I do not own Shugo Chara! or Mohabbatein in any way!

Speech Key:

"The" – Oral/Normal Speech


AN: While sifting through my files to see what I should keep and what I should delete, I found this story. I don't even remember the last time I looked at it. But I found it and now I am going to try to edit it and put the chapters up one by one.

Now, for those who are familiar with Bollywood films, you should remember Mohabbatein, the plot of it as well as the huge hubbub that came with it since it was the first film to feature Shahrukh Khan and Amitabh Bachchan at the same time and as part of the main characters no less.

This is going to be a rewrite of the film, but with the Shugo Chara! characters and hopefully, I can add some things of my own along the way.

If anyone wants to read about the film first, then I would suggest reading this article on Wikipedia (not the source I'd like using, but it'll have to do): en . wikipedia wiki/Mohabbatein

I hope you all will enjoy this and please review!


Raj Aryan Malhotra- Tsukiyomi Ikuto AKA Yue Yoru

Narayan Shankar- Hinamori Tsumugu

Megha- Hinamori Amu

Vikram "Vicky" Kapoor- Souma Kukai

Karan Chaudhry- Fujisaki Nagihiko

Sameer Sharma- Hotori Tadase

Ishika Dhanrajgir- Hoshina Utau

Sanjana- Yuiki Yaya

Kiran- Mashiro Rima

Preeto- Sanjo Yukari

Kake- Yuu Nikaidou

Deepak- OC

Ayush- Ami

Kiran's Sister-in-law- Amakawa Tsukasa (instead of a Sister-in-law, there will be a Brother)

Major Khanna- OC

Girl's School Headmistress- OC

~Love Stories~

oOA Fated MeetingOo

A blaring whistle sounded as a train pulled up to the Michi Travel Station.

A young man, about eighteen years, had been sitting on the ground with his knees pulled up slightly and his head rested on them, his arms winding around his legs. His back lay against a bench where his large duffle sat and his backpack next to him. Hearing the loud noise, the boy looked up.


He had bright blonde hair that was kept short, but with two sections of hair framing his face; one down to his chin and the other just an inch past it. His bangs were swept to the side of his forehead as one small bit of hair poked out and hung around the right side of his head. He had a fair complexion, a slightly broad and thin figure, and sparkling ruby-red eyes. He looked to be around 5'3".

The male wore a pair of loose jeans, a light-green long-sleeved shirt with a beige coat over it, and on his feet were grey socks covered by dark-grey hiking sneakers.

(AN: Literally just picture Tadase as he looked in Shugo Chara! Encore, but in these clothes.)


The blonde-haired boy watched as the train slowly came to a stop and watched another male, about his age, jump off of the train, his black messenger bag slung over his right shoulder and a duffle over his left.


The other boy had long mid-thigh length vioet hair that fluttered in the light breeze with two sections hanging down to his chain and his bangs splayed across his forehead. He had fair skin and bright amber eyes. He had a lithe and subtly muscular figure, his height coming to around 5'7".

He wore a pair of beige cargo pants, a maroon v-neck long-sleeved shirt underneath a black leather jacket, and his feet were encased in white socks before being tucked inside a pair of black doc slip ons.


The violet haired male looked around the near-empty station, before his amber connected with a pair of red ones. Curious, he headed over to the seated blonde.

"Katashi?" The violet-haired boy asked the blonde.

The blonde was slightly surprised, but quickly offered a small smile. "Yeah," the blonde replied.

"My name is Nagihiko...Fujisaki Nagihiko," the violet-haired male introduced himself, offered his hand to the blonde.

"Tadase...Hotori Tadase," the blonde greeted, shaking Nagihiko's hand.

They were so caught up in observing each other and introductions that they never noticed Nagihiko's train leaving.

It had been a while since the previous train left, leaving the two new friends to fall asleep on or next to the bench. But then another loud whistle blared, breaking the silence once more, waking the two

Tadase and Nagihiko watched as the train came to a stop and a blue duffle was tossed out from one of the passenger cars with a young man their age jumping out after.


This boy had messy chestnut-brown hair that stopped just short of his shoulders, a slightly tan complexion, and glowing lime-green eyes. He had the figure of an athlete and looked like he stood at a centimetre or two below 6'.

He wore a pair of black cargo pants, a white long-sleeved shirt with a grey zip-up vest over it, and a pair of grey socks on the feet that were tucked into white running shoes. He had a simple piercing in each earlobe.


Tadase and Nagihiko watched as the new arrival stretched his arms with a silly grin on his face. They watched as slung his duffle over his shoulder as he made his way over to them.

The blonde and violet-haired males shared a look and wondered what was going to happen.

"Hi!" The messy-haired male greeted with that silly grin still stuck to his face. "Katashi?"

"Yeah," both Tadase and Nagihiko nodded.

"Great!" the boy dropped his duffle to the ground and held out his hand. "I'm Kukai."



Both the boys had spoke at the same time and they all looked at each other in surprise and bewilderment.

"Erm," Kukai scratched his head before his face lit up. "Okay!" He took both his hands and had one reach for Tadase's hand while the other reached for Nagihiko's.

This was their first meeting. And although they didn't know it at the time, this one meeting would lead to an unforgettable friendship and an even greater adventure.

AN: So, was it good? Bad? I know it might not make much sense right now, but this is only the beginning. And I promise you all that it will get better.

But please, do review! And if you have nothing nice or polite to say, then I suggest not sending anything in at all!

