Disclaimer: This is SLASH as in gay themed. Please do not read if you are offended by this type of paring. I would also like to state that I DO NOT own Harry Potter. I wish I did, but who doesn't?

A/N: This story does not yet have a beta. If you are interested send me a message. This is also my first fanfic. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I should also mention that I write as I go, so posting my be very erratic. More information on my writing is located on my profile if you want to take a look. I hope you enjoy the first chapter.

Neville Longbottom had never had the best of luck. Not at all. Only during his seventh year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry did things begin to change for young Neville. During the summer Neville had grown taller, gained muscle, and lost nearly all of his remaining baby fat. In the wake of a war our young Neville had grown up considerably; mind and body.

As the seventh year raged on Neville was faced with many challenges; especially with Snape being the new headmaster and death eaters running the school. Neville had survived though. He had co-led the DA and stood strong. During the final battle Neville had killed Nagini, the last horcrux, and Harry Potter was able to defeat the Dark Lord once and for all.

Hogwarts had nearly been destroyed during the last battle, but after the funerals of their loved ones the wizarding community had banded together to rebuild the beloved school. After nearly a year of construction Hogwarts was suitable to house students once again. Minerva McGonagall was named the new headmistress, and the letters had been sent out to all those who had wished to return.

Neville, along with the golden trio, a few other Gryffindors, four Ravenclaws, three Huffelpuffs, and two Slytherins, returned to finish their last year of schooling. Sadly, many others in their year had perished during the war, and nearly all the Slytherins that had survived either went to Azkaban along with their parents or didn't dare return.

The atmosphere at platform 9 ¾ was no longer clouded with looming threats or darkness. Parents and children crowed the station with trunks and pets galore. The only sad faces to be seen were that of the first year's parents. After the goodbyes were exchanged and the students had boarded the train The Hogwarts express left the station, for the first time since the second war had ended, on a happy note.

Neville shared a compartment with Hermione, Ron, Harry, Dean, Seamus, Ginny and Luna. Neville had smiled when he looked around his compartment. Harry and Ginny sat as close as they could to each other, as did Hermione and Ron. Dean Thomas and Luna Lovegood sat together beside of him and Seamus Finnegan. After the war everyone seemed to place a new value on love and second chances.

Ginny and Harry had picked up right where they left off. Not that anyone had expected any different of them. Ron and Hermione had finally come to their senses during the last battle, and refused to be separated under any circumstances now days. Dean and Luna had bonded during their time held captive at Malfoy Manor and during their stay at Shell Cottage. Now the two of them, much like Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione, refused to be apart much at all. Neville of course wished to have someone who cared about him like that to want him around constantly, but unfortunately the only thing Neville had even remotely close to that was his pet toad. Then again the thing was constantly escaping.

A couple hours into the train ride the group of them was involved in a hilarious game of exploding snap when they heard a commotion outside of their compartment. A round of curses and hexes were being thrown at someone. Had they not been particularly nasty hexes the group would have not paid the disturbance no attention at all.

Neville noticed Harry's annoyed expression as the raven headed outside to see what was wrong. Neville and the others waited silently for Harry to dispel the confrontation.

"I had hoped that the students would be a bit more peace oriented after the war," Hermione said dejectedly.

"It's probably younger students who didn't fight in the war. I'd bet their hexing Slytherins," Seamus said.

"I heard that there are two Slytherin students from our year returning," Dean said.

"Really? Must be a couple that fought for us," Seamus replied.

"Seamus," said Neville, "None of the Slytheirns in our year fought with us."

"Oh," said Seamus.

"I'm sure Harry will fill us in," Ginny said.

"He will not want them being hurt," Luna said. "Harry hates fighting now."

After the war Harry Potter had become a very relaxed person. He loved to laugh and enjoy the life he was given a second chance at having; he had often expressed this to them. Not much upset Harry Potter now days. Not much except for violence and prejudice.

Ginny was about to agree with Luna when Harry walked back into the compartment with a frown. He took his previous seat next to Ginny and sighed heavily.

"You guys heard the rumor that two of our Slytherin classmates were returning to finish out their schooling," Harry stated. "Well, that was their welcoming party."

