now sit down and help us, and you better not agure with Neji-kun again.

"Fine." Sasuke pouted and started to help the other thre build the castle.

"Our castle is complete!" Naruto announced proudly as the others stood by to examine their work.

"I must say that we did a really good job on building my and Naru-chan's future castle!" Neji said happily.

"Wrong! This is mine and the Dobe's. You two are just our servants" Sasuke told the others.

"Actually this is mine and Naruto's. We built it together first. Gaara spoke for the first time all day, suprising the others immensly.

"You can talk Panda-chan!? Yay!" Naruto ran up and hugged Gaara.

"Don't hug him dobe! Hug me and me only" Sasuke complained.

"Naru-chan where is my hug?" Neji asked nicely.

"Otouto are you ready to go?" The group turned around and saw a boy a few years older than them with long black hair that was pulled into a low pony tail. He had lines comming down on both sides of his face and his eyes were the same dark color as Sasuke's.

"Anki!" Sasuke ran excitedly to the older boy.

"Aniki these are my two new pets Gaara and Neji." Sasuke pointed at the two rudely.

"We're your what?!" Neji replied angirly.

"And this is my best friend and future wife Naruto." Sasuke grabbed Naruto's hand and dragged her over.

"NO HE'S NOT!" yelled both Neji and surprisingly Gaara.

"Ummm. Hi!" Naruto waved shyly.

"Well its nice to meet you two and Otouto pretty wife." The older boy did a princely bow and grabbed Naruto hand kiss it.

"Prince charming." Naruto face was as red as a cherry, all the other boys glared at the older boy with jealosly and anger.

"Aniki Naruto is my wife not yours, so stay away." Sasuke held Naruto away from his older brother; making sure he didn't touch her again.

"Naru-chan its time to go home!" Walking over towards them was a beautiful woman with long, silky, flowing red hair.

"Mama!" Naruto ran over to the woman.

"Mama meet my new friends Sasuke,Neji,and Gaara. Oh and that's Sasuke older bother." Naruto introduced.

"Well its nice to meet you all." She smiled at them sweetly.

"Nice to meet you ma'am. Now I know where your daughter getr her good looks from." said Neji.

"Well aren't you a charming." Kushina replied nicely.

"Neji-kun did you just called me a girl?" Naruto asked as he cocked his head to the side.

"What else will would he call you dobe." Sasuke answered.

"Teme what are you talking about? I'm a boy."

"Ehh...? NANI!"

This story is now being rewritten and beta by The Dark Crimson Blood!