Power Rangers Omega squad Trailer
Far into the future a team lead by none other than Commander Juro
Tom and his girlfriend Nicole were unaware of what was going to change them into Power Rangers several other Rangers were already selected as well people such as Alex Leos older brother Antonio and Cassie were fully unaware that something was going to change them forever
the year is 80002 and five young Rangers are unaware that something is going to change them as to what? They don't know
"Hello Rangers as you can tell I selected you to be the the power Rangers Omega Force both SPD and Time force are already dealing with there fair share of crime but as you are fully aware your needed as a little something to crack down on crime here in the year 80003 that's right you ave traveled 8000 years into the future" said Juro . The five rangers were confused as to what there current situation Alex was the first one to speak up . "With all due respect sir why do you need us couldn't have you got people from your time?" asked Alex unsure if he was stepping out of line .
"yes that would be correct but no I couldn't as everyone was afraid to step up and do something bigger for there people let alone there" said Juro with a straight poker face . Tom stepped up to ask a certain question that would surely get everyone to agree .
"Commander Juro sir since you selected us for this task I feel that we should step up and help you guys out besides if SPD and Timeforce is doing things like we are then I feel that we should as well" said Tom. Nicole Alex Antonio and Cassie couldn't agree more . And for once he was right on this . "Very well then come forth and claim your morphers and you will be known as the Power Rangers Omega Squad" said Juro .
And sure enough they did Tom is the Red Ranger Alex was the Blue Ranger Antonio Cassie was the Pink Ranger and Nicole was the Yellow Ranger but one other Ranger knew he could do it Zachery Seville . He went up and took his morpher he was known as the Black Ranger Well brother at least I to can be a power Ranger much like you can Thought Zach . "OMEGA SQUAD OMEGA RED BLACK BLUE YELLOW PINK" They shouted and sure enough there stood before him the six Rangers that would defend his city of manhatten city in hopes he could pull it off .
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"Hey Nicole you think that we can handle being Power Rangers?" asked Tom. "Yea it shouldn't be a problem besides if the Pirates can do it then so can we" said an encouraging Nicole . "Well alright since I have lead a lot of teams a team of rangers shouldn't be a problem"
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