Aaron sat in the chair beside Emily's cradle, her little head resting on the burp towel on his shoulder. She was four months old, and had been home for 10 weeks. He rocked his little girl, holding her head, watching her little mouth laying slightly open, and her little eyes most way closed. Aaron smiled to himself, then winced. Four months since her disastrous birth.

They had spent the last two months of their pregnancy decorating a nursery, Spencer working from home, Aaron being as supportive as he could. He would give anything for Spencer. Aaron didn't think Spencer knew even the beginning of how much Aaron Hotchner loved him. He tried to tell Spencer, this was just really where Aaron did fall short, and Spencer forgave him. Aaron paused, he Aaron Hotchner was loved for who he was.

Spencer had been close to seven months. He and Aaron had taken what was really no longer a decision, and were preparing to move Spencer into the hospital for what were expected to be the last dangerous weeks of their pregnancy. Spencer was resting a hand against his belly, enjoying Emily's every movement. Aaron had spent at least half an hour earlier in the day listening to Emily's heartbeat, resting his head on Spencer's filled out stomach. Big brother Jack was off at Jessica's—at least some luck. He had kissed Spencer good bye before he left.

Then little Emily moved just the wrong way. All that stood between her and Spencer's organs was her amniotic sac—one wrong move and Spencer would bleed out. If he bled out he could die, and take little Emily with him. Spencer had doubled over in pain, clutching his hands over Emily. He whispered something, which if Aaron hadn't known was "save her", he wouldn't have been able to make out.

Spencer's face crumpled in pain. "Please?"

He needed an ambulance, now, not five minutes from now. Now. Spencer was bleeding. The ambulance was there in five minutes. Aaron could barely say what he needed to, "Save the baby, that's what he wants."

The paramedics hadn't responded, they kept on at what they were doing. "Save her!" yelled Aaron, "That's what he wanted, now save her!"

Their obstetrician wasn't at the hospital as they arrived and sent Spencer straight into surgery. Aaron still clinging to his hand as the nurse pulled him away. "Please." Aaron Hotchner wasn't a man who begged, but he was a man who prayed, and now he prayed.

Aaron knew, before the nurse said anything, before the nurse even came out. He knew that Emily was going to be alright. But Spencer had passed. Passed? Passed what? Crossed over what? Gone? That's what his Spencer was, gone.

Aaron rocked their daughter gently rubbing patterns on her back. He kissed little Emily on the head. "The last thing your Daddy Spencer said was "Save her."".

At least, that's what Aaron really hoped Spencer had said.

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Si fini. Thank you lovely readers for the faves and follows, and reviews, and most of all for reading—I appreciate everyone on of you. Specially thanks for reviews—feedback makes writing not just easier but more fun. M