"Who came back?" Hermione asked.

"Malfoy and Zabini," Harry said.

The compartment was silent. They all seemed to be in a slight state of shock at the news. It was Ron who ended up breaking the silence.

"Ferret? I wouldn't have thought that he would have come back after everything that happened," Ron said with a look of surprise.

Neville didn't need to ask Ron what he had been referring to. Everyone knew that Draco Malfoy had been responsible for letting the death eaters into the school during their sixth year. They also knew he had been the one to curse Katie Bell in his attempt to take down Albus Dumbledor. Most importantly though absolutely everyone knew that Draco Malfoy was a confirmed death eater with a dark mark to prove it.

During the final battle Draco and his parents had fled, but the ministry still saw fit to punish them. Had it not been for Harry's personal testimony in the trials of Draco and his mother, Narcissa, they would have both ended up in Azkaban alongside Lucius who had received a life sentence. Narcissa and Draco had been pardoned for their crimes and allowed to return to Malfoy Manor. However, it was rumored that they had both taken up residence in the south of France shortly after their release. Neville had a sneaking suspicion that it had to do with the fact that Voldemort had spent a fair amount of time in the Manor during the war.

"Despite what Malfoy has done in the past I don't think any of us should add to the grief he has coming his way this year. I'm not saying you should jump out and defend him. I just hope none of you lower yourself to such acts of violence or hatred. The war is over, and I think we should leave the past where it belongs," said Harry.

Neville nodded his head in agreement along with everyone else in the compartment.

"How did he act when you came to his defense?" Neville heard himself ask.

"Not himself. I had expected a snide remark or even a smirk, but he simply nodded in thanks before him and Zabini entered their compartment. I was surprised to say the least," Harry said as he sat back and pulled Ginny close to his side.

"You think he may have changed?" Hermione asked.

"I would think so. He didn't look like the Malfoy we all saw on trial. He still looks pretty ragged, but his hair is longer, and he doesn't slick it back anymore. He looks less like a death eater and bit more like a normal wizard. I suppose France had a good effect on him," Harry said.

"I think his father being in Azkaban is what has had a good effect on him," Seamus interjected.

"Lucius Malfoy in prison has had a good effect on everyone," Harry replied.

"You all know that Narcissa donated a million Galleons to the Hogwarts Construction fund?" Ron asked.

"She did?" Seamus asked.

Ron nodded. "Yeah, I heard Mum and Dad talking about it one night. She didn't want it published though. Dad said he thought she was trying to make up for the things Lucius had done."

"I think we should give them a chance," Luna said.

Everyone nodded in agreement before they returned to their game of exploding snap. The rest of their journey was particularly peaceful. When they reached the castle they still felt like they were returning to a second home, but the repairs severed as a reminder of the war.

Entire towers had been reconstructed, along with the quidditch pitch. You could see the difference in the stones of the castle. Where the older parts of the castle were dark and stained from the elements, the repairs stood out and screamed 'new'. The castle had not lost its magical presence, but it was defiantly different. Along with the material changes came others as well.

As happy as everyone was to be back at Hogwarts when they looked around the great hall they couldn't help but see the effects of the war. Each table had more empty seats than normal, but the Slytherin table was especially barren. At the entire table there was only a combined total of twenty-four Slytherins, and that was after the sorting.

Everyone noticed that at the very end of the table away from everyone else sat a very silent Draco Malfoy and a sullen looking Blaise Zabini. Neville found that he couldn't quite keep his gaze off the blond as McGonagall launched into the normal speech of rules and expectations. Neville felt his heart jump when the blond turned curious grey eyes on him.

They continued to look at each other until Dean sharply elbowed Neville in the side and nodded to McGonagall. Neville couldn't explain why he didn't want to break eye contact with the blonde, but he also couldn't ignore the funny feeling in his stomach when he did either.

"Our eighth year students will be housed together in a separate dormitory," McGonagall said. "I have given instructions to Ms. Granger and she will escort you there once the feast is over. I need not remind you that I expect you all to get along, and set an example for the younger students when it comes to house unity," Headmistress McGonagall said sternly. "Even though you will have your own you will still be permitted in your house common rooms. To retrieve the passwords ask your head of house. Also the curfew has been lifted for our eighth year students with the exception that you are not allowed outside the castle after the normal curfew. This will remain in effect as long as you all continue to demonstrate the maturity I know you can."

