Title: The Snake and the Eagle

Pairing: Future AdrianxBlaise

Fandom; Harry Potter

Disclaimer: I don't own HP franchise. If I did there would have been slash.

Summary: A bird may love a snake but where would they live? The only child of famous Veela model Gabriella Baianchessi, Blaise Zabini grows up mostly unloved, limited social interactions and distrustful of people and promises. Adrian Pucey grows up the pampered only child of neutral Slytherins Lord and Lady Pucey. Blaise's mother expects him to bond to the elder Greengrass heiress Daphne and become consort to the future Lady Greengrass. So her prospective grandchildren might be titled. Adrian's parents wish for him to bond to the beautiful Giselle Goyle. However, Blaise was born Veela therefore only one person can satisfy him and ground his magic. Will Blaise be able to open his heart and learn to trust or will he become an emotionless shell trapped in a loveless relationship?

Author Note: dedicated to Harmony Stanzer who plays Adrian on Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry forum where I play Blaise. This idea sort evolved during our plotting the relationship between them. However there it is platonic...


Having a mother ranked in at least a dozen Playwizard magazines was a complete embarrassment.

My name is Blaise Gabriel Zabini.

Mi madre's name is Gabriella Julia Baianchessi. Madre is a Veela, which makes her amoung the most beautiful women in the world. She attended Beauxbatons in her youth and was approached at graduation and was offered a place as a model. She met my father, Ander Blaise Zabini a photographer at her first shoot. They mated and I was born on December 17, 1979.

However their whirlwind romance didn't last. Father was a bit of a daredevil and died trying to capture a photo of a reclusive magical creature. Madre never told me the name, I guess perhaps a sniget?

Madre took it dreadfully. Unfortunately for her a Veela only has one mate that can complete them and ground their magic. Madre's magic is fuelled by sex and only a bond to a true mate can prevent one from losing control. Her need for sex to fuel her magic sometimes gets out of control to the point when sometimes she needs sex so badly that her numerous Bondmates after my father have died in delicato flagranto morto.

Would you believe that I just turned eleven yesterday?

To make matters worse, Madre did not arrive to wish me many happy returns of the day.

So here I am, waiting to welcome guests for my eleventh birthday party alone.

Who would be invited?

Daphne and Astoria, the Greengrass heiresses.

Adrian Pucey, who is a Second Year at Hogwarts.

Hogwarts is where I am to be attending in September.

Greg, the Goyle heir.

Pansy Parkinson, who tells everyone who will listen that she is the next Lady Malfoy. As if my purported best friend Draconis Lucius Malfoy would tie his blood and magic to a girl with a nose like a pug.

Vincent Crabbe.

Theodore Nott.

The Patil twins Pavarti and Padma, whose father is the Ambassador from India.

Millicent Bulstrode.

Amoung others I have grown up around.

It helps I'm sure to be the stepson to Greg's deceased uncle George Goyle who died without issue since mother refuses to bear a child that is not sired by my father. She once in a drunken state admitted that she'd cursed herself infertile and that all she gained from her numerous bonding would in time past to me.

I don't care about that! I want my madre! I want her here. She misses my birthday. She is rarely here to celebrate the Winter Solstice, nor the Spring Equinox or Beltane. She forgets me because she lives in the mental state of honeymoon from the time she entrances a new lover to when that unlucky bloke dies in her bed.

Enough! My guests are arriving. I force away the thoughts and force a smile to my face.

The first to emerge into the Receiving Room is Adrian.

Why does that boy have to be so gorgeous? His hair is the colour of chocolate and his eyes are violet. He's always been kind to me despite our difference in age.

The older boy bowed, "Blaise."

"Welcome to my home. Thank you for coming."

A soft smile graced Adrian's features, "It's a pleasure."


He's upset. Clearly, he's alone. I feel a flame of rage creep up in my heart. What sort of mother doesn't come home to celebrate the first major milestone in the life of their only son and heir?

The famously beautiful witch Gabrielle Baianchessi, that's who.

We're alone still, clearly I am the first to arrive. Shyly I take his small chocolate skinned hand and bring it to my lips.

"I mean it. It's a pleasure. I would not miss this day for the world."

Hs face flushed a deeper shade of chocolate; "I thank you for your flattering words."

"I would not speak them if they were not true."

The floor chimed, announcing the other arrivals.


The party pasted swiftly.

The others left so that they might not return late to supper.

Adrian outstayed them all even his best friend.

"It's alright. I'll be fine." Blaise told him, though the thought of spending the rest of his birthday alone threatened to crush his carefully erected façade.

"My parents are away. I have no reason to return quickly."

Those words cheered me immensely.



Adrian saw relief etched into those downcast features. He grinned, "How about a game of chess?

Blaise's eyes sparkled with joy, "You're on."

They played a few matches until they were summoned to supper.

They ate in the breakfast parlour since the formal dining rooms were too large for two boys.

Blaise started to doze off over dessert.

Adrian was not surprised considering the extravagant party the house elves had put on.

Adrian lifted him up and carried the boy to his bedroom, using a little magic to switch Blaise's dress robes for his Slytherin green brocade silk pyjamas.

Blaise curled up in the bed, his face contorted in sorrow. "Madre! Madre! Dove sei? Madre, quando torni a casa? Voglio vedere voi! Per favore? E 'il mio compleanno .."

Adrian had learned Italian when he was young so that he could speak to the half Italian, half Basque wizard when Gabrielle Baianchessi was Bonded to George Goyle, the younger brother of Lord Goyle.

The words were translated effortlessly…

'Mother! Mother! Where are you? Mother when are you coming home? I want to see you! Please? It's my birthday...'

Blaise was far more hurt by his mother's defection then he'd let on throughout the party. Blaise was crying in his sleep…

Adrian lightly stroked his hair and sang a song his personal elf Gigi used to sing when he was little. It was in French but it was calming. He altered the song to fit them.

Chut, ma caille, pas un mot
Adrian t'achètera un bel oiseau

Si cet oiseau retient son chant
Adrian t'achètera une bague de diamant

Si cette bague roule sous l'armoire
Adrian t'achètera un miroir

Si ce miroir casse en mille morceaux
Adrian t'achètera un petit agneau

Si cet agneau n'est pas sage
Adrian t'achètera un attelage

Si cet attelage tombe par malheur
Adrian t'achètera un chien nommé Rôdeur

Si ce chien nommé Rôdeur part en cachette
Adrian t'achètera un cheval et sa charrette

Si ce cheval et sa charrette s'écroulent par terre
Tu seras quand même le plus beau ma caille de la terre.

Soon the sadness was gone from Blaise's face.

Adrian kissed his soft hair, "Sleep well ma caille."

He paused to scribble a note.

'You fell asleep so I put you to bed. My apologies since I didn't say goodbye. If your mother doesn't take you to Diagon Alley, let me know. I'll arrange for you to go shopping with mother and myself.

Your devoted friend,


Many Happy returns'

Adrian used a sticking charm to afix it to Blaise's pillow before tiptoeing away to return to his own empty home.

What do you think? Outstanding? Exceeds Expectations? Acceptable? Poor? Dreadful? Troll?