I do not own Harry Potter

Alternative Epilogue: 10 years later…

Harry was slowly roused from sleep by his very persistent wife, although it had to be one of the best ways to be woken up. He was even lucky enough to experience it everyday. "Morning," he said groggily, rolling onto his back, knowing exactly what she wanted.

"Good morning, sleepy head," Hermione whispered, before climbing on top of him, causing both of them to moan appreciatively.

They began to make love slowly, enjoying each other's touch. When Harry finally opened his eyes, his was overcome with love for his wife. He reached out and placed his hands on either side of her pregnant belly and she looked at him shyly. He knew she was self conscious of her size, being eight months pregnant, but he had never seen her look more beautiful. "I love you."

"And I love you," she replied, leaning down to kiss him but her belly got in the way and she frowned, which in turn caused Harry to chuckle.

"It's not funny!" she hissed.

"I'm sorry, Love, I'm not laughing at you," Harry replied shifting his upper half so he could meet her for a kiss.

She decided to nip his lips playfully, which made him chuckle again. She pushed him back down onto the bed in a huff and continued to frown at him.

"You're so cute when you're angry, Love."

She harrumphed in response but Harry noticed she didn't stop moving her hips.

"Some of us are still trying to sleep, you know," groaned Daphne from beside them.

"Sorry, Love, Hermione's extra feisty today," explained Harry.

"I am not!" whined Hermione.

Daphne opened her eyes and grinned knowingly before she snuggled up next to them. She gave a slow kiss first to Harry and then sat up to give one to Hermione. When she went to pull away, Hermione had other ideas and held her in place, wrapping both her hands in Daphne's hair.

"Merlin, that never gets old," moaned Harry as he watched his wives kiss.

They broke apart, giggling in response then Daphne began showering kisses all over Hermione's body. Her breasts were particularly sensitive and she writhed in pleasure as she held Daphne in place.

Daphne chuckled and said, "You weren't kidding love, she is feisty today."

"It's not my fault, its all these bloody hormones!"

"Its alright love, we love you," replied Harry adoringly.

Daphne smiled sympathetically at her before she leaned in and softly kissed her. As the kiss grew in intensity, Harry leaned up again and started scattering kisses along Daphne's back, whispering words of endearment to both of them over and over again. They continued this for sometime until the moment was broken by the cries of a child.

"Ugh. That would be my cue," groaned Daphne.

"Give him a minute, Daph, maybe he'll fall back to sleep," countered Harry, thoroughly enjoying having both his wives attention.

Daphne and Hermione both looked at Harry incredulously, and Daphne said, "Harry, you know the only thing that's going to happen is that he's going to wake his brother up."

And as if it was on cue, a second child started to cry, causing the first to wail.

Harry sighed and dropped back onto the bed fully and asked, "Do you want me to go, love?"

Daphne smiled at him, knowing full well he really didn't want to but was offering to be a good husband. "No, love, Hermione needs you more."

Hermione began to apologize but Daphne simply waved her off, as she put on her robe and left the bedroom, closing the door behind her. A minute later they heard her on the baby monitor, "Good morning boys!"

The effect was instantaneous; both boys quieted down and listed to their mother talk to them with rapture before they started babbling away in response.

Harry smiled and Hermione asked, "Do you think I'll be as good a Mum as Daph?"

"You already are, love," responded Harry sincerely.

Hermione beamed in response, he never ceased to amaze her.

"Are you excited that we're going to have a little girl in the house?"

Harry grinned and said, "Yeah. I can't wait to have a little princess to spoil."


"What? It's my right to spoil my only daughter!"

"Do you think the boys will be jealous?"

"I don't know. I mean maybe a little in the beginning but there's more than enough love to go around."

"True. Still, we should probably make sure we plan time for you to spend with them alone every week."

"That's a brilliant idea, love," replied Harry moving to kiss her again. They began making love again, keeping the pace slow for quite a while until Hermione started whimpering in pleasure.

"That's it love, come for me," implored Harry, causing Hermione to throw her head back and do just that. The sight and feel of his beautiful wife was enough to take Harry over the edge as well.

They spent the next few minutes catching their breath, with Hermione curled up against his side.

"Have you thought any more about names love?" asked Harry.

Hermione bit her lip, then said, "I have…"

Harry smiled and looked at her before he asked, "And?"

"You promise you won't be mad at me?"

He frowned and said, "Of course, love, why would I be mad?"

"Because I really want to name her similar to how my parents named me."

Seeing Harry's confused look she continued, "My name comes from a Shakespeare play, A Winter's Tale."

Harry nodded in response

"Well, I was thinking I wanted to do the same thing for our daughter. There are so many beautiful names in Shakespeare and it also signifies our muggle upbringing."

"So what's the problem love?"

"I didn't know if you wanted to name her Lily, after your mother."

"Hermione, love, that's very sweet of you but I want us both to have a say in our daughter's name."

"Well, if you're sure… we could have Lily be the middle name?"

"That sounds like a great idea," replied Harry leaning over to kiss her gently. Then he asked, "So are you going to tell me the names you're thinking of now?"

Hermione grinned and said, "Yes, sorry, I've narrowed it down to two names that I really love… The first is kind of obvious, Juliet."

Harry smiled and asked, "And the second?"

"Rosalind," replied Hermione beaming.

"Hmm. Rosalind…Rosalind Lily Potter. It has a certain ring to it."

