General POV:

Maka Albarn slowly got out of bed and walked out into the kitchen. Her light dirty blonde hair was all frizzled from the night previous. She had nightmares. Nightmares of her loosing her partner, Soul. She walked over to his room door, and opened it just enough to look into his room. He was there. His white hair was in it's usual messy style that soul had it in. He had a tiny bit of drool on his lip as he layed sleeping on his bed. He sharp teeth showing every time he opened his mouth to snore. Maka closed the door and leaned against it, letting out a sigh of relief. She knew it was just a dream, but seeing him made her feel better. She walked back into the kitchen and started to get out materials to make breakfast for herself and Soul. 'Thank god we have today off from school.' Maka thought to herself.

Maka's POV:

I was just finishing up breakfast. I decided to make something big to keep my mind off of the dream I had. I had made scrambled eggs, pancakes, beacon, and a fruit salad (for myself because Soul wouldn't like the fruit). I looked at the time. It was just about the time that I usually woke Soul up for breakfast, maybe a tiny bit earlier. I put the food on plates on the table; and called for Soul. "Soul! Breakfast is ready!" I yelled. I heard a moan from the other side of Soul's door. "Come on Soul, you don't want it to get cold; do you!?" I yelled again. After a few minutes I let out a huge sigh, and stomped into Soul's room. I slammed the door open, and I stopped, looking at Soul, he looked so handsome when he... Aurgh, what am I thinking!? He's just my partner, besides, he doesn't think of me like that! I paused at that thought for a few, than decided to go wake Soul up. "Soul, get up now, and eat some breakfast!" I said, poking his head. He moaned again, than rolled over, covering his head with his pillow. Than he muttered, "Go away tiny tits, can't you see I'm sleeping here?" Steam nearly came out of my nose, than I took a very thick dictionary. "MAKA CHOP!" I yelled, while promptly hitting Soul right on the head with the dictionary. "Ow, ow, ow, ow! Maka, so not cool!" Soul whined, as he landed on the ground next to his bed. "Whatever, breakfast is ready. Get in the kitchen before I throw it away." I threatened, stomping out of the room.

Soul's POV:

After about a minute or so of lying on the ground, I got up and decided to go eat breakfast before Maka threw it away. She would throw it away too, that was one of the things I admired about Maka, she always did what she said she would do. Of course, with some things, I wish she didn't. I lazily, and reluctantly got off the ground and walked into the kitchen. I sat down at the table. "Hey, Maka." I said, putting on my shark-toothed grin. "Hi, Soul." Maka said in a unsure voice, not even looking at me. I faltered a bit. "W-what's wrong Maka?" She shook her head. "Nothing." I knew by the way she said that, something was wrong. I decided to risk another Maka chop, and ask again what was wrong. "Maka, you can tell me anything... you know that right?" Maka just nodded slowly, still not showing me her face. After what seemed like a eternity of an awkward silence, Maka quickly finished her last pancake, and put her dishes in the sink before running into her room. I caught a quick glimpse of her face, only so see that she had tear streaks running down her face. Why was she crying? "Maka-" I started, holding out my hand, as if trying to pull her back to me. She slammed her room door, and I just sat there, stunned. Was it because I called her tiny-tits? No, that couldn't be it, I always call her that... I looked down at my plate, than back at Maka's closed door. My stomach growled. I sighed. My meister was defiantly more important than my stomach. I threw it in the refrigerator for later, than walked up to Maka's bedroom door and knocked. "Maka, can I come in?" No answer. I sighed. "Look, Maka, don't hit me, but I'm coming in." I put my hand on the door knob and turned it, opening the door slowly. I saw a very limp Maka sitting on her bed, he head in her hands. "Maka?" I said, my eyes filling with concern. She didn't say anything. I hastily walked over to her, and sat down net to her. "Maka, what's wrong?" Still no answer. "Maka?" I said, my hand on her back now. Still no answer. "Come on, Maka! What's wrong?!" I said, now shaking her just like the time when we first fought Professor Stein. She looked up at me, her face tear stained. She looked like she was in allot of pain. I felt a pain in my chest. I hated when she was in pain. For some reason, seeing her sad or upset hurt me as much as it hurt her. "Maka, it's okay. Tell me what's wrong." I said in a comforting tone, no longer shaking her. Instead I pulled her close into a hug. And I don't know why, but my heart starting beating fast, and I started to sweat. Why was it lately whenever I was alone and close to her that I got butterflies in my stomach? Did I... love her? No! So uncool! Why would Maka ever want to date a cool guy like me!? Besides, she was my partner... and that's it... right? Maka looked up to me, her apple green eyes watering. To my surprise she didn't Maka Chop me, instead she embraced me back, and started to cry on my shoulder. My face grew almost as red as my eyes. I patted her back while I hugged her. "Now, are you going to tell me what's wrong?" She looked back up at me. "I had a nightmare." I let out a sigh of relieve. At least something traumatic didn't happen. "What was the nightmare about?" I asked, still cradling her close. "You... and me..." She continued. I started sweating even more. What did she mean me and her? "We where fighting a witch, and I... you..." I let myself relax a little bit. I waited for her to finish. "I wasn't strong enough, and I-I was ready for the final strike... but then... just like the other time with Crona.. you.. you.." Maka was starting to break down into tears again. I held onto her tighter as if I was protecting her like I was her father. "You died because I was too weak Soul! I'm such a weakling, I can't do anything!" Maka started rambling and crying. "Shhhhhhhh. Maka, it's okay. I'm here, I'm okay. It was just a dream." Maka stopped crying, and looked at me. She gave me a weak smile, tears still streaming down her face. She threw her hands around my neck, and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, Soul." I starting sweating again. And a thought hit me. The reason I was feeling like this was because... I loved her. I loved my meister, Maka Albarn. I had loved her for a long time, if not sense the day we first met and paired up as weapon and meister. But, I knew she didn't feel the same. That peck on the cheek was nothing meant for affection, just for gratitude. Never the less, I was still going to treasure that moment. "Your welcome, Maka." I sad before we both pulled away from each others embrace. If only she knew how I felt about her.

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Okay, so this is my first Soul Eater fanfiction! And my first fanfiction on this sight! This was originally posted to my Wattpad account, but I'm posting it here as well. I'm still getting used to Soul and Maka's personalities, and thinking of a plot... but don't worry, I promise it will get interesting! Oh, and I might not update this in a while considering that hurricane Sandy is suppose to hit us head on tomorrow afternoon... Well, in till then enjoy this fanfiction, and my Valduggery ones if you like Valduggery that is... See Ya'll later! -LeaCarosella