heyyyyyyyy guys! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated! I got carried away with writing my ROTG fic and drawing. Heh. Anyways, here is the next part!

Vaughn's POV

When Chelsea opened her door, I was blown away. I could tell she didn't have much makeup on compared to Julia, who always wore a mask of it. Chelsea wore a turquoise blue dress decorated with sequins. Her dancing eyes really stood out, and her hair trailed slightly behind her in the small breeze. She was simply beautiful.

We had just sat down at a table at the diner, and we started talking. "Have you noticed that Julia is more hyper and happy lately?" she asked.

"No not really. She's always like that."

"You sure?" she laughed. "I think it's because she likes Elliot, and of course, he likes her."

"I guess that couple is kinda obvious." I said. She tucked a stray hair behind her ear. Luke— the guy who ran AND worked this place—came up with a pad of paper; he looked really busy.

"Can I get you two any drinks?" he asked.

I'll just have a water," Chelsea said.

"I'll take a water too." I said.

"It'll be right out." Luke scurried away, probably busy with many other orders.

"Chels?" I asked.


"You know that there are ferry's making trips in the afternoon now?"

"Yeah; I thought that was kind of unusual. I noticed that when I was talking with Natalie today. They got an extra shipment of supplies."

"And let me guess. Taro wouldn't let you help." I guessed.

"Nope. How'd you know?" she asked, smiling.

"I saw him shoo you out of the house. It was kinda funny."

"So you were spying on me?!" she had a horrified look on her face.

"No—I mean yes—but...ugh."

"Oh goddess!" she laughed really hard. "You should've seen your face...!"

"Why do you always trick me into stuff like that?" I thought aloud.

"Because you're funny to watch when you get 'caught'." she smirked.

Luke then came up holding two water glasses. "Two waters right here. You ready to order now?"

I hadn't really thought about what I wanted to have, but I'll just get my usual. Porridge. "Porridge please." I said. Chelsea frowned.

"What's your soup of the day?" she asked.

"I believe it's carrot soup." I made a face that time. Carrots are and always will be my worst nightmare.

"I'll have that then, please." she said glancing at me, trying to hold back another laugh.

"It'll be out as soon as possible." he ran back to the kitchen then disappeared.

"Why in the world did you get carrot soup?" I asked, disgusted.

"Because carrots are my favorite vegetable. Why did you get porridge? You're always eating that!"

"Because it's good. Definitely flavorful." I joked.

"Ha. Ha," she laughed sarcastically. "It's gross. There is no flavor at all."
"Whatever." the night went along like this for a while. Chelsea and I talked about numerous things, I had a great time with her.

I was walking Chelsea home when she suddenly stopped. "Vaughn?"


"Are you coming back to the island this Wednesday and Thursday?" she asked.

"I'm pretty sure I am. Why?"

"Just curious." she was quiet for the rest of the way home.

"I'll see you Wednesday morning, you can count on me waiting at the beach for you," she smiled.

"Okay. See you then." I said. She unlocked her door and was about to walk in but then turned around and kissed me on the cheek. I was sure my face was flushed, because I could feel it. She waved a little, then closed her door.

I headed back to the shop, ready to get back on the ferry that was due to come in 30 minutes. All the way home I was replaying the entire night in my mind. Before I even knew it, I was back at the shop and Little Miss Chatterbox—aka Julia—was pestering me with question after question about our date.

"Get the details from Chelsea, Julia. Seriously." I grumbled.

"Fine Mr. Grumpy-Pants." she scowled and crossed her arms, stomping out of my room. I chuckled a little, it was fun to see her ticked off.
Chelsea's POV

I had so much fun, I'll have to tell Julia all about it tomorrow, she's probably begging Vaughn for details right now.

I swapped my dress for my cow pajamas and hung the dress up on a hanger. I got all ready for bed; then hopped into bed dreaming about the future.
"Chelsea!" I heard a voice call out. "Chelsea I have to talk to you!" I was surrounded by complete whiteness, until swirling green shimmers appeared. Then, a beautiful woman stood— or rather floated—before me.

"The Harvest Goddess?" I breathed. She nodded, her eyes full of worry.

"Chelsea, I only have a couple seconds before I must go, please listen." I nodded. "Something awful is going to happen on Wednesday afternoon, and there is nothing I can do to prevent it. I had to warn you."

I just stared at her. What was going to happen? The Harvest Goddess started to fade, but her last words confused me.

"Do not be afraid, even if something awful is going to happen, do not—" She then disappeared into thin air.
-End of Dream-
I jolted up in bed, now terrified of Wednesday. Vaughn was coming back that day, but what could possibly go wrong? There could be a humongous storm and the boat could sink...now that would be awful. But then why did the Harvest Goddess tell me not to be afraid? I glanced at my clock while yawning, it was 4:22 am. I flopped back down on my pillow, trying to concentrate on sleep, but too many things were swirling around in my head for me to fall asleep. Ugh. It's probably just pretend anyways...right? But then what if it's real? I groaned and turned onto my stomach. Why did this have to happen to me at four in the morning? I don't know.


3 hours later

Yes! I must've fallen asleep! It was only 7:33 in the morning, which means I overslept, but that was ok. I hopped out of bed and made myself breakfast; completely forgetting about the dream I had earlier.