"Or Juliet Lily Potter," added Hermione.

Harry spent the next few minutes testing the different names out, much to Hermione's amusement, "Juliet…Juliet…Juliet Lily…Juliet Potter…Juliet Lily Potter… Juliet…Hmm… Rosalind…Juliet… Rosalind… Juliet… Rosalind Lily… Rosalind Potter… Rosalind Lily Potter…. Juliet…Rosalind... Juliet... Rosalind…Hmm."

Hermione giggled and Harry smiled at her before he said, "I don't know, why don't we ask her?" And before she knew it Harry had moved down so that he was talking to her belly, "What do you think baby girl? Do you like Juliet or Rosalind?" He put his ear to Hermione's belly and felt a kick, causing him to laugh. "Ok, let's try that slower this time, do you like Juliet?" Again, he felt a kick and smiled before he asked, "Do you like Rosalind?" Both of them burst out laughing when they felt another kick. "Well, clearly she can't decide either," smirked Harry.

"Don't look at me! I can't decide either!" laughed Hermione

"What if we asked Daph to decide?" suggested Harry.

Hermione smiled and said, "I think that's a perfect idea, love."

"Shall we head downstairs now to ask her?"

Hermione nodded and they both got out of bed and pulled some clothes on before heading downstairs, smiling at the racket they heard the closer they got to the kitchen.

"My goodness boys what are you doing?" asked Hermione as they entered the kitchen.

Both boys squealed in excitement and started banging on the pots even harder than before.

Harry laughed and reached down to pick up the toddler tugging on his pant leg chanting, "Dada…Dada…Dada…Dada." He gave him a big kiss as he wrapped his arms around him and said, "Good morning Jaime."

Harry looked around and asked, "Where's my other little rascal?" He made a show of looking everywhere except where his other son was standing wrapped around Daphne's leg.

"I don't know Harry, I don't see him anywhere," said Hermione. She was sitting right next to the little boy on the floor and winked at him playfully. They were sitting in front of the counter where Daphne was putting breakfast together.

Daphne chuckled as Harry began calling loudly, "Sirius! Sirius! Where are you?"

"Here! Here!" yelled the toddler as loud as he could, still attached to Daphne's leg.

"Where? I can't see you, Sirius," Harry said loudly, looking all over the place again.

Finally, the little boy gave up and unsteadily started walking towards Harry. Harry stood in place, having seen his son start moving and waited for the tug on his pant leg.

"Oh! There you are!" exclaimed Harry, moving Jaime to one hip so he could reach down and scoop Sirius up with his other arm. He gave him a big kiss and said, "Hello handsome."

Sirius giggled and shoved his head in the space between Harry's neck and shoulder, blushing shyly.

"Were you boys helping Mummy make breakfast?" asked Hermione coming over to kiss them each on the cheek.

"Yesss," screamed Jaime, practically jumping into her arms.

They all laughed as Harry and Hermione settled the toddlers in their high chairs while Daphne brought the kids breakfast, oatmeal and cut up bananas, to the table.

Daphne affectionately ruffled each of their wild raven locks before sitting down with her cup of coffee, letting Harry and Hermione assist the boys with their breakfast.

Harry was pretending the spoon was a broom flying around before he would land it in Sirius open mouth. He was enjoying himself tremendously.

"So Daph, Harry and I were talking about a name for the baby and we can't decide between two," said Hermione after she handed Jaime a few pieces of cut up banana for him to try and feed himself.

"Really!" squealed Daphne excitedly.

"Yes," smiled Hermione, "We were hoping you could decide for us."

"Really?" asked Daphne surprised.

"Really." added Harry.

"Oh I'm so excited! Tell me tell me! What are the two names?"

Daphne was literally bouncing in her seat and Hermione couldn't help but laugh before she responded, "Rosalind… or… Juliet."

Daphne was clearly surprised by the name choices, obviously expecting Lily to be one of them but she didn't say anything about it. "Those are both beautiful names."

She then began doing exactly what Harry did earlier saying the names in all different variations before she started grouping them, "Jaime, Sirius and Rosalind…. Jaime, Sirius and Juliet… Sirius, Jaime and Rosalind… Sirius, Jaime and Juliet." She stopped frowning for second before she said tentatively, "I think I like Rosalind better."

"Why is that, Love?" asked Harry.

Daphne looked down shyly before she said, "It's silly really, but I think it sounds funny having two kids whose names both begin with J."

Harry smiled and moved to kiss her cheek, before looking to Hermione for confirmation. Hermione nodded and said, "It's not silly at all Daphne. I think you're right. Rosalind it is then!"

"Really?" asked Daphne beaming excitedly.

"Really." added Harry smiling before he said, "Here that boys, we picked a name for your little sister."

The boys looked up excitedly at him and he said, "Rosalind Lily Potter."

"Roz…" started Jaime but he scrunched up his eyes in confusion and wasn't able to say anymore.

Everyone laughed and gave him tons of attention so Sirius decided he wanted to get some attention too and said shyly, "Rozzz!"

"That's right boys!" replied Hermione, before she rubbed her belly and said blissfully, "Rosalind Lily."

"She'll be here before we know it," added Daphne gleefully.

Harry grinned as he reached over and placed his hand on top of Hermione's and said lovingly, "I can't wait."

Author's note: Thanks so much for reading my story! I hope you enjoyed the alternative ending