Disclaimer: Glee is owned by Fox and Ryan Murphy

I know I should be updating my other stories, but I'm in a funk right now and may have hit a wall. And this plot bunny didn't let me sleep last night. So I thought why not? Let's give this story a go.


'It wasn't supposed to happen this way'. Finn thought to himself as Sam and Puck (who really had soft spot for kids) tried to calm Kurt down by doing funny faces, which by the way wasn't working at all since Kurt….or mini Kurt? Still continued to cry, asking for his mommy and daddy.

"Where's mommy and daddy?" Kurt cried, tears spilling from his huge glasz colored eyes, which right now was a shocking blue in color. "I want my mommy and daddy!" he demanded again.

"It's okay baby boy. Mommy and daddy are at work right now, and they asked us to take care of you." Sam explained as he lifted little Kurt up.

"Work?" Kurt asked, stopping his crying, fixing his stare at Sam.

"Yup." The blond teen replied nodding his head. "Hey why don't we watch TV? Do you want to watch cartoons?" The child just nodded and as Sam started to take him down the stairs to the living room he turned to Puck and Finn and mouthed for them to do something.

"What the hell are we gonna do?" Finn asked panic as he paced on Kurt's bedroom floor. "If Burt finds out about this he is gonna kill me…he won't give me a chance to explain that this is your fault he will just kill me."

"Chill dude stop being so dramatic, Mr. H won't kill you." Puck said sitting on Kurt's bed.

Finn stopped his pacing and turned to his mohawked friend. "How would you know?"

"Well the packet said the effects would only last for 2 days, and aren't your parents going to be at your grandma's for 4 days?"

"That's true." Finn said.

"So….let's just wait it out." Puck said simply.

"Okay….so we'll just wait it out?" Finn asked as Puck nodded. "Okay we can do that…..but what if someone asks for Kurt like Rachel, Mercedes, anyone from the glee club-" Just then the doorbell rang. "Kurt was supposed to go out with Blaine."

Scene change

If you were going to ask Nick and Jeff whose fault it was, they would probably point their fingers at each other. But pointing fingers right now wouldn't help them in the situation that they were in. Because right now a six years old Sebastian was staring at them so they did what a shocked person would do when you found out that you turned someone you know into a kid, theystared back.

Sebastian started to glare at them and they still just stared back.

Sebastian started to pout and the two teens just stared back.

But when Sebastian's lower lip started to tremble and his eyes were becoming glassy because of tears that were about to fall Nick and Jeff knows they cannot just stare back.

With speed he didn't know he had Nick grabbed a towel and wrapped Sebastian in it before running out of the dorms to his car, Jeff following close behind.

At the safety of Nick's car, Jeff started to talk. "Dude we need to call someone."

Scene change

Blaine parked in front of the Hudmel residence and checked himself one last time in the mirror, making sure that his hair is properly gelled and his bowtie is not crooked at all. Smiling in satisfaction he grabbed the bouquet of roses resting on the passenger seat, as he got out of the car his cell phone started to ring looking at the screen he frowned when he saw Jeff's name. Jeff doesn't usually call him, thinking that it must be urgent he answered the call.

"Hey Jeff." He greeted as he started to walk up the driveway.

"Blaine you need to help us." Jeff replied urgently.

Blaine became worried at the seriousness in Jeff's voice. "What's wrong? Did something bad happen to any of the Warblers?"

There was silence on the other end. "Well I don't know if you can call it bad but…..it's Sebastian."

"Okay?" Blaine said confused, why the hell would they call him about Sebastian, they weren't even close.

"Well you see…..Nick and I kind of turned him…into a kid." Jeff explained.

Blaine stood outside of the front door for a few seconds trying to make sense of what Jeff said. Not getting sense out of it he thought the Warbler was just playing with him. "Is this a prank? Because I have a date with Kurt and should just hang up on you now." Blaine said as he rang the doorbell.

"Blaine this is serious and totally true." Jeff said.

"Jeff there is no way that you can convince me that you turned Sebastian and anyone for that matter into a…." The door was opened by Sam who was carrying a kid in his arms who looked a lot like Kurt. "….kid"


What did guys you think? Please tell me and thank you for reading.