When the Wind Blows

Chapter Five

Danny couldn't pinpoint the exact moment he fell in love with Steve McGarrett. When he began to look forward to their arguments and Steve's goofy grin. When he couldn't wait to spend time with Steve on the weekends and did things he hated like hiking and surfing, and deep sea fishing just because Steve wanted him to.

It took time to break through Steve's reserve, to knock down the walls he'd erected around his heart. Even as they began growing closer, at first Steve had pushed him away, refused to acknowledge how deep his feelings, and their attraction for each other, ran. But like everything with Steve, when the walls fell they didn't just fall, they exploded. Danny hadn't known love could be that intense.

When Rachel and Stan died and Rachel's parents had nearly taken Grace away, Danny hit one of the lowest points of his life. It was Steve who'd kept him going every day, Steve who been the one to help him find the strength to give Rachel's parents the fight of their lives. Danny knew that without Steve, his life would be a shell of what it was now.

He shifted on the couch and winced. The stitches in his arm pulled at his tender skin. He'd only been out of the hospital for a few days, but he was already seeing a physical therapist. The exercises he'd been given felt like a form a mild torture, a complaint he shared, rather loudly, with Steve on a regular basis. It wasn't that he didn't understand the importance of therapy to his recovery, or that he wasn't willing to do anything to regain full use of his hand, but his protests gave Steve a chance to boss him around, and bossing him around always put a smile on Steve's face. It was a nice change from the past few days of constant worry in Steve's eyes.

Danny glanced down at his watch and sighed. Steve had barely been gone for an hour and he missed him already. Grace was at school. Steve was at work. The only good thing was that Danny was home instead of in the hospital. The deep aching in his arm reminded him he was also due for another pain pill.

Steve had made sure Danny was comfortably situated on the couch before he'd left that morning. Propped up on extra pillows, remote control, cell phone, pain pill bottle, several bottles of water and snacks ranging from fruit to power bars, all within easy reach on the coffee table. Danny had ESPN on the TV, but unlike when he was a kid and sick days were a little bit of heaven, he missed his family terribly. His phone chimed an alert that it had a new message.

He snagged it, rolling his eyes at the text from Steve.

Did you take your pill yet?

Danny shook his head and snorted. Bossy. The man just couldn't help himself.

Almost immediately the phone trilled again.

Hey, Danno, I know you saw this. Take your pill. Why so stubborn?

Danny scowled, tapping his response on the phone's touchscreen.

What are you sur willing me now?

"Fu-uh," Danny groaned. This was why he hated texting. And smart phones, which was really the biggest contradiction in terms he'd ever heard.

LOL What? The phone pinged with Steve's answer.

Danny was trying to type out another response when a new message popped up.

Kono's worried you took too many pain pills.

Danny finished off his text and hit Send.

I hate autocorrect do much.

"Gah!" Danny muttered. "I give up." The phone pinged again.

Now Kono's offering to give you texting lessons

Carefully Danny typed out his next message, checking it twice before hitting Send.

I hate you

Barely three seconds later the phone sounded its response.

You don't. You love me. We've been over this.

Danny sighed, curling up against the pillows as he tapped at the phone.

I want you tp put yur hands on my body and do nasty thongs

"Ah—crap," Danny muttered when his finger swiped the send button before he was ready.

The phone trilled back.

:))) Kono says you still suck at sexting.

Then immediately after.

BTW, I'll be home early

Danny laughed as the phone finally went silent. He dropped it back on the table, and snagged a pill, downing it with water. It made him drowsy. The college basketball game on the TV was boring and he soon found himself nodding off.

Seemingly only seconds later a wet kiss on the forehead woke up him up. He startled and hissed in pain as it jerked his arm.

"Sorry, Danno, just me, take it easy," Steve smiled down at him, cupping his head with his hand.

"Wha?" Danny looked around bleary eyed. "What time is it?"

"Almost four," Steve said, brushing the pad of his thumb gently against Danny's cheek. "You been asleep this whole time?"

"I guess so," Danny collapsed back against the pillows, eyes still heavy with sleep. He reached up for Steve's hand, squeezing it slightly as Steve leaned down for another kiss, this one full on the lips.

"Missed you today," Steve whispered, dropping more kisses along Danny's cheeks and neck.

"I missed you too," Danny sighed, feeling his body respond to Steve's touch. "Is Grace home?"

"Upstairs," Steve nibbled on Danny's ear. "She's finishing some project she won't even let me see."

"Aaahhh…ggg.." Danny shuddered. He reached up, fisting Steve's shirt in his hand. He pulled himself up, nuzzling Steve's face with his mouth until he gained access to Steve's lips. He kissed his lover hungrily, regretting he only had use of one good arm.

"We should go upstairs," Danny said thickly.

"We should," Steve replied, his voice full of regret. "We can't right now. Consider this a preview."

"I hate you," Danny slumped back, letting go of Steve's shirt, his senses still on overload.

"I'm beginning to think you don't know what the meaning of the word hate is," Steve smirked. "I promise you, I will make up for it later. I really didn't mean to tease you. I just saw you lying here and I couldn't help myself."

"Uh huh," Danny glowered up at Steve.

"Grace asked to see us before dinner," Steve rested his hand on Danny's chest.

"Is she all right?" Danny asked in alarm, struggling to sit up.

"I think so," Steve mused as he helped Danny to sit upright on the couch. "I think it has something to do with that project of hers."

The sound of little feet pounded on the stairs and Grace spilled into the living room. She came to a halt a few feet from the couch. Her look was almost shy as she nervously fingered a wrapped package in her hands.