None of the repeating seventh years made any objection to the housing changes, but Neville noticed the fearful looks on both Zabini's and Malfoy's faces. Neville stopped watching the Slytherin table moments later in order to listen to the conversations around him.

"Promise you will spend as much time as you can in our common room,' Ginny said as she clung to his arm.

"I promise, you heard the Headmistress no curfew," Harry smiled.

"What about you and Luna, Dean?" Seamus asked.

"Well, she can come to our common room. Besides, you know Luna tends to keep to herself with the exception of us," Dean smiled. "Being in different houses we were prepared for the separation."

"Speaking of separation, I wonder how Malfoy and Zabini are taking the news of being separated from their dungeon," said Ron.

"Considering how far they are sitting from their house mates I don't think that they mind the separation. I think their freaked out that they will have to share with us," Neville said.

"I do see how that would make them uncomfortable," Hermione said. "I just can't help but wonder why they came back."

"Well, I heard a rumor that since both of Blaise's parents is in Azkaban he has been living with Malfoy," said Parviti Patil from beside Neville.

"Huh, well, I guess Narcissa demanded that they come back. She has always had Malfoy's best interest at heart. You know what she did for me in the forest because I let her know that he was alive," Harry said.

"Did you guys know that she divorced Lucius and took back the Black name?" Parviti asked. "It was in the Daily Profit last week."

"Good for her," Hermione said with a smile. "I bet it was horrible being married to that man."

Everyone seemed to agree including Neville. He silently wondered to himself how much of an effect Narcissa was having on her only son now that Lucius was out of the picture. He hoped Malfoy was different this year considering how he had treated Neville in the past. He distinctly remember that leg locker curse during their first year. Neville spent the rest of the meal watching the blonde Slytherin and remembering their past.

When the feast came to an end and McGonagall dismissed the students. The eighth year students gathered around Hermione at the Gryffindor table.

Neville laughed when he noticed Ron pouting beside Hermione. Hermione looked over when she realized Neville's amusement was due to Ron.

"Honestly, Ronald, don't seem so put out about me not mentioning it. The headmistress only informed me just before the sorting," Hermione replied.

"If you two love birds are finished I believe we would like to get to our rooms," Dean said before he let out a yawn.

"Right then, if you will all follow me I will escort you to our common room in Dumbledor Tower," Hermione said and began to lead the way.

Dumbledor Tower was built in memory of Albus Dumbledor right after the war. The tower had been the first thing built and had been a temporary refuge for several students who had lost their families in the war. It was located on the seventh floor between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw Towers.

"And I had hoped we wouldn't have to go up as many bloody stairs," Ron muttered to Neville when they reached the seventh floor.

"No such luck, mate," Neville had replied with a smile. "Just be glad the stair cases stayed in place for us tonight."

"Hadn't thought of that," Ron said.

When they reached their destination they were greeted with a Portrait of Professor Snape. Neville noticed a slight smile on Malfoy's lips and how he had relaxed a little.

"Granger," the former professor greeted with a tight voice.

"Good evening, Professor Snape," Hermione replied with a smile. "It is very nice to see you again."

"I wish I could say the same," the late professor said dryly. "Move so that I can take a look at who has returned." The professor began to look around. "Potter," the professor nodded curtly.

"Professor," Harry greeted with a nod.

"Longbottom, I see you survived. I must say I am very surprised," said Snape.

"Professor, you of all people know that I am no longer the same clumsy kid I once was," Neville replied confidently.

"Impertinent brat," mumbled Snape. "Draco," Snape smiled. "A pleasure to see that my godson survived. How is your mother?"

"Very well," Malfoy said with a smile.

"Lucius?" Snape asked with a frown.

"Azkaban," said Draco.

"Good," Snape replied, before turning his eyes back to Hermione. "Well, do not just stand there Ganger. Give me the bloody password. I have better things to do than converse with a Gryffindor," he sneered.

"Reliquia," Hermione said loud enough for everyone to hear.

