Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry sorry. SORRYI lost my muse for this and then I had money issues come up and so I didn't have internet...

But, let me mention this again since I'm still getting messages about this: I know in all canonverses Damien and Jason are younger then Dick. I wanted them to be older for this one because...reasons. You'll find out in the next chapter or two.

Young Justice and Teen Titans:


March 30th

Hall of Revelations

After everyone had had dinner, they didn't really know what to do. At first they sat on opposite sides of the room, Young Justice on one half and Teen Titans on the other, only talking to the respective people from their timelines. But about two hours into it, Rob decided he'd pop over to the Teen Titans side and peer at Kid Flash.

"You don't change at all in three whole years..." He muttered, squishing in on the side where Jinx wasn't and tilting his head slightly "Hey, does she know?" He nods towards the pink haired girl.

Kid Flash doesn't even have to ask what about, he just shakes his head lightly. "No. None of the Titans other then my Robin and Speedy know. And I don't think Jayden's going to show everyone since...well, this is about Rob, not me."

"Wait a sec..." Wally says, walking across the room and squishing in beside Robin, almost knocking Jinx off the couch, who stopped her conversation with Starfire to turn and glare at them for a minute. "RoyBoy changed his name back to Speedy?"

Red Arrow just shakes his head "No way in hell." He muttered, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, a lot of crap happened and it changed us." Kid Flash looks like he's going to say something else, when Robin stands up and glares at him.

"If Jayden wants him to know, then he'll show the clips from it." Robin says, and is if he knew his name was being called, Jayden popped in with a smirk on his face.

"Hello everyone! After Brownies helped me recover from the batglare I decided to torture everyone equally, plus KF over there had a valid point! I started this as just something for my baby Robin to enjoy the torture, but now two more of you get to!" He cackled, not nearly as creepy as Rob's could get but it was still unsettling.

"For this idea to work we'll need some of you gone...I might bring you back, but for now—you're toast." Jayden snapped his fingers and Damien, Jason, and Batman all disappeared. Where Batman was sitting a guy with an outfit that looked vaguely familiar to Rob and Wally was. He looked around with a confused look.

"This isn't-"

"Pizza Hut." Everyone chimed, sighing. Seriously, what did Jayden have against that place that any time a hero went in they got zapped here?

When the guy caught sight of Wally and Rob, he froze. "Is that..."

"Yup!" Jayden grinned, hopping up and down and launching into an explanation. A few minutes after Speedy had been caught up, the blonde claps his hands. "Now, you all have had your fun but it's beddy bye time! We have a big, tear filled day tomorrow! Boy rooms are on your left," he points to a door that materialized "And girl rooms are on your right," Another door magically appeared "You'll watch some clips in the morning before breakfast, and then we'll discuss a full time schedule, cause hate to break it to you. You're going to be here for a while!" With another cackle, he disappears.

"I do it better." Rob breaks the silence, both him and his older counterpart heading to the boys bedrooms. Everyone else shrugged and headed off to the rooms as well, it's not like they had much choice-right?

In the morning, after changing into the clothes they all weirdly found on the ends of their beds, they all gathered in what they dubbed as the screening room, this time mixing themselves up on the couches. "You know, at least when he turned back into Speedy he didn't get the hat back..." Wally says thoughtfully.

"That hat was the dorkiest—least asterous thing I have ever seen."

Speedy and Red Arrow give them twin glares, just as the screen begins to play again.

A giant ship, a hundred times larger than the bioship, was hovering over a schoolyard. Two giant metal claws protruded from the sides and were grabbing children from the playground.

Everyone froze, even the Titans who didn't really have any idea what exactly was happening. It couldn't be good. Red Arrow scooted closer to his little brothers, eying their arms for some reason, which made Rob and Wally shift uncomfortably. "It happened in the past, okay?" Rob said quietly, smiling lightly at the archer.

"Yeah dude, it's over..."

