It's here! Finally! I apologize for taking so long! I wanted the ending to be perfect! Once again I have to thank all of you for following this story and reading it! It has been because of the story's amazing fans that I keep writing! I can't believe it is the end of another story! I hope all of you enjoy the finale!


Safe on Solid Ground


I deftly caress the dappled ivory-pink skin of the tiny newborn baby girl until, slowly, her eyes drift close. Moving back I allow Caitlin to snap several images of the baby in a quick succession of shutter clicks.

"Alright Aria, it's your turn." Caitlin whispers, moving aside so that I can step up to the baby. I pick up my camera from off the ground, placing the strap around my neck as I click the camera on. I position myself over the baby; carefully focus the lens, and then click away, capturing the miniscule details upon the newborn's fragile skin. When I feel like I have taken enough images to have something to work with I step back, handing the reigns back over to Caitlin.

"Okay. That's it. Let's get you back to your mama little miss." Caitlin calmly announces, signaling the end of the session. She gently picks up baby Clara, wrapping her in a blanket before handing her over to her mom.

"Thank you so much." Clara's mom, Ariel, says as she begins dressing Clara.

"You're very welcome. I will have a sneak peek from her session up on Facebook tonight." Caitlin replies.

"Oh awesome. I can't wait to see them."

"Thank you for letting me tag along and photograph your sweet little girl." I tell Ariel.

"No problem. It was so nice meeting you both. You are amazingly talented and patient."

"I have five kids, patience is my middle name." I tease, laughing. Ariel's eyes grow wide as they roam my body.

"I would not believe that you have five children by just looking at you! You're so tiny and young!"

I laugh, "Well thank you. One is actually my step son, though the other four are mine. I had my two oldest, twins, when I was seventeen."

"How awesome. I have always wanted a big family, but after having this little one I don't know how I would handle that many!"

"It can get pretty crazy but I'm used to it."

"Well thank you again for being so patient with Clara. I cannot wait to see the pictures you two got."

"You're welcome." Caitlin and I respond in unison. After Ariel and Clara leave Caitlin and I head out to a local café to enjoy a late lunch while she shows me her workflow for editing images and addresses any questions I may have. Over and hour later I am amazed at the amount I have learned from my experience with Caitlin.

"Thank you so much for allowing me to tag along Caitlin. I learned so much today! I can't wait to photograph some more newborns!" I exclaim as we stand and move toward the door.

"Any time Aria. I would love to work with you again in the future. You have so much patience, I imagine from those five crazy kids of yours!" Caitlin says. I laugh.

"It's a much needed skill when working with newborns."

"Yes it is." Caitlin replies as we reach our cars. "It was so nice meeting you. If you have any other questions feel free to shoot me a message and I would be happy to answer them."

"Thank you. It was nice meeting you as well. Have a great evening."

"You too, Aria."


As I walk up to the house thirty minutes later I can hear the loud chatter of the kids inside the house. I pause for a moment outside, my ear pressed against the door, listening:

"Daddy come get me!" Lila's sweet voice breaks through the wall, followed a few seconds later by a shrill, playful scream. "Ahhh!" Lila laughs. "Wyatt, help me!"

A smile splits my lips imagining what scene I am about to walk in on. I turn the knob and push the door open.

"Mommy!" Lila screams, jumping up and running over to me. I scoop her up in my arms and she snuggles against me, resting her head on my shoulder.

"Oh I missed my Lila. Did you have fun with Daddy today?"


I give her a chaste kiss on the forehead as she slides from my arms onto the floor, running over to her baby sister.

"Look Evie, Mommy is home!" She squeals at the three month-old sitting contently in her bouncy chair.

"Hello baby girl!" Everly's eyes light up when she hears my voice. I bend down and scoop her up into my arms, "Were you a good girl for Daddy?"

"She was perfect. Took her bottles like a champ and just woke up from a two hour nap." Ezra says, coming up and embracing me from behind. He buries he face in the crook between my neck and shoulder blade, kissing me lightly.

"You smell like newborn babies." He comments.

I laugh, "That's because I spent all day with one. Do you like it?" I tease.

"Mhm." Ezra replies, kissing his way down my arm.

"Ezra." I warn.

"What?" He replies, turning me in his arms so I face him. "A guy can't kiss his wife?"