Harry gave her a questioning look.

"Latin for survivors," Hermione explained.

The portrait swung open without another word and the students filed in to find a rather large common room that had been decorated in gold and silver accents. The circular room had various nooks for studying and other things. Neville smiled at the way the room seemed to include a little bit of each house. Bookshelves lined the north wall for the Ravenclaws, comfy couches and chairs were placed in front of two fire places for the Gryffindors, while plant life was abundant for the Huffelpuff's. For the Slytherins, the grand atmosphere of the room seemed to suffice.

Hermione pulled everyone from their amazement of their new common room by loudly clearing her throat.

"McGonagall gave me a list of room assignments she put together. There are six dormitories in total. The hall to your left, next to book shelves, leads to the three male dormitories, and the one to your right leads to the female dormitories. I was also told to inform you that just like in Gryffindor Tower, the girls stairs are spelled to turn into a slide if a boy tries to climb them."

The only thing Neville caught after that was the announcement that he was assigned to a room with, Ron, Harry, and Malfoy. Neville looked over to the blond who stood beside Blaise with a nearly white face. Neville caught the blonde's eyes and gave him a nod and an almost smile. Draco only stared at him with frightened eyes. Neville didn't know how to reassure Malfoy that he would be alright with them. Before he could think much more about it he noticed that everyone had begun to head to their rooms.

When all four boys entered the room they looked around in surprise. The normal four poster twin beds were adorned with gold comforters with sliver trim along with dark gold curtains. Just like in Gryffindor Tower there were windows beside each bed with places for personal belongings. Their trunks had been placed at the end of their beds, and Neville saw that his bed was on the opposite side of the room from Draco and next to Harry. Immediately Neville opened his trunk and grabbed his red stripped cotton pajamas. Out of the corner of his eye he saw that Draco stood stock still next to the door while he looked around at who his roommates would be for the rest of the year.

Neville, no longer ashamed of his body, began to strip down to his boxers. Out of the corner of his eye Neville saw Draco immediately turn around and head to his own trunk.

"I'm bloody knackered," Ron groaned as he climbed into bed.

"Don't forget to cast a silencing charm before you fall asleep. I don't feel like listening to your loud snoring," Neville said.

"I don't snore that loud," Ron grumbled.

"Do too," Ron and Harry said in unison and laughed.

When the laughter ceased Neville nudged Harry's shoulder and nodded to uncomfortable looking Malfoy who sat in green silk pajamas on the side of his bed.

"Malfoy," Harry said.

Malfoy looked over at Harry with curiosity.

"I know you don't feel comfortable rooming with three Gryffindors, but I just want you to know that we are not going to hold the past against you. Despite what you may think you're safe in here with us," Harry said.

"Yeah, as long as you don't annoy us we won't hurt you," Ron grumbled half asleep. "But if you make one crack about my family or Mione you're a dead man."

"We promise not to curse or hex you," Neville found himself assuring Draco.

Draco seemed to be a bit shocked by the declarations as he tucked himself into bed.

"Thank you," Draco said quietly as he burrowed himself under the covers.

There were mumbled grunts from both Harry and Ron, who were already half asleep.

"No problem," Neville said as he settled into his own bed.

A short while later, after both Harry and Ron had fallen completely asleep, Neville lay awake in his bed thinking about his day. That was when he heard Draco cast a silencing spell upon himself. Neville had grinned at the thought of the noble Malfoy snoring, and fell asleep shortly after. Little did he know that he wouldn't be sleeping for long.

Neville was dreaming about Fanged Geranium when a crash startled him awake. He sat up in bed and wiped the sleep from his eyes. Harry had also awoken at the noise, and was reaching for his glasses. With a yawn, Neville grabbed his wand from his bedside table.

"Lumos," Neville whispered.

Light from Neville's wand illuminated the room and him and Harry looked around. Ron was asleep in his bed still snoring heavily by the looks of him, but Malfoy was tossing and turning in the bed beside him.

Neville and Harry looked at each other.

"Should we wake him up?" Neville asked.