"Monkey - you okay?" Danny asked, reaching out his good hand to her. When she nodded and put her small hand in his, he pulled her over and she sat down next to him.

Grace patted the seat on the other side of her and looked up at Steve. "You too, Dad."

"Okay," Steve sat down. "Whatcha got there?"

"I made this for you." She held up the package and then looked from one parent to the other, as if suddenly unsure who to give it to.

Danny and Steve exchanged a glance and then Danny said, "Since I'm still on the disabled list," he glanced down at his bandaged arm and gave a wry smile, "Why don't we let Dad open that."

Steve took the gift from his daughter, observing lightly, "This is beautiful paper. I almost hate to rip it."

Gingerly Steve peeled the tape from the paper, carefully extracting the object inside, a photograph set in a weathered wooden frame. Steve held it out so Danny could see it too.

"Grace, that's beautiful," Danny breathed. "Did you make that yourself?"

Grace nodded shyly, explaining, "It's not a real picture. I used Photoshop."

The graphic was of a nighttime seascape, a full moon looming over a high surf. The water swirled with energy, and a light seemed to emanate from somewhere deep within the dark water. Words had been superimposed over the images.

"Will you read it for us?" Steve asked, slipping his hand over Grace's back.

The little girl nodded, her voice soft as she began.

"When the wind blows

Through the dark night

It rattles the branches and knocks out the light

It whistles and howls like a wolf at the door

There's no place to hide

From this fear anymore.

When the wind blows

The trees bend and break

It thunders like fury and makes my heart shake

Caught in its whirlwind it throws me around

I 'm helpless and small

Within it I'm bound.

But storms aren't forever

By morning it's gone.

With it the dawn brings soothing and calm

All that's left standing all those left behind

Left struggling to heal

In heart and in mind.

Life is a mixture of beauty and pain

One day the sun shines the next day there's rain

I walk down this road with you at my side

And you take my hand every turn of the tide

You give me strength and you let me know

I'm never alone when the wind blows.

To Danno and Dad. I'll love you forever. Your Monkey."

"Did you write that?" Danny blinked back tears.

Grace nodded. "Mrs. Chen helped with some of the words."

"Gracie…" Danny pulled the little girl against his chest. "Monkey, it's beautiful."

"It's going up there," Steve pointed to the wall on the other side of the living room. "Where everyone can see it." His chest was puffed with pride, his eyes gleaming.

Grace pulled away from Danny so she could look at both of her parents. "Sometimes I get scared," she said hesitantly. "I get so afraid you'll leave me like Mommy and Stan did that I start crying and I can't stop."

Danny looked over at Steve and then despite the pain, wrapped his injured arm around Grace's back and tipped her chin up with the other so he could look full into her pain filled dark eyes. He said softly, "We know baby. What can we do?"

Grace shrugged her thin shoulders. "Mrs. Chen said that being brave is being afraid of something and doing what scares you anyway." She bit her lip, her face scrunching in thought. "She said lots of people go through life so afraid they forget how to live. She said we all must do our very best to be brave but that if we listen really hard, our Ancestors will always be there to help guide the way."

"You will never be alone, Monkey," Danny said, pulling her onto his lap. "Not ever. I promise you."

"I know," Grace rested her head against Danny's shoulder. "I think Mrs. Chen is right. 'Cause even though Mommy's gone, I can still feel her. Inside me." Her lower lip trembled and her eyes filled with tears. "That's how I know that no matter what happens, you and Dad will always be with me too."

"That's right baby," Danny hugged her tightly, kissing the top of her head. "But we're not going anywhere. Not for a long time. I swear."

"I love you Danno," Grace sniffled.

"I love you more Monkey," Danny whispered back.

Grace pulled away from Danny and put her arms around Steve. "I love you Dad."

"I love you too, kiddo," Steve said gruffly, enfolding her in a hug and kissing her on the cheek.

"If I finish my homework before dinner can we watch "Tangled" later?" Grace asked, her tears drying as quickly as they'd begun.

"You can watch "Tangled" after dinner even if you don't finish your homework," Danny grinned, chuffing his little girl lightly on the chin.

Grace grinned and then took off back upstairs to her room.

"God," Steve sighed, looking down at the picture and poem. "You have an amazing daughter."

"No," Danny said softly, reaching over to grab Steve's hand. "We have an amazing daughter. She's yours now too, you know."

Steve put his arm around Danny's shoulder and leaned back against the couch. Danny snuggled next to him, nestling his head against Steve's chest.

"The day I met you was the best day of my life," Steve murmured, resting his cheek against the top of Danny's head.

"I punched you in the face the first day we met," Danny reminded him with a laugh.

"That was a love tap," Steve grinned.

"God I hated you so much," Danny chuckled.

"Who knew, right?" Steve said softly. "You changed my life that day, you know."

Danny turned his face up to look at Steve, his eyes somber. "You changed mine, too."

Tenderly, Danny nuzzled Steve's neck, and then Steve's mouth was on his, demanding and hungry.

Danny gasped, his eyes glazing over. He fisted his fingers in Steve's hair. "Jesus, Steven, just take me upstairs and fuck me already, will you?"

"As you wish…" Steve responded, his voice throaty with desire.

As Danny let Steve help him stand up and lead him upstairs to their bedroom, he knew he would never give this life for anything.

The End

Well, that's all folks. Hope you liked it! Thank you all for reading, for commenting, favoriting and following this story. I really appreciate it!

And as always, a massive bear hug to JoaniexJony for being the most awesome beta in the universe. Yes, the universe. Mahalo, my dear xoxo