Governor Denning was having a bad day. First the fishermen were on strike because of the shortage of fish to catch, (I mean, really. What do they expect me to do about that?!) then the local gangs were playing up more than usual due to an increase in the sales of Red Bull and his ex-wife had picked the children up 3 hours late wearing a neon yellow tracksuit that had burnt his retinas.

He walked briskly through the halls of Hawaii PD, exchanging nods with the staff on duty, towards the area of the building that belonged to the 5-0 team. Pushing open the double doors he walked towards Lt. Commander Steve McGarrett's office, only to be intercepted by Chin Ho Kelly. The normally reserved officer was looking shifty and on edge.

'Aloha Governor. I'm afraid Steve is not here at the moment.'

'That is fine. I will wait in his office.'

'No sir. You can't go in there!'

'Why not? I will wait for him in there.' The Governor turned on his heel and opened the door to Steve's office, which surprisingly had the blinds drawn.

'Oh. My. God.' He shut the door quickly and turned back to see Chin torn between amusement at the look on the Governor's face, and horror that the Governor had witnessed that and dread about what the Governor would do.

'I understand Kelly. Please inform me when the Commander is next free as it is urgent that I speak to him.' He looked back at the office and shivered. 'But not that urgent.'

Chin waited until he was out of view before turning to the office where hysterical laughter could be heard. 'Alright you two. He's gone. I'm going back to my office. Oh, and next time, make sure you aren't busy when the Governor turns up.'

Inside the office Steve smirked down at Danny from where he was straddling his lap. They were both shirtless and the Jersey's neck was covered in love bites from where Steve had previously been attacking his neck before the Governor had walked in on them.

'Well. That was interesting.' Mused Danny.

'Oh shut up.' murmured Steve against Danno's neck as he attacked it again. Danny sat there wide-eyed and panting as the SEAL drew back and admired his handiwork thoughtfully.