
"That is my decision. We need not discuss it," Said the man at the desk. He was already looking at a book. His two children left the room, closing the door behind them.

"He doesn't want us around," one of the two girls muttered. " He doesn't care what we want."

"We know that," was the others answer. " He doesn't care about anything, except his books and scrolls."

The first girl hit the wall. "I don't want to become lady! I want to become a great sorceress, I want to slay demons and walk with the gods -"

"D'you think I want to be a Lady either?" Her sister asked " 'Walk slowly Alanna' she said primly. " 'Sit still Alanna, Shoulders back Alanna.' As if that's all we can do with ourselves!" She paced the floor. "There has to be another way."

The first girl watched her sister. Thomasina and Alanna or Trebond were twins, both with red hair and purple eyes. They dressed alike, they did most things alike they only way to tell them apart was their personalities.

"Face it," Thomasina told Alanna " Tomorrow we both leave for the convent. That's it"

" Why don't we get to have any fun?" Alanna complained. "We'll have to learn Sewing and Dancing instead of Tilting, fencing -"

"D'you think I like that stuff?" Thomasina yelled, " I hate girlie stuff. But I also hate falling down and whacking things! You're the one who likes it. Not me!"

Alanna grinned " You should stay at the convent. They always teach the girls magic."

"But not enough." Said Thomasina sulkily

The thought hit Alanna so suddenly that she gasped. "Thommy! That's it!"

From the look of her face, Thomasina knew that her sister had just come up with yet another crazy idea.

"What's it?" she asked suspiciously.

Alanna looked around and checked the hall for servants. " Tomorrow he gives us the letters for the first daughter at the convent. You can imitate his writing. So you can do new letters saying we're twin boys. We'll go to the palace and learn to be knights!"

" That's crazy!" Thommy argued, " What about our hair? We can't go swimming naked, either. And We'll turn in to girls - you know, with a chest and everything. And I don't want to be a knight!"

" We'll cut our hair," She replied " And - well, we'll handle the rest when it happens. Don't you want to help me become a knight? You always help your younger twin." She replied looking up lovingly at her older twin sister.

"What about Coram and Maude? They'll be travelling with us, and they can tell us apart, they know we aren't twin boys."

Alanna chewed her thumb, thinking this over. "We'll tell Coram we'll work magic on him if he says anything." She said at last " He hates magic - that ought to be enough. Maybe we can talk to Maude."

Thommy considered it, looking at her hands. "You think we could?" she whispered.

"Yes, now lets go find Maude."

*~ *

(We are going to skip to when they are getting read)

Lord Alan gave his children a letter for the first daughter at the convent.

Thomasina (is called Tamsin by everyone) was an expert at forging her father's handwriting. Both girls went into their room, and got into shirts and breeches and boots with a riding skirt on top. Then Maude cut their hair. As she was doing this she told the twins that they had a gift for healing, and that their gift was the strongest that she'd ever seen.

They left the castle to set off with Maude and Coram.

During the ride everyone was silent. Coram knew that the twins didn't want to go to the convent, he had taught them all he knew. Alanna was a very good fighter, but Tamzin needed a LOT of help.

They decided to have a rest as they came to the meeting of Trebond way and the Great road. They would be taking the Great Road north, to the city of the Gods. As they sat down under a tree to rest and say goodbye to Coram, he would be going to the Palace.

Alanna said matter-of-factually to Coram " We're going to come to the Palace with you, to train as knights."

" What!" he said outraged " No ye're not lass. Ye're father won't let you, I won't let ye. Ye girls!" It was then that the twins pulled down their hoods to reveal their cropped hair, they then proceeded to take their riding skirts off, to show their breeches.

" What are you doing?" he asked shocked.

" Please Coram, we've disguise ourselves, we can't go to the convent now with short hair, and Alanna and maybe even I will someday be a credit to you. Maude agrees with us." Said Tamzin

" That witch would trust you two sorcerers."

"Come on Coram! From now on we will be Alan and Thom of Trebond! Please?" asked Alanna

" No, look here lass. Ye're be caught when ye bathe, ye'll be turning into a woman -"

" We can hide all that when it comes - with your help" argued Tamzin.

"We're being nice. D'you want to see things that aren't there for the next ten years? We can work that you know. Remember when cook was going to tell Father who ate the cherry tarts? Or the time Godmother tried to get father to marry her? Alanna asked.

Coram turned pale. When those things happened they started to see terrible things and fled.

" ye wouldn't" He whispered.

" We would," they said

" We can shoot and fight and ride. I can't nearly as well as Alanna, but I'll learn magic there and you and her can help me." Tamzin said.

"Let's ride to the Palace, please?" Alanna asked.

Coram thought about it. After a while he said " Alright" he sighed. The twins hugged each other.

And off they went for the next part of their journey.

What do you think??????? Please review next chapter up soon.