"You might get punched," Harry said seriously. "Looks like the dream he is having is pretty horrible. Wait, look at him," Harry said as he crawled to the foot of his bed to get a closer look at Malfoy. "Neville, I think he might be screaming."

Neville looked closer at Malfoy. Sure enough Neville could see Malfoy screaming in his sleep.

"I am going to wake him up," Neville said as he got out of bed and padded across the cold stone floor.

"Remind me to ask Hermione to come up here and transfigure a rug tomorrow," Neville told Harry.

Neville stood over Malfoy who looked like he was just whimpering for the moment. Neville removed the silencing charm, and Immediately Malfoy's whimpers filled the room.

"Malfoy, wake up," Neville said as he reached down and shook Malfoy's shoulder.

Malfoy began to thrash violently and Neville grabbed his arms and held the down. Setting down beside the distraught blond, Neville tried to shake Malfoy awake.

"Malfoy! Malfoy, it is only a dream! Wake up!" Neville nearly yelled. "Draco!"

At the use of his first name Malfoy's eyes opened. He stared at Neville with fear filled eyes before he let out a strangled sob. Neville quickly let go of Malfoy's arms and Draco shot up, wrapping his arms around Neville.

Neville was shocked by Malfoy's actions, but Malfoy's heavy sobs brought him out of it, and he hesitantly wrapped his arms around the smaller wizard. Neville was actually surprised at how skinny Malfoy actually was. He didn't know why, but it worried him.

"Mal—Draco? What can I do?" Neville asked.

Draco didn't answer he only cried harder. Neville turned his head toward Harry and a now wide-awake Ron.

"There is a calming draught in my trunk. Will one of you bring it to me?" Neville asked.

Harry brought Neville two vials. Neville looked up at Harry in confusion.

"The other is one of my dreamless sleep potions. It is only a few minutes past two; he will need to get some sleep."

Neville took the vials from Harry. He tried to pull back from Draco, but he refused to loosen his hold on Neville.

"Maybe you should go wake up Blaise," Neville suggested. "He might know how to calm him down."

Harry nodded and quickly padded out of the room.

"Try talking to him, Neville," Ron suggested. "Mum always talks us down from nightmares."

"Draco, you need to calm down," Neville said as he rubbed soft circles on Draco's back. "It was only a dream. You're safe," Neville soothed. "Draco, do you know where you are?"

"D-don't let him do it," Draco cried and clutched Neville tighter. "Please!"

"Draco, no one is going to hurt you. You are at Hogwarts, remember?" Neville asked with his brow drawn together in confusion as he looked over at Ron.

Ron shrugged just as confused. Draco showed no sign of calming down.

"Draco, what is about to happen to you?" Neville asked.

"I don't want it! Please don't let him do it! I don't want to be marked by him," Draco sobbed.

"Draco, Voldemort is dead. Harry killed him over a year ago. You're safe here in Hogwarts. Everything is alright, and your father is in Azkaban. He can't hurt you anymore," Neville soothed. "No one is going to hurt you."

Draco's crying seemed to soften at those words. Draco turned Neville loose and then curled against Neville's chest and cried softly. Seeing this as his opportunity he uncorked the calming draught with the hand that wasn't holding Draco to his chest.

"Draco, this is a calming draught. Will you drink it?" Neville asked.

Draco tentatively uncurled one of his hands from Neville's shirt and downed the draught in one gulp before immediately curling his hand back into Neville's shirt and let out another small sob.

"Shhh, it's going to be alright," Neville soothed. "You'll be fine in a minute or two."

Blaise and Harry came through the door at that moment. Blaise was wearing black boxers and a t-shirt which surprised Neville a bit. He had expected something like the silk pajamas Draco was wearing.

"I see you got him to take the calming draught," Harry said as he padded back to his bed.

"Does he do this often, Zabini?" Ron asked.

Blaise was still standing in the doorway looking in shock at Draco and Neville.

"H-how long have you been trying to calm him down?" Blaise asked.

"About ten minutes or so; Neville just got him to take the calming draught," Ron said.

"You got him to take it?" Blaise asked in shock.

"Yes, Zabini, he took it after some coaxing. Why do you seem so surprised?" Neville asked.

