A quick author's note before I go off into the sunset that is AO3 and never return again.

I don't post trigger warnings. I refuse to unless I'm genuinely writing about something triggering, and even then, I refuse to validate trigger-warnings.

This is going to sound horrible, but that's fine. I don't really care.

Trigger warnings are dumb. They spoil the events of the story for all those reading. They're unecessary. If you're triggered by something (be it suicide, spiders, whatever it is) you need to put the effort in yourself. I'm not going to baby all my readers just because 1 in 100 may be afraid of a vague mention of death. It's one thing if you post a suicide-fic under K, it's another if you post it under M. If I'm discussing adult themes, I'll upload the fic in an adult restriction, but I refuse to cater to those that don't need it.

Triggering has become something of a joke. I understand some people are "truly" triggered by certain themes. I have arachnophobia and if I even SEE a picture of a spider, I often start having an anxiety attack. I KNOW WHAT TRIGGERS ARE. But they've become so common place that people use the term for when they feel mildly uncomfortable about a topic. I don't LIKE when characters cut themselves, but it's not a trigger. I suck up my feelings and deal with it. However, if I AM genuinely triggered by something (spiders) I put in the research to find out if they're included in the material I plan on reading. It's not MY JOB to warn every single arachnophobe that I'll be using spiders in my work. It's the arachnophobe's job to make sure I'm not.

You can message me asking if I'm posting something. I'll respond kindly with what possible triggers I write, but I'm not going to post them ahead of my fics.

This is directed specifically at the anonymous reviewer who called me an ass for not posting triggers. The actual review: "you didnt have any t&s warnings you ass now im sad af"

Oh, you're "sad as fuck" dang. Too bad I don't give a shit. Being sad after a sad story is NORMAL. It's not a trigger. You're over-reacting and being rude and childish.

I'm sorry if this came off as aggressive or rude or whatever. I just want to give my reasoning. Take it or leave it, love me or hate me. Doesn't really matter cause I'm leaving FanFiction anyway.