"Not like that when there are children are around." I explain to him. He smiles coyly and pulls my chin closer to his so he can place his soft warm lips on mine. "Mm, better."

Everly begins fussing as Ezra leans in for another kiss. "It looks like I'll have to schedule an appointment to see you later, privately of course." Ezra teases.

"I'm all yours at nine." I whisper.

"I can't wait." He whispers back, before Lila tugs him away. "Come on Daddy, let's play."

I smile, grabbing my camera bag and heading upstairs to Everly's nursery. When I found out Ezra and I were having another girl I was behind excited to redo the nursery that Brennen had previously occupied. Ezra and I decided to allow Wyatt to have his own room, and to put Ben and Brennen in the same room as well as the girls in the same room, leaving two extra rooms open for guests and future moving around of children.

Evie and Lila's room is girly, but not too girly, with gray and purple vertically striped walls accented with a white border on the bottom. A huge window clothed in a purple curtain separates their beds, Lila's on the left and Evie's crib on the right. Over each of their beds in beautiful, curling, white lettering hangs their names; Lila Alison Lee and Everly Pearl Marie. My cream rocking chair from when Lila and Ben were babies rests diagonally besides Evie's crib.

I sit down in the chair, placing my camera bag onto the floor beside me while I adjust Evie. She immediately and happily latches onto my breast. While she nurses I pull out my camera and go through the images that I captured during my mentoring session. I easily select a handful of favorites to edit once the kids are in bed before placing my camera back in its case. Finally beginning to relax after a long day I allow myself to close my eyes while stroking Everly's soft coffee-colored hair.

Sometime later I am aroused by the tender, forgiving stroke of Ezra's fingertips along my arm. My eyes open lazily to find Evie fast asleep in my arms and Ezra standing above us with a gentle smirk on his face.

"What time is it?" I question sleepily, pulling my shirt down carefully so I don't disturb Everly.

"It's just after eight. Your parents came and picked up the kids an hour ago to spend the night. It's just you, me and Evie."

"That was nice of them." I say, standing up from the rocker. Ezra takes my hand, helping me up.

"The kids asked if they could so we called. Ella and Byron were happy to oblige, knowing we haven't had much alone time with just Evie."

"I better call Ella to check on Brennen. He has only been away from us for the night a couple of times." I reach for my cell phone laying on the nightstand beside the rocker. Ezra grabs my wrist, pulling me into him. Evie startles but doesn't wake up.

"Aria. He is fine. Your mom already called me. She said Brennen was almost asleep. Relax." Ezra whispers. He pushes a piece of hair off my forehead so he can kiss me. "Come on, let's go get in bed, cuddle with our baby girl, and watch Casablanca."

I nod my head and allow Ezra to pull me to our bedroom. I carefully lay Evie down in the middle of the comforter. After changing into a thin, lacy nightgown I crawl into bed beside Evie. Ezra joins us, laying behind me so he can spoon me. He clicks the play button the DVD remote and the opening credits of Casablanca being rolling. Ezra drapes his left arm across my body, clutching my hand in his. He peppers light kisses along the back of my neck, sending shivers up and down my spine. I snuggle closer against his stomach, the fingers on my free hand gently stroke the back of Evie's hand.

Cocooned in the warmth radiating from my husband and baby I am unable to deny the circumstances that I have faced over the past two years. Since finding out I was pregnant with Everly the purpose of my life has become more evident. And with Ezra, my parents, and the kids' encouragement I began pursing my lifelong dream of becoming a photographer.

I still struggle at moments to understand how I went from being a happy, healthy, young mother of twins to a desperate, drowning and confused mother of four and back to my former happy and healthy self by the time Everly arrived.

It's not easy to stay above the surface when life is trying to drown you, and although the saltwater stings, eventually it heals.

I am healed.

The End.

How did y'all like it? Please make sure to review! I am currently working on another Ezria story that includes a plot line that, known to me, has not been written yet! Take a look at a sneak peek of the summary below!

Fragmented Freedom Summary:

Sergeant First Class Ezra Fitz is a member of the U.S Army returning from war overseas. How will life react to his battered and bruised mind when he returns home to his family from war?

I am unsure when I will have this story published as I am still working on the first chapter. Keep a lookout soon for Fragmented Freedom!
