PLEASE READ ALL OF THIS! I know I need to work on my other projects…this was bugging me. It was like a plotbunny put a gun to my head and said "Write this and you can continue with the others" So…not my fault? Plus, today officially marks the year anniversary of when I wrote my first fanfiction, posted on deviant art—which is truly awful.

This stories credit goes to Fighter1357 for allowing me to do it at all, the idea and concept is Fighter's with a few changes, but the same concept. Seriously, you want something good go to their's. (After you read and review mine of course...)

I'll be using clips from other fanfictions, my own ideas, and clips from the TV series. Plus, any ideas you guys have, I'm up to it and will put it in.

Basic pairings and all that jazz…All though…I think I'm going to have Damion and Jason be older then Robin/Dick—only because when I first watched Batman I thought Dick was the youngest because of his height and it kind of got stuck in my brain, plus, who doesn't love a little!Robin?

Young Justice

12:30 PM

March 30th

Mount Justice.

It started as a normal day. Or, maybe it didn't. No one really remembers much of the beginning of the day when it has such an extraordinary ending.

Artemis and Wally were having an argument (Which more or less now ended up with one of the two grabbing the other and beginning a heated make-out session.) Kaldur was most likely swimming somewhere or doing something fishy (He hee, Fishy…), M'gann was cooking dinner…or something that was supposed to be dinner, Rocket was off doing something for school, and Robin was off training with Connor, Red Arrow, and Zantana.

"Wally! Artemis! Kaldur! M'gann! Speed—Red Arrow! WALLY, SPEEDY!" Robin's shrill and hysterical voice cut through the air, and everyone stopped what they were doing (Where was Kaldur anyway?) and ran to the hysterical bird.

"Rob, man, what's wrong?"

Robin ran up to Wally and looked at all of them, relieved but slightly worried. He then turns his gaze to the floor "Connor, Zantana…Kaldur…we were training and they just, disappeared. Totally not asterous. I was just making sure that you guys weren't…" He looks back at them and all of them were nowhere in sight. "…gone… Well guess that leaves—!" And he disappears with a flash of white light.

Teen Titans

12:45 PM

March 30th

Titan Tower.

Robin sighed as clutched his coffee in his hand and rubbed his eyes with the other. All the titans had a late night, and most of them were just waking up. "Hey…" A monotonous voice said to his right.

"Morning, want some coffee?"

"I've got tea…" Raven said with a small smile, and then she promptly disappeared.

"Wha—" That's all Robin got out before he disappeared in another flash of light.

Teen Titans and Young Justice


March 30th

Hall of Revelations.

When Robin landed he was in a giant hallway, following it the 16 year old surveyed every hook/cranny/shadow, even though he got nowhere near Batman anymore—this is stuff that isn't so easy to forget.

"Di—Err…Robin, what are you doing out here! You need to be in the room…" A male voice said, and before he could even say shit Robin was engulfed in the light again.

"Friend Robin!" Starfire screamed and wrapped him in a hug. He surveyed the room and his jaw dropped. It was the old team—from the past. And his team, with couches stretched out in front of the largest TV he had ever seen.

"Hello, guys!" A male voice declared before a blonde boy with green eyes dropped down and waved at them. "I can't believe this is happening! Anyway, I'm Connor Elric. But you can call me Jayden as not to get confused with Superboy, people say it fits me better then Connor anyway."

Here everyone but the birds nod and seem to agree, but the birds had taste and knew that Jayden was obviously a Connor…

"Anyway, first introductions then why you guys are here, I guess. I've never done something like this before…Anyway…We'll start with the Young Justice. Connor A.K.A Superboy." Starfire and the titans started and stared at Connor, knowing they'd seen him somewhere before.

Connor looked startled but grunted in response. "M'gann A.K.A Miss Martian." M'gann smiled warmly. "Zantana A.K.A…Zantana." Zantana rolled her eyes and waved. "Artemis…" Artemis looked on edge and it was obvious her arrows had been taken away "Wally A.K.A Kid Flash." Wally smirked and winked at the ladies.

Beastboy's jaw dropped "Is that—?"

"Kaldur A.K.A Aqualad." Jayden interrupted. Kaldur nodded and went back to looking around the room

"Speed—oops, sorry. Red Arrow A.K.A Roy Harper, Teen Titans know him as Speedy." Red Arrow seethed for a minute before crossing his arms and sighing.

"And, my personal favorite, Robin A.K.A ROBIN. No secret ID's gone for him yet because he's special." YJRobin cackled and stuck his tongue out. "Don't worry though; smart people will get who he is by the end of this clip." YJRobin pouted slightly.

All the titans gaped at YJRobin. He seemed a heck of a lot more laid back and happy then their Robin.

"And now the titans. Starfire." Starfire waved energetically.

"Hello new friends!"

"Beastboy—Garfield Logan, Raven—Rachel Roth." Both looked upset at being introduced at the same time.

"Cyborg." The guy BOOYAHed and waved.

"And, again my favorite—big fan—you're awesome, ROBIN!" Robin rolled his eyes and the YJ looked on in shock at what their youngest member would become. Was this spikey haired, slightly taller, broken looking teen really…Robin?

"But, these aren't our only friends; later more and more people will be joining us. I just figured I'd cover the basics first…Personally I'm surprised that Teen Titan's Robin hasn't attacked me yet, most of you tried." Here Jayden glared at them and turned back "Young Justice Robin will be known as Rob until his ID is revealed. Then…you'll see."

