Hello my lovely readers! You miss me? Of course you have! I am SO sorry it's been over a year since I've updated anything, I've just had A LOT going on and MAJOR MAJOR writers block with my stories, but never fear! I am in the process of writing again and will try to update more often as soon as I can, seeing as how school and of course life in general will keep me busy. Thanks all of you from the bottom of my heart for your support for me and my stories, its greatly appreciated it.
This is my VERY first attempt at writing a Spider-Man fanfic. I loved 'The Amazing Spider-Man" and just thought Andrew Garfield's portrayal of Peter was amazing! So I hope you like this story. If I missed anything or you have any suggestions on what I could do for future chapters, feel free to inbox me. Happy reading!
Disclaimer: I do not own Spider-Man, it belongs to amazing genius that is Stan Lee. While Chelsea and the plot are all in my control. :P
Chapter 1
It was my never ending nightmare, one I couldn't wake up from, even if I tried I still couldn't. It all started on the day my mother was found dead in our home. I was in the front yard with Peter playing 'knights and princesses' him being the knight and me the princess. And out of nowhere his aunt May and uncle Ben take us from the front yard of their house and take us inside. As they took us inside, I saw police and ambulance's across the road, and then saw my mother's body being rolled out on a gurney.
"Mommy!" I remember shouting.
I was only six years old at the time. I didn't know anything, I didn't know that mommy was never coming back. And the worst part of it was the police arrested my dad, but didn't have enough evidence to convict him so they let him go. And that's when the drinking and abuse began.
11 Years Later:
It's been eleven years since my mom's death. Being 17 and without a mother was hard, and having a father that was a drunk and abusing you didn't make it any easier. But I survived the best way I could.
I woke up to my alarm clock blaring at 7 am. It was the first day of my last year at Midtown High. I got up like I always, did my normal routine to get ready. I stopped, glancing at a picture of my mother holding me when I was about three years old, I sighed, feeling my heart sink. "Wish me luck today mom. I know you'd be proud to see how far I've come" I softly said to myself. Once I was ready, I grabbed up my stuff and headed downstairs.
I got downstairs, grabbing only a blueberry muffin and a bottle of water for my breakfast. Before I walked out the door, I looked towards the living room, only to see my father drunk and laying passed out on the couch. Rolling my eyes I walked out the door, slamming it behind me as I left.
Walking down the sidewalk, I-Phone in my hand, music blasting it was peaceful. Being wrapped in my own thoughts, feeling the soft breeze through my long brunette color hair, just simply enjoying the sunny New York day, for once not worrying about a thing. It was a good feeling, no it was a great feeling.
Then out of nowhere out comes the familiar face that I never get tired of seeing. Riding on his skate board, smiling pride fully as he fulfilled his mission in scaring his best friend to death.
"Peter Parker! Must you always do that to me?" I ask, chuckling as I pulled out my ear buds and stuck them back into my bag.
"Of course, it's the highlight of my day, seeing you scare out of your wits." Peter teased.
Rolling my eyes, I shoved him playfully. "Yeah yeah, make it your number one goal in life to see me as the damsel in distress."
Peter smiled smugly. "The way I see it, I'm succeeding pretty well in that goal."
Walking down the sidewalk, soon arriving in front of the school, Peter continued his endless charade of teasing me endlessly.
"So, you trying out for the school play? I hear they're doing a production of the famous Broadway musical 'Hairspray'." Peter asked curiously, standing next to my locker as I was getting my stuff out for my first class, which sadly he wasn't in.
Shutting my locker, I look at him, a small smile playing on my lips.
"I might. It depends on if my best friend will stay for my audition and come see me first row, me being the lead and all."
Peter chuckled. He knew Chelsea loved singing and acting, it was all she ever dreamed about doing. And of course he was happily going to be supporting her no matter what.
"I'll be there, front row. And you can count on it."
Looking at him, I couldn't help but smile and blush a bit.
"You're truly the best Peter, the best friend a girl like me could ever ask for."
Peter smiled softly. "I try to be."
No matter what, I knew I could always count on Peter to be there for me. He had been there every step of the way. He was my best friend, but there always was a small part of me that felt something more for him since our first day of high school, but as always I denied it.
I didn't want him to know about what my father does to me on a daily basis. If something ever happened to Peter I would never survive it. He meant the world to me and I was making it my duty to protect him, whether he knew about it or not.
The bell for first period rang and after saying our goodbyes, Peter and I went our separate ways, with him staring after me as I went.
School was soon over, and I was making my way to the school's auditorium, after receiving a text from Peter that he was on his way. It was a quiet until one of the people I couldn't stand showed up to me, too close for comfort. Flash Thompson.
"What do you want Flash?" I asked him, rolling my eyes and obviously annoyed.
Flash chuckles darkly. "I think it's pretty obvious, don't you? If you weren't so busy hanging out with that Parker freak, you'd notice."
I stopped dead in my tracks, turning towards Flash, who was smirking.
"First of all, it's none of your damn business who I'm hanging around. And second of all, Peter is my best friend, and twice the man you'll ever be. Now if you'll excuse me I've got an audition to get to."
This made Flash angry. He grabbed my arm tightly, making me look at him eyeball to eyeball.
"You really should think twice before you think about saying something to me like that. Now you're really gonna pay."
My heart was pounding, my whole body went numb. All I could see was the images of m father hitting me and slapping me; through my head. This was it.
Just as Flash raised his fist to hit my face, a voice stopped him. It was Peter.
"Let her go Flash."
Turning around, I saw Peter and he was furious. His teeth were clenching, his hands were balled up into fists so tight his knuckles were white, and his eyes were full of rage. I never seen him like this and it scared the living hell out of me.
Flash laughed a taunting laugh. "Whatever you say Parker."
And out of nowhere, Flash let me go, making me fall face first on the ground. I could feel my face stinging with pain, I laid there lifeless, not moving. My eyes soon filled up with tears as I felt the side of my face. The only thing that came to my mind was what my father would say once he saw me like this.
"Are you okay?" Peter asked, helping me up.
I nodded, trying to hide the tears that he obviously saw. He looked at me and nodded too.
"I was just coming to tell you that I found out from the front office that the auditions were postponed till tomorrow."
In spite of what just occurred, all I could do was let out a soft chuckle.
"Well at least I don't have to go looking like this."
Peter just smiled and laughed softly. "Come on, I'll walk you home."
After walking back for what seemed like hours, I finally arrived home, still in a fit of giggles over Peter and his so called skateboard tricks. No matter what the situation was, good or bad, Peter never failed to keep me laughing and a smile on my face.
"You'll definitely have to teach me sometime." I chuckled again.
"How about Friday after school. Meet me at the skate park?" He asked, sounding hopeful.
I wanted to say yes, but the only thing holding me back was my dad. He would be beyond angry if he knew where I was and especially who I was with, seeing as how he hated the Parkers. But just by looking at Peter, I couldn't say no.
"I'll think about it." I said, a smile playing on my lips, as I began walking on my front porch.
"Okay then, I'll see ya later." He said, walking towards his house.
All I did was smile to myself, then it soon faded as I walked inside, only scared of what I would endure once I got inside.
So, what do you guys think? Should I continue? Please let me know by hitting that little magical button below REVIEW!