A/N: This is my first public fanfic. I hope you guys like it. If you do I will make more. :D I hope you all love it. Also, in most (if not all) fanfics I write, I usually have more than one Point Of View. So just letting you know.


Ugh, if I don't hurry Tamaki-senpai is going to freak out and he'll never leave me alone Haruhi thought as she hurried through the halls of Ouran Academy to Music Room 3. "Crap. I'm late already. Most likely Kyoya-senpai is going to add to my debt… again." She muttered to herself. When she opened the doors to the music room it was surprisingly quiet. "Haruhi, it seems that you are late again. But I don't believe you've gotten the memo. Host Club is canceled today." Haruhi turned around and there stood Kyoya Ohtori, looking at her from behind his glasses. "O-oh, Kyoya-senpai, I didn't know. I'm sorry. I guess I'll just go home then."
He closed the door and stepped closer to her. What is he doing? She stepped black with a slight blush on her face. "K-Kyoya-senpai. W-what are you doing?" He chuckled at her nervousness, "It's been far too long Haruhi. But I just need to tell you." Kyoya then cupped her chin softly with his hand making her blush even more. "Kyoya-senpai… I..." Before she could finish he started to lean forward. "Ha~Ru~Hi" He said in a singsong voice. She blushed and her eyes fluttered closed as she leaned into him.

BEEP BEEP BEEP! Haruhi awoke to the start of her alarm clock. Oh, it was just another dream. She sighs and gets out of bed to get ready for school.
I just hope Hikaru and Kaoru leave me alone for once today. I doubt that'll happen though. She walked through the hall to her first class room lost in through when she accidentally bumped into another student knocking both their books to the floor. "Oops. I'm so sorry." She bends down to pick up the books but then hits the student in the jaw with her head. "Oh my god. I'm really really sorry" The student sighs, "It is really alright Haruhi, but watch where you are going next time. Or else I won't be so forgiving" Her eyes widen as she sees who the student is. This isn't good at all. "O-oh. I'm really sorry Kyoya-senpai. It won't happen again" She picks up her books and hurries off to class.
"Hikaru, Kaoru, please get off of me. I have to study now or else I'll be late to Club again." Haruhi tries to push the Hitachiin twins away from her. They are so annoying sometimes. She sighs in frustration. "Awwww come one Haruhi. Why are you so boring?" said Hikaru as he continued to smother her. "Come on Hikaru. We'll see Haruhi at Host Club. The boss and Kyoya-senpai'll get mad if she's late again." Kaoru pulled his brother away and smiled as the two left the library. I thought they'd never leave. Now it's time to study for the trig test next week. She opened a notebook a blinked. This isn't mine. Oh no, I must've picked up Kyoya-senpai's book by accident. She looked at the book nervously and full of curiosity. Well I guess it couldn't hurt to look. Kyoya-senpai won't notice. She opened the notebook to a more recent entry.
April 5th:

She was late again. But it was to be expected since the twins never leave her alone. I wonder what she is thinking today, she always seems so deep in thought.

April 7th:

Tamaki is really getting on my last nerve. He just will not leave my Haruhi alone. But... Sometimes she just looks so cute when she's frustrated. Her face flushes and her hair gets puffed up, she looks adorable.

April 9th:

I want to tell her how I feel today. But what if she likes Tamaki? Or even the twins? I don't think I would take that well, I am very possessive of my belongings. But there is a chance she may feel the same way as I do. So… I am going to tell her after Host Club today when everyone else leaves and she is left to clean up.

"You know it's not very nice to go through someone's personal belongings… Haruhi."

A/N: Ooooooooooooooooooooooooo Cliffhanger. What's going to happen next? Just wait til next chapter. R & R everyone!