"And my arrows got stole…creep." Artemis mumbled.

"ANYWAYS! Off track, my fans are probably having a cow…I'm really not good at this…You're here at the Hall of Revelation to watch the past—present—and future of my favorite bird. And a few others will make appearances, but I thought it was time you guys got to know Robin. I'm leaving now, I'll be back!" Jayden gives a cackle that is nothing like Robin's—yet nearly as effective—and vanishes.

"Are you really me?" Rob asks, peering up at the slightly taller teen.


"Prove it."

Robin rolled his eyes "Jur ma tine, pasăre copil." (Translation: I swear I'm you, baby bird)

Rob just smiled and everyone jumped when something began playing on the screen. "We better get comfy, looks like we're stuck here until Jayden decides to let us leave…"

Everyone eyed each other awkwardly as they got into the proper positions (Teen titans on one side, Young Justice on the other), and they quickly averted their attention to the screen. Both Robins froze.

A young boy who didn't look more then 6, with short black hair and sparkling blue eyes that could put the sky to shame, came running through in a uniform—kind of like Robins. He smiled brightly up and ran into a blonde woman who looked exactly like him, minus the hair.

Rob's breathe hitched and Robin's eyes averted to the ground. "She's pretty." M'gann said cheerfully.

"On my planet she would be a Ghulbnork, which more or less means beautiful mother."

"You're planet; you're not from earth, Starfire?" M'gann asked, her eyes lighting up.

"No, I am from Tamaran."

"I'm from mars."

"Ladies, please let us watch this!" Wally screamed, making both aliens glare at him.

"Good morning Richard. She said cheerfully, her cheery lip gloss gleaming as she ruffled his hair. The boy—now dubbed Richard— just smiled back up at her.

"Buna dimineata Mami!" (Good Morning Mommy)

"I wonder what language he's speaking; I know the translations because of the subtitles but…"

"Russian…" Rob said softly.

"Oh, do you know him, dude?" Beastboy said, peering at the shorter teen. Rob just chuckled.

"You could say that." Both him and Robin state together.

Richard frowned and then seemed to concentrate "Ne pare rau, nu am vrut să! Vreau să spun—" (Sorry, I didn't mean to! I mean—)

M'gann cooed "He is adorable!" Zantana nodded and Rob blushed. Robin just scoffed and stared at the screen, his eyes never leaving the woman.

The woman chuckled at him and picked him up, craddleing him onto her shoulders "Speak English, Dickie. I know you can do it, you are, after all, a Grayson."

Richard got a triumphant look on his face as he concentrated again "Sorry...Mami, English is very...very...ha—hoo—hord? No! Hard! English is very... "hard!"

"Awwwwee!" All the girls, minus Raven and Artemis, cooed. Wally just smirked at Rob and Rob stuck his tongue out at him.

"Mary, Dick! Come, it's ready!" A man's voice rang out, the screen pans out so you can see they're at a circus.

"Grayson...Circus…Dick…why does this feel so familiar?" Artemis asked, and both Robin's paled. "Oh well, guess we'll find out. Wonder what this has to do with boy blunder…"

"I think Arty's havin' a blonde moment..." Rob whispered to Robin, who cracked a small smile.

"It was bound to happen one day..."

Richard flips off of his mother's shoulder's and runs towards a tent.

"How did he do that, he's six!" Beastboy says; his eyes wide.

"He's in the circus?" Cyborg tries and makes the changeling blush.

The blonde woman—mary— follows after him, with a smile playing at her lips.

Once in the tent, we see a large trapeze. Richard bites his lip nervously. "You'll be fine, honest." Mary says, patting him on the back reassuringly as she steps out of her robe—revealing a costume like Richards. A man with black hair steps out and smiles. The screen fades to black.

"It's black…"

"Thanks for stating that, captain obvious!" Robin snickered.


"Shut up you two, it's coming back on!" Raven snapped.

The scene comes back on with Dick standing at the top, the man—his dad?— swinging back and forth with his arms out stretched. Dick is shaking slightly and his eyes are closed in concentration.

"No way—dude! He's not gonna—!" Wally exclaims and everyone glares at him. "Oh, so it's okay when you guys talk, but not when I do?"

Artemis nods "That about sums it up, Baywatch."

Dick shakes his head and gets a slightly confident look on his face. Taking a deep breathe, he jumps—

Everyone held their breathe.

And lands directly into his father's hold, laughing.

"Mary, did you see—"

"Yes John, he's a natural! It's as if he belongs in the sky, our little Robin."

Rob and Robin shift slightly uncomfortable as everyone's glare is on them.

"You're from a circus?" Was the first thing out of Connor's mouth, his mind seemed to rewire and his face went pale "Hayley's circus. You knew people and we were at Hayley's circus."

Artemis was the next to snap out of her stupor. "You're Dick Grayson!You little troll! Still got that picture?"

Rob smirked and pulled out a phone "Screen saver."

Everyone else looked like they wanted to put say something as well, but they were interrupted by two bright flashes of light.

Robin stood up, his face pale. While Rob smiled and waved "Hi Dami, Hi Jay!"

My first chapter and I already have a cliffhanger...YES! :D Please review? I'll give you a virtual cookie, I promise! *Waves virtual box of virtual cookies*