We had to leave, and we all knew the chances of us coming back to Earth was very slim. However, it's the only way to not only save our home-planet, but to also save the Justice League from the threats... Our Mentors... Our family...
My name is Nightwing. AKA: Richard 'Dick' John Grayson, ex-protégé of Batman. I'm psychically thirteen years old, and yet I'm mentally twenty years old. I'm the leader of the group, and had been leading the team for the past five years... I am no longer the happy, carefree, Little Bird anymore... I am now the hidden shadow in our new team: The Outsiders...

I didn't want to leave. In fact, I wanted my uncle and the rest of the sixteen hours to leave Earth... But I'm just being selfish and know that I can't let Aunt Iris suffer if Uncle Barry never comes back... Even if it wasn't our choice to leave, I'm still willing to go out into space to protect my family and friends from the threats in space and the cause created by the Light...
My name is Speed. AKA: Wallace 'Wally' Rudolph West, ex-protégé of Flash. I'm psychically sixteen years old, and yet I'm mentally twenty-three years old... I am no longer the cheerful, happy-go-lucky, Speedster anymore... I am now the silent wind in our new team: The Outsiders...

At first, I thought Clark has been lying on accepting me into the family and is sending me into space to finally get rid of me, once and for all. However, I wasn't going out into space on my own, for I have my team, who are also my family, to come with me and clear the name of the Justice League... I hope that when we do return, if we do return, Clark will still accept me into the family and that we weren't replaced by new sidekicks...
My name is Kon-El. AKA: Conner Kent, ex-protégé of Superman. I'm psychically sixteen years old and, despite being eight years old by Earth standards, I'm mentally twenty-three years old... I still have temper problems, and yet I'm no longer rushing into things and had been controlling my anger much better than before... I'm still a clone, and yet I'm more like a full-Kryptonian like Superman in our new team: The Outsiders...

This was all going too fast for me and the team to handle: I find out that Red Arrow is a Cadmus clone, like Conner. Then, learned that he and my sister found him in Tibet. Next, I found out that my sister is married to that hot-head ginger, who's now my brother-in-law, and which makes Dinah and Ollie my parents-in-law... But this, the team and I leaving our home and family to clear the Justice League's name and protecting the world from invaders, it became too much for us to handle and that alone killed us all in the inside...
My name is Tigress. AKA: Artemis Lian Crock, ex-partner of Green Arrow. I'm psychically fifteen, and yet I'm mentally twenty-two years old... I'm no longer the distraught, archer anymore... I am now the quiet arrow in our new team: The Outsiders...

This is the moment we've been prepared for, and yet the moment we were not... We have the training and skills from each of our mentors, but we weren't ready to leave our homes, especially Earth, when we were still young... And to this very day, we are still young, but the same time we've changed... And we may never be the same again...
My name is Triton. AKA: Καλδuρ'αhμ. In translation, I am Kaldur'ahm, ex-protégé of Aquaman. I'm psychically sixteen years old, and yet I'm mentally twenty-three years old... I'm no longer the judgmental, Atlantean anymore... I'm also no longer the leader, for I have given the role to our true leader, and yet, who is also the 'youngest' and 'baby brother' of the team in our makeshift family after nearly three years of being leader... I am now the rushing ocean in our new team: The Outsiders...

It's almost like my uncle and the Justice League were sentencing me and my Earth-family to exile, but we all knew we weren't being exiled from our own Earth-home planet... At times, I wonder if Uncle J'onn was truly mad at me for revealing my secrets to the team, even when he told me himself that he wasn't and was glad to have told them the truth... I wonder if the Justice League were testing us to endure the wars and battles of space, or aren't expecting us to make it back home...
My name is Mistress Martian. AKA: M'gann M'orzz, ex-protégé of Martian Manhunter. I'm psychically fifteen years old, and yet I'm mentally twenty-two years old and chronologically fifty-three Earth-years old on my home planet: Mars... I'm no longer the shy, green martian on the battlefield anymore... I am now the calm mind in our new team: The Outsiders...

We are the Outsiders... No longer the Team, the Young Justice... We fight against evil, but we follow our own rules and what we've been taught during our adventure of space... We follow nobody else's rule, no longer the rules we know on Earth anymore, not even our Mentors' rules... We're no longer the sidekicks or partners of the Justice League. We are no longer protégés of Superman, Batman, Martian Manhunter, Flash, Green Arrow or Aquaman... We are no longer Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Superboy, Miss Martian or Artemis... We are the resurrected heroes of the forever dead sidekicks of Earth and will never let those to hurt us or to hurt others ever again...

Yeah, making up on what if the team went to space instead of the Justice League. I'm going to have it happen in five weeks after the Vandal Savage incident, instead of the five years jump and having them change. Also, next chapters will explain about their ages.