The Bioship flew in and all the heroes (except Robin for some reason) ran out. "Help us! Help us please!" a teacher yelled.

"Don't worry ma'am," Artemis said, "We're here to help."

Connor ran towards one of the claws and punched it, but it barely made a dent.

"What are these things made out of?" he yelled. Two kids were trapped in the claw and he pried them apart to let them out. They ran off screaming.

"I think I remember this!" Beast Boy suddenly yelled, looking around "Wasn't this when all those kids got abducted by that one guy who tried to make-" Robin slapped his hand across Beast Boy's mouth again and glared at him.

"What did I say about spoilers?"

Zatanna was reciting spells as quickly as possible, trying to affect the ship somehow. It didn't work. Kaldur, Red Arrow, and Artemis were grabbing kids and leading them to safety while M'gann and Connor were prying open the claws that grabbed children.

Wally was running around grabbing kids and running them to safety when a claw snatched him, lifting the teen into the air.

Everyone stared at the screen in shock, not saying anything. Surely the team got him out? Red Arrow let out a low growl and Wally just sighed, tapping his arm. "I'm right here dude, not going anywhere."

Speedy was feeling the same way as Red Arrow, though he wasn't showing it. He, Robin, and Kid Flash hadn't called themselves family for quite sometime...but that didn't mean that the feelings just went away. Deep down he liked to believe that they were still his baby brothers...

"Hey!" he tried to escape, to no avail, "M'gann! Connor! Help!"

Wally was thrown into the ship, where so many more children were, and was trapped.

"Kid Flash!" M'gann flew up and looked into one of the many small holes on the side, probably for air for the hostages, searching for him.

"Miss M!" Wally ran to the hole and tried to break it, "I can't break free!"

"Hold on!" She was about to rip it open when a claw slammed into her, knocking her unconscious.

"M'gann!" Wally watched in horror as she plummeted towards the ground. About ten feet from the ground, Connor caught her.

"Guys! Help!" Wally called banging his fists on the wall. The others stared up at the ship in horror.

"Kid Flash! No!" Zatanna cried. The claws retracted back into the ship and the ship started slowly backing up.

"No!" Roy yelled reaching up towards the ship, though he knew it was futile. The ship turned all the way around and took off at almost warp speed.

No one made any comment on this, sitting there in absolute stony silence. The Robin's were both looking at the ground, the older one stony faced and the younger one looking uncomfortable and shifting around a lot. Wally had his hand on Roy's arm, trying to keep the archer from further tormenting the wall then Robin already had, while his older counterpart was clinging to Jinx in the same manor. Both Roy's just sat there, pure rage written on both of their faces.

"NO! No no no no no NO!" Artemis cried, tears in her eyes, "WALLY!"

It was too late though. The ship, and Wally, was gone. Artemis and Roy collapsed to their knees still staring at where the ship had been a moment ago.

"No." Artemis whispered.

Everyone remained in silence as the screen faded to black, before Jinx turned to her boyfriend "Why didn't you tell me?" She asked quietly. "We tell each other everything so...why?"

"It wasn't only my story to tell." Kid Flash said, waving his hand "It was Rob's as well and I didn't think my best friend would want me telling my girlfriend about that."

Robin sighs "No, it was just because Kid Flash didn't want you knowing about how I slapped him when he got hysterical." He breaks the tension, a mischievous smirk on his face that hasn't been there in a while.

"Dude, so not the point." Kid Flash says again, narrowing his eyes at Robin.

"Whatever, Wall-man."

"Guys, it's starting." M'gann breaks the silence, everyone a little shocked at how Robin and Kid Flash were acting. If you hadn't seen them you would've thought they were Wally and Rob.

Wally was walking down a row children, in weird grey clothes when the camera zooms on someone familiar "Dick! Omigod! You're ok!" Wally ran up to him and hugged the boy.

"Wally! What are you doing here? No, you can't be here!" Dick started panicking.