"Draco has been having episodes like this off and on since after the war," Blaise said. "Normally, takes Narcissa and me both an hour of trying to calm him down just to shove the draught down his throat. You got him to take it in minutes!"

At the shout Draco curled tighter into Neville and began to tremble.

"Zabini, keep your voice down," Neville chastised. "You are upsetting him again."

"What the bloody hell is wrong with him?" Ron asked Zabini in a quiet voice.

"Lucius forced him to take the dark mark before our sixth year. I was there when he was marked. I won't repeat what happened, because that is something Draco would have to tell you himself. Sometimes he has nightmares where he relives it," Blaise explained.

"I thought Draco wanted the dark mark," Harry said. "He boasted about it."

"He only did those things, and acted that way because Lucius threatened him. There were too many spies in Slytherin for Draco to be himself. Once he figured out I wasn't a follower of my parents beliefs he let go around me, and I got to see the real Draco," Blaise said as he looked at Draco, who looked much calmer in Neville's embrace.

"The 'real' Malfoy?" Ron asked.

"Yes, Weasley, Draco is a good guy. I know you don't believe me, but it is true. Without Lucius threatening him Draco could be free. I know you wouldn't think it after witnessing him tonight, but normally he is quite happy and funny when he wants to be. He takes after Narcissa," Blaise said with a smile.

"I'll believe it when I see it," Ron scoffed.

"You talk like he isn't here in the room with us," Neville said.

"Because he isn't. He never remembers much when he wakes up. That is why we were so worried when McGonagall sprung this housing assignment on us," Zabini explained. "When he is like this it's almost like he's not even here. He is just lost somewhere in his mind."

"What should we do for him?" Harry asked.

"For some unknown reason he obviously trusts Longbottom, so just coax him into taking the dreamless sleep, and then he will be back to normal in the morning. He probably won't remember much of anything, so just pretend like nothing happened."

"What makes you think he trusts me?" Neville asked.

Blaise quirked an eyebrow in Neville's direction.

"Were you not listening earlier? Draco never calms down this fast. Potter said he latched on to you like you were a life raft. Draco barley lets Narcissa near him during one of these fits let alone me. I don't know why, but he obviously felt as if you would protect him. I mean look at him Neville," Blaise said gesturing at Draco. "He is basically curled up in your lap like a puppy."

Neville look down at Draco's calm form. Without knowing what possessed him, Neville carted his fingers through Draco's chin length blond hair, and pulled him closer. Draco sniffled a bit before uncurling hind fingers from Neville's shirt and wound his arms around Neville's waist.

"I am going back to bed," Blaise said.

"Sorry for waking you," Neville said.

"You did the right thing, but it is obvious that you handled him much better than I could have," Blaise said before leaving.

"Do you have it under control from here, Nev?" Ron asked.

"Yeah, you guys go back to sleep," Neville whispered.

"Wake us if you need anything, yeah?" Harry mumbled.

"Yeah," Neville replied softly.

'Why don't I want to let him go?' Neville asked himself as he continued to cart his fingers through Draco's soft hair. He was confused as to why he just wanted to curl up next to the blonde and fall asleep. He wanted to make Draco feel safe and he didn't know why. He also didn't understand why he was so concerned about the light weight of the smaller wizard.

Sure Neville had grown taller and gained more muscle since the war, but he didn't remember Draco being so fragile. He found himself wondering if Draco pushing his food around his plate at dinner was a common occurrence. He made a mental note to check into that later, and decided it was time to coax Draco into taking the dreamless sleep potion.

"Draco," Neville whispered, "Draco, you need to take this potion so that we can get some sleep."

Neville uncorked to potion and placed it in front of Draco's lips. Slowly Draco unwrapped an arm from around Neville before taking the potion and drinking it down. Neville smiled and took the empty vial, discarding it to the bedside table.

Within a moment Draco was sound asleep against Neville's chest. Neville just smiled as he tucked Draco back into his bed, before returning to his own. Neville cast a cleaning charm on his shirt to banish Draco's tears and any snot he may have left behind before climbing back into his bed and promptly fell asleep.

A/N: Ah! So, what do you think about the first chapter? Should I continue or never attempt this again? If you think I should continue what would you like to see happen?