"Everyone has been looking for you for weeks! Why didn't you try to escape?"

"You think that I didn't try? Look at this place, Wally. It's inescapable."

Everyone looked at the Robin's then back at the one on screen. He was bruised horribly, and even had a black eye. He looked awful, and like he'd been fighting for a while.

"Dick…What happened to you? What goes on in this place?"

"As you know, I was patrolling alone in Gotham." He spoke quietly as to not draw attention. "Batman was at a Justice League meeting."

"He really regrets that, you know."

"It wasn't his fault. Anyways, I heard faint screaming and ran to see a giant ship hovering over an open concert. I tried saving the teens and kids there, but I was kidnapped and brought here." He stared at Wally, sounding desperate, "Wally, you don't know what goes on in this place! It's horrible! It's Hell!"

"What's so bad about it?" Starfire asks, looking confused. Almost all the Titans were about to chime in as well, when Rob just shakes his head.

"You'll see..."

"How? What do they do? Why are they kidnapping us?" Dick was about to answer when a man walked onto the stage in the front of the room. There was also a see-through chamber on the stage.

"It's that time of day again!" The man boomed. He was smirking widely.

"I don't like the look on his face..." Raven trailed off in her monotone, and everyone made noises of agreement.

"Man just looks really messed up."

"There is good news! The list is at an all time low! Congratulations everyone! Now for those of you that are new, let me tell you something. Here, at this high-esteemed center, we train you kids for a high opportunity! But! After a week of training, if you still aren't up to our standards, well," He chuckled, "we have to get rid of you."

"Get rid of us?" Wally asked, turning towards Dick, "What does he mean?" Dick didn't answer, his emotionless gaze fixed on the man.

Everyone was a little put-off at seeing the happy Robin, the upbeat one, looking so emotionless and down trodden. He looked kind of what older Robin did, which wasn't a good thing.

"And no. I don't mean sending you home. If I did, you all wouldn't even try, and we would have to send everyone home. What a waste of time. No, by getting rid of you, I mean executing you." The new kids gasped.

"How can you let him do that? Haven't you tried to stop him?" Dick didn't answer.

"Sorry..." Both Wally's muttered, the younger one scooting away from Roy as the archer wouldn't be happy with him after he saw what happened to Dick.

"Obviously he wasn't, Wally, I mean he just looked like he had the shit beat out of him." Artemis snapped, but her voice wasn't as hard as it normally was and her glare seemed more concerned then anything.

"Oh and for all you new kids out there, anyone who tries to be a hero," he chuckled again, "well, just watch."

A video came on the monitor behind the stage. On the screen, the man was calling out names.

"Alice Johnson." A blonde girl, about nine years old, walked down the walkway. Suddenly, there was a scream.

"NO!" Dick jumped forward and tried to attack the man, "I won't let you hurt these kids!"

Ten cyborgs rushed towards Dick and started beating him up with steel bats. Hit after hit, Dick endured it all without making a sound. When the finished, Dick got up and tried to attack the man again, but the cyborgs just started beating him again.

"No!" Almost everyone started screaming at the screen, several of the people yelling profanities. Now it was obvious why Jayden had kicked the batfamily out, if this is what he had planned to show them!

It took ten minutes to calm everyone down, before the remainder of the clip played.

Another clip came on.

"Kelli York." A fourteen-year-old girl with short, dark hair walked forward.

"NO! You can't!" Dick jumped forward again and tried to attack the man. Fifteen cyborgs rushed to him and started brutally beating him again. He tried to get up, but the cyborgs didn't give him a chance. They started beating him again.

"I admire you're ability to get up boy, but it won't be enough."

Clip after clip, they watched Dick get beaten up. It went on for five minutes before the last one came.

"Ryan Carter." The man looked over at Dick. Dick just stood there, a dead look on his face. The man smirked.

Again, sorry for the long wait. I got these amazing clips from Browniesarethebest in her amazing story "I